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Episode 10 Discussion [rewatch]
21-03-2010, 02:39 PM
Post: #1
zzVideo Episode 10 Discussion [rewatch]
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21-03-2010, 03:34 PM
Post: #2
RE: Episode 10 Discussion [rewatch]
I've always loved the final scene with Zoe and Danny on the beach as they look out towards the sea - such a wonderfully sad moment.

Have often wondered how Tom didn't get found; there can't have been much distance between him and the police/search boats, and yet they don't find him.

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21-03-2010, 04:14 PM (This post was last modified: 21-03-2010 04:14 PM by Nitrus.)
Post: #3
RE: Episode 10 Discussion [rewatch]
I like that scene too, as for Tom not getting found, I think he had more of a head start than he appears to in the final edit, if that makes sense.

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21-03-2010, 05:50 PM
Post: #4
RE: Episode 10 Discussion [rewatch]
I don't really know what to think about this episode. If you take it at face value and don't think about it too much, it's a great piece of drama and visually probably one of the best episodes. But once I start to really think about it, it's just too far-fetched for me. I can't help think that they all walked into Joyce's trap way too easily, but especially Tom and Christine. These people are meant to be spies, for Pete's sake, yet they just took every piece of information at face value. See, Tom, this is why inter-agency relationships is a very bad idea.

Also, Tom had no right to drag Zoe and Danny into his little operation, and then expect them to keep on lying on his say-so.

And I have to say that the love scene at the beginning between Tom and Christine is on my list of worst ever love scenes. I don't know what the director was going for, but they just end up looking drugged rather than in love. I laugh every time I see it.

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21-03-2010, 06:35 PM
Post: #5
RE: Episode 10 Discussion [rewatch]
I think this storyline is quite possibly one of the best ever, I love how Zoe and Danny don't know what to believe and I also love the relationship between Tom and Christine.

I do think it is far fetched but it still works, when you think not only was Joyce a highly skilled CIA operative he has been planning revenge for so long, the plan was well executed so there was no reason for Tom and Christine to not be duped. And everyone else to fall for it.

I love the end few scenes mainly because of the fantastic scenery that fit in well, standing on the beach. Especially Danny and Zoe.

I do have a problem with Tom just swimming out to sea to escape
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and then miracoulouslyy showing up in London the next ep
I think that was just too far fetched lol
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21-03-2010, 06:41 PM
Post: #6
RE: Episode 10 Discussion [rewatch]
I know what you mean Silktie, I don't understand why Tom and Christine believed the message at the beginning. But I guess Tom was stressed at this point. Also if he had being working as part of the team rather than shutting them out (especially Harry) they may have looked at it more skeptically than Tom. Harry did prove the message was fake when he was interrogating Christine.

Loved T and C having to use cheap hotels,
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whereas Lucas and Sarah could afford the best hotels in London. They obviously had a pay rise since Tom's time !

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21-03-2010, 07:39 PM
Post: #7
RE: Episode 10 Discussion [rewatch]
I like this ep, specifically because Joyce's set up of Tom was so well planned and executed -- he took advantage of Tom's need to prove that his relationship with Christine was not compromising his objectivity and Tom's growing distrust of Harry. Every piece of the puzzle needing to work as planned was stretching credulity a little, but the concept was so brilliant that I couldn't help but admire it. I also loved that for the last ten minutes or so of the ep (once Joyce had identified himself), the audience knew more than the main characters -- we know the truth of the situation while the spooks are still in the dark. I think this is the first time this happens in the series.

There is a very "Greek tragedy" feel to this story -- the inevitable downfall of the hero (Tom) caused by the tragic flaw of hubris. He defies Harry, continues to see Christine, and she provides the first push to a line of dominos that will ultimately come tumbling down around him.

Tom's question to Zoe and Danny, "Are you for me or against me?," speaks volumes to how far gone he is. This is no longer about the op but his professional and personal crises coming to the forefront. He basically forces them to choose which side they're on; they initially choose Tom. When Harry confides to Ruth his worries about Tom, he also asks who's side she's on, "Will you stand by me on this, Ruth?" This is the first time H takes R into his confidence, and she chooses Harry (imo, this is where their relationship really begins). Once the team is split into sides, it becomes a foregone conclusion that there will have to be some kind of reckoning between Harry and Tom in order to resolve the situation.

