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Delurking in the USA - Printable Version

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Delurking in the USA - A Cousin - 23-04-2010 05:47 PM

I am delurking after a couple of months reading everything on these boards. I am relatively new to Spooks - or MI-5 as we call it across the pond. I have had the pleasure of watching it on our local Public Broadcasting Station deliciously slowly for about a year. I have made it through the middle of series 6.

I am enthralled with this program because the characters are brilliantly drawn and acted. I am not sure I could choose a particular favorite, but I do have soft spots for Ruth, Harry and Malcolm. That is not to say that I do not thoroughly enjoy The Roz and now Connie.
Spoiler: show
I miss Danny dearly and am in denial about Zaf.
I also love it because the writing is intricate and engaging - entertainment at its best. I do miss the dark humor of the earlier series though.

I promise to post only when I have something worthwhile to contribute and apologize in advance if I gush. Blush

A Cousin

"If that isn't illegal, it's very, VERY naughty!" My favorite Ruth line.

RE: Delurking in the USA - Beatriz - 23-04-2010 06:06 PM

Welcome to Spooks Forum, A Cousin!! Glad you have delurked, and looking forward to read your views Smile

Only one thing - I've edited your post to put spoiler tags, because it gives away some details about what happens in Seasons 3 and 4 and some people haven't watched them yet. You can read our spoiler policy here.

RE: Delurking in the USA - CONDOR - 23-04-2010 06:52 PM

:cool:Nice to see that you have stepped out from the shadows "A Cousin" it's not healthy lurking, you may be mistaken for CIA Suicida

RE: Delurking in the USA - A Cousin - 23-04-2010 07:07 PM

Sorry about that Beatriz. I'll get the hang of it soon I am sure! This is a hard show to share at the same time as others. You never know where they are in the process. If feel like I am so behind everyone else!

RE: Delurking in the USA - CONDOR - 23-04-2010 07:11 PM

you are ahead of me I'm only on 3:7

RE: Delurking in the USA - lwhite53 - 23-04-2010 07:46 PM

Hi A Cousin and welcome.

RE: Delurking in the USA - Aria - 23-04-2010 10:11 PM

Hello and welcome to the forum.

RE: Delurking in the USA - YourFutureMuse - 23-04-2010 10:47 PM

Welcome to the forum Big Grin

RE: Delurking in the USA - JHyde - 24-04-2010 03:22 AM

Love the username! Welcome to the forum - we like de-lurkers who think we're worth joining.

I reckon The Roz gets better. Stick with her.

I'm also still in denial about Zaf. He was one of my favourites and Jaffrey never really got good, individual storylines. I think we need to start a proper Zaf thread actually!

RE: Delurking in the USA - Skully - 24-04-2010 03:25 AM

Welcome to the forum Cousin, I'm still in denial about Zaf too!