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Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
11-10-2011, 05:25 AM
Post: #571
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
(10-10-2011 04:03 PM)Gold Cormorant Wrote:  After last night's episode, I'm still hanging onto the Elena bandwagon.

(07-10-2011 12:09 PM)beatrice4ruth Wrote:  
Series 10 Spoiler: show
I do not mind the "Elena" arc, even if she might want to get revenge on Harry. In episode 3 Elena was fishing for information about Harry. First Elena told Ruth that Harry loved her and when Ruth did not react, she tried another tactic, the difficulty that Harry had with trust. To me this conversation proves that Elena is up to no good.

I absolutely agree! And then the
Series 10 Spoiler: show
assassination attempt - a trained markswoman who apparently is a deadly killer just happens to miss from an impossibly close distance and then doesn't try to finish the job? Really?

I'm starting to think that Ilya and Elena are in on it together (Elena will betray him, of course) and they're framing Coaver. All you have to do is borrow a car and he's set up. Just seems a little too convenient.

I still need to rewatch 10.4, but when Coaver "bumped" into Ruth coincidentally on the bridge, he mentioned an operation where he "betrayed" Harry. I'm not entirely convinced Ruth knew anything about the op. It doesn't strike me as something Harry would bring up in casual conversation about his past... Was she playing the good spy to collect more information about Coaver or was she really surprised? I really need to watch the whole thing again...

There seem to be a lot of storylines that need to be wrapped up and we only have two episodes left - I can't wait! Smile

I had the same impression about Ruth, too. She seemed surprised, but hid it well fro Coaver.
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11-10-2011, 06:25 PM
Post: #572
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
New here. Hello all. Smile

Just popped in to say that I'll be very surprised (and pleased) if Harry makes it to the end of episode 6 without being killed. I don't have any "hard evidence" (like a license number Wink ) to back up my speculation, but the overall tone of the series and the reverence with which all of the actors and reviewers take when discussing the final episode is taking me to a dark place.

On other fronts - I think Sasha's parentage is still in doubt and am interested to see how that turns out. More than likely, he's Harry's son or why have that nice scene on the stairs, but still, if Elena is a bad gal (double agent?) then telling Harry he's the father is an excellent way to manipulate him.
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11-10-2011, 06:51 PM
Post: #573
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Poor Ruth! She would have not only witnessed the killing of George, but perhaps that of Harry. It is a bit much for one person to bear. If Harry were killed, I would prefer that Ruth goes with him. I still have doubt about Harry being the father of Sasha. Evidently, Harry believes that Sasha is his son. We will soon find out the truth. If only somebody would test Sasha's DNA and match it with that of Harry's. I suppose it is too simplistic and not melodramatic enough for Spooks.
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11-10-2011, 09:56 PM
Post: #574
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
I have some thoughts re- Ian Wylie's blog for 10.5...

Series 10 Spoiler: show

The bit where he says: "While Ruth has property plans on the Suffolk coast". - could this lead to an explanation for the beach scene? I've been wondering the whole time why they would go to the beach when they spend most of their time in London. Not sure how they will incorporate it into the episode though.

Also, "As the episode nears its end, Harry prepares to leave his home. Stopping in the kitchen to do something rather mundane but oh, so telling" - What is this?! I can't work out what he might be doing! Any ideas?

And lastly "“This can’t be the end?” pleads Ruth" - Is this the bit in the trailer where she is crying?

Also on Cultbox's teasers...

Series 10 Spoiler: show

» 'Guilt is something I understand.' - Harry

» 'Please, don’t let it be him.' - Ruth?

» 'I’ll take the consequences if I’m wrong.' - Harry

» 'We both know it’s time.' - Ruth/Harry?