There's some word play with "illusion" that I also liked a lot. Joyce says "Live the illusion, Tom" and Tom says "This is smoke and mirrors, Danny. Someone is spinning an illusion." Illusion vs reality -- in both cases, what's said is the truth but neither character is prepared to hear it.

I really loved the ending of this ep -- a series of flashbacks, Tom shooting Harry then walking into the sea, and Ruth crying for what's happened to both of them. You have no idea whether either of them lives or dies. A great cliffhanger.

From out of left field, I chuckled when Harry told Ruth to hack into the CIA database!

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21-03-2010, 09:16 PM (This post was last modified: 21-03-2010 09:17 PM by Tea Lady.)
Post: #8
RE: Episode 10 Discussion [rewatch]
(21-03-2010 05:50 PM)Silktie Wrote:  And I have to say that the love scene at the beginning between Tom and Christine is on my list of worst ever love scenes. I don't know what the director was going for, but they just end up looking drugged rather than in love. I laugh every time I see it.

Yes I agree Silktie, she was still wearing her underwear as well??

I have to say that I really liked this episode. I did the first time I saw it back in the day. Yes there are holes but it was a dramatic end to the series and really had you hooked for the next.

Harry clearly had totally lost all faith in Tom and was so ready to believe that he was guilty. I kept thinking ahead to
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5.5 here though and how differently Harry handled that situation when it was Ruth being "set up" though.
I loved the way he spoke to Danny and Zoe in the meeting room like he was their teacher or shrink "share your thoughts with us Danny." I also found it interesting that Zoe couldnt accept what Tom had done in front of Harry but the next scene she basically admitted to Danny that she did, "dont let that happen to us."

Whether Zoe and Danny liked it or not they helped bring Tom down. If they had turned him in to Harry before they went to the dead drop at Cannon Street then Joyce's plot would have failed. Tom may still had a lot of explaining to do but it would not have been as bad.

Tom had totally lost the plot and all idea of proper tradecraft. Was he doing this to protect Christine? He was more loyal to Christine than Harry in the end? When he followed Joyce to the dead drop, did Tom not think it odd that Joyce was not using counter-surveillance techniques? Joyce would have known he was being followed if he was a top CIA man. Why didnt Tom think this was odd.

I loved the Harry and Ruth Embankment scene. Harry has someone to confide in now. He admits "I'm having nightmares." Yes I know it was just a figure of speech but he is opening up to Ruth here and showing that he is struggling a little to cope with all this. Ruth acts as his rock from now on to the present day.

My only criticism is why Tom chose to shoot Harry. He couldnt have known that Harry wouldnt be killed. He could have easily have hit him with the rifle butt and got away.

Final thought, Harry had that nice black and purple striped tie on..yum...

Oooh, second final thought, I really liked the music being played at the end when Tom was on the phone to Zoe....dont suppose anyone knows what that was?
(21-03-2010 07:39 PM)lwhite53 Wrote:  and Ruth crying for what's happened to both of them.

For some reason I always thought Ruth was just crying for Harry but she's crying for both Tom and Harry isnt she.

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22-03-2010, 03:03 AM
Post: #9
RE: Episode 10 Discussion [rewatch]
(21-03-2010 09:16 PM)Tea Lady Wrote:  
(21-03-2010 07:39 PM)lwhite53 Wrote:  and Ruth crying for what's happened to both of them.

For some reason I always thought Ruth was just crying for Harry but she's crying for both Tom and Harry isnt she.

I think she's crying for both of them and for what's happened to the team, too. Tom's shenanigans have destroyed the team and what was once a well-oiled, professional machine is now a collection of mismatched pieces. He's trashed their loyalty and friendship in a business where that's all they really have. A very sad, melancholic ending.

"What is the truth?"
"Betrayal is a cancer. Let it eat your soul, not mine."
"Please tell me this isn't going where I think it's going."
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22-03-2010, 10:04 AM
Post: #10
RE: Episode 10 Discussion [rewatch]
lwhite53, I loved your analasys of the episode and agree with everything! You've said it so much better than I ever could Wink

Tom's story is so sad! It's tragic! I think this is the season finale that drains me the most emotionally, when watching it!

I seem to remember that they originally wanted to leave Tom's fate as this episode shows. 99% he's dead. It was only when the fans wanted to see more of Tom and Matthew agreed to come back for 2 eps that they worked it out how he could be alive. Anybody know more about this?
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