» 'Oh, I see. You still blame me for that, huh?' - This must be Coaver

» 'Kiss me. It’s the least you can do.' - I hope this is Harry and Ruth but I fear it may be Harry and Elena

The anticipation is killing me! I don't want it to end but I feel I need to know what happens so I can be satisfied and get on with my life!
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11-10-2011, 10:29 PM
Post: #575
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Yes, the anticipation is killing all of us. I wish that the Russian connection would be explained one way or the other. This is getting really tedious. I too want to get on with my life.
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11-10-2011, 11:40 PM
Post: #576
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
I wasn't bothered by the park scene. To me it was like a play on a stage, and fitting with the Greek Tragedy theme.

As for Ruth's meeting with Coaver, I thought she was playacting the whole time. Pretending to be taken by surprise, pretending that she was worried about Harry's paranoia, pretending to be caught out ("sh*t"), then pretending that Harry had told her what happened with Whatever Park. It was only at the end, after Coaver is walking away, that we see the pain in her face at hearing about Harry's failed attempt to extradite Elena and Sasha.

Forget who was asking, but yes, a file went from Coaver to Ruth in this scene.

Poor Ruth and Harry. They've each done themselves in. As A Cousin and others have pointed out, much like the good, honest assets of this season.

Thus let me live, unheard, unknown;
Thus unlamented let me dye;
Steal from the world, and not a stone
Tell where I lye.
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12-10-2011, 12:31 PM
Post: #577
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
I still can't see Elena being a traitor to Russia because her parents were killed when she was one. She did marry Ilya (I assume it wasn't just to get information) and I think she was married to him before her and Harry ? I am sure that she just told Sasha that story so Sasha doesn't believe it was because of her and Harry. Are we led to assume that Ilya and Elena had no more children? If this was because he couldn't, he would know that Harry is Sasha's father. Or Coaver etc etc or ...............?!

I wonder if Ilya is forcing Elena to do things using Sasha as leverage. There has been talk of comparisons with parents trying to save their children. Perhaps this is another. Will Elena do what is right or save her son. Will she or Harry die trying to save him?

Please let it be a good ending !
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12-10-2011, 01:02 PM
Post: #578
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Sorry, I am following you again and I am too lazy to rewrite my reply. Most fans will agree with you, but I am still very skeptical about the Elena/Sasha arc.

You think that Elena told that story of her parents to Sasha so that he would not believe she betrayed her country out of love for Harry. I find it extraordinary that she married a KGB intelligence officer after what happened to her parents. And why would Sasha believe her story? After all, he is a Russian intelligence officer. He knows the history of the KGB and he would ask his mother why she married Ilya if her parents were killed by the KGB.

Ilya might not know whether he is sterile or not. Usually, it is not something men looked into if they have already a child. Why would Elena want to save her son? to protect him from Ilya who has raised Sasha since his birth. If he knew about the parentage of Sasha from the start, why did he not put him into an orphanage? Why would he raise the son of his worst enemy? He gave him a secured and privileged life way above the miserable life of the rest of the population.

If Ilya has recently learnt about Sasha's parentage and might want to threaten Sasha, who told him that Harry might be the father? Surely not Elena, perhaps Jim Coaver and the impersonator. Why would Ilya want to harm Sasha? I can't imagine a father who raised a child as his own from birth would threaten the child. He would threaten to hurt or divorce the wife who cheated on him. If Ilya has just learnt about Sasha's parentage, why did he not tell him directly? So many questions. Luckily, we are getting the answers in the next 2 episodes.
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12-10-2011, 07:54 PM
Post: #579
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Does anyone know what sort of Spooks storyline has Ian Wylie been most enamoured of?

He is now almost orgasmic over the ending calling it "Spooks finest hour".
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12-10-2011, 08:44 PM
Post: #580
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
(12-10-2011 07:54 PM)nothingisasitseems Wrote:  Does anyone know what sort of Spooks storyline has Ian Wylie been most enamoured of?

He is now almost orgasmic over the ending calling it "Spooks finest hour".

Wow. Orgasmic. Interesting and powerful word to describe Ian Wylie's latest blog.
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