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Foreign Actors On Spooks - A Cousin - 01-07-2010 08:12 PM

Wow! First time I have started a thread.

Ummm...OK, backstory: I was reading through the 8.8 thread and came across the puzzlements re: why Spooks doesn't hire American actors to play Americans - much less any other nationality for the most part. lwhite53 touched on an answer to the issue. As it was off topic JHyde suggested that any discussion pertaining to it be posted here in General Discussion. I am a bit rusty in the machinations of the world of the union actor but I try to keep up on it as best I can. I thought I would offer (wanted or not) some "business of the biz" insight on this subject. I did trawl around a bit to see if anyone had mentioned all this before, but found nothing. If anyone finds something wrong in what I am saying or has additional info, please feel free to contribute.

If you don't already know the main union for all actors in the UK is Equity UK and the main union for TV and Movie actors only in the US the Screen Actors Guild (SAG).

In May of 2002 SAG initiated what is called Global Rule One. Global Rule One states that all members of SAG working for a foreign producer have to work under a SAG contract and said producer has to be a signatory to a Global Rule One agreement. The inherent differences (Think: salary, benefits, residuals, work hours, etc.) between SAG and Equity UK contracts may not make it worthwhile to do this, esp. for bit parts. The cut backs at the BBC probably make this even more of a challenge.

If they do, part of any agreement between SAG and Equity UK is that there needs to be an actor for actor trade in an equal role. For instance, when Doug Hodge comes to perform on Broadway in A Little Night Music, there is an equal trade for an American actor in an equal role in the West End. Maybe not at the same time, but it does have to be contracted. Imagine the logistical nightmare for a bit player on that one!

Since the job of any Union is to protect jobs for their members, historically, all Unions have been a bit testy about giving jobs to actors from a different unions. Thus causing political problems for any Producer that would even like to hire an actor of the accurate cultural background.

There are ways around it. All of them risky. A producer can hire a "scab," an actor with dual citizenship/membership, or they can offer the role under a different union that is not covered by the Global Rule, e.g. and AFTRA contract rather than a SAG contract.

Of course, nationality does not an accent make. I am sure that there are plenty of English actors who do really good American accents: Brian Protheroe (Samuel Walker in S8) for one. I could name others: Hugh Laurie, Minnie Driver, Damien Lewis,.... It could also just be one big conspiracy. It has been suggested that it is all just pay-back for Dick Van Dyke's really bad cockney accent in Mary Poppins. Wink In that case, we deserve it!

RE: Foreign Actors On Spooks - Nitrus - 01-07-2010 08:20 PM

Basically any British actor out of Band of Brothers can pull a good American accent. Smile

I think it's better to try and hire British actors first tbh, at least then it helps our acting industry and stops a few of them crossing the pond.

RE: Foreign Actors On Spooks - Tea Lady - 01-07-2010 10:11 PM

(01-07-2010 08:12 PM)A Cousin Wrote:  I am sure that there are plenty of English actors who do really good American accents: Brian Protheroe (Samuel Walker in S8) for one.

Was Samuel Walker English then? I didn't know that.

I think most of the cast from Band of Brothers were English. You see them in WKD and Warburtons adverts now a days.

Interesting A Cousin, thanks.

RE: Foreign Actors On Spooks - Nia M - 01-07-2010 10:22 PM

The actor who played Bob Hogan was pretty convincing too. But yes, I've heard that many Americans who saw Hugh Laurie in House couldn't even tell he wasn't American.

Very interesting; thanks for this information A Cousin Smile

RE: Foreign Actors On Spooks - Beatriz - 01-07-2010 10:51 PM

I didn't know there was such a "mess" behind American actors featuring british shows and viceversa! I don't know whether this happens in other countries.

RE: Foreign Actors On Spooks - Silktie - 02-07-2010 05:40 AM

Interesting, thanks. Wonder how they got the American actress that played Christine Dale then?

RE: Foreign Actors On Spooks - JHyde - 02-07-2010 07:29 AM

Personally, I thought her American accent was just as bad as Genevieve O'Reilly's. And she was actually from the US!

From memory, I think I also took the opportunity to list some Australian actors who do more than adequate American accents. Rose Byrne, Rachel Griffiths, Simon Baker, Toni Collette, Ryan Kwanten......plus most of the really big actors from out here. Ironically, I think if there's anything you learn as an Australian actor and you're serious about getting work, you need to learn how to do accents, especially American accents. And you need to do them well.

Of course, if they work in the US, they need to join SAG. (There's actually a real Australian community out in LA - some bigger actors have open houses for smaller actors/writers/directors who come out to make their way, because it's just such a long way to go. Heath Ledger was especially well known for his open door policy.) The same way I think they need to join the union in the UK to get their equity card. I don't think we have a similar set up for American or British actors who come out here and do local films (and they've been quite a few examples of that recently). I'll ask my friends in the biz what the rule is, but I'm pretty sure it's a free for all. Living on a barren rock in the arse end of nowhere (as Malcolm Tucker so eloquently put it), I suppose we're excited about anyone with a name coming out to join the local scene.

Congrats on your first thread A Cousin!

RE: Foreign Actors On Spooks - A Cousin - 02-07-2010 12:45 PM

(02-07-2010 05:40 AM)Silktie Wrote:  Wonder how they got the American actress that played Christine Dale then?

I've been thinking about that one Silktie. I am only guessing but in looking at Megan Dodds' resume I noticed that she had done a lot of work in the UK prior to her stint on Spooks. Maybe, like Gillian Anderson, she has previous personal connections to the UK? It is possible she had been working in the UK enough and/or long enough to already have her Equity UK membership. If not, I believe that she would have already been contracted and started filming on her first season prior to the Global Rule One going into effect so maybe she was "grandfathered" in. As in any business, if you have the right friends in the right places, "exceptions" can be made.

(02-07-2010 07:29 AM)JHyde Wrote:  Personally, I thought her American accent was just as bad as Genevieve O'Reilly's. And she was actually from the US!

For me, the script for Christine Dale was where it went wrong. It is littered with "Americans-isms" that didn't ring true to me. Her accent was better. Sarah Caufield's script is better written but her accent is off. Except for that "Honey" thing. I think the reason it bothers me more is that Sarah is such a huge and pivotal role. I will give you that once I got past the accent the acting is really good.

I would be very curious to know what reciprocal agreements exist between Australia and the UK. I have access to the members areas of the US unions, but not the UK or anywhere else.

I have always wondered how good accents from other countries are: Russia, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, India, etc.

(01-07-2010 08:20 PM)Nitrus Wrote:  I think it's better to try and hire British actors first tbh, at least then it helps our acting industry and stops a few of them crossing the pond.

As a card carrying union member, ab-so-lutely! The sad truth is that the actors are following the money and the fame by coming to the US. Not that that is really a bad thing, it is a "next step" in a career, but it makes me respect those that choose to not do so that much more. (Peter Firth)

RE: Foreign Actors On Spooks - JHyde - 02-07-2010 12:51 PM

As to the question of Megan Dodds and others who just seem to appear in another country, sometimes it's just a matter of agents, surely. Sometimes one in favour with any particular production company, or even one who specialises in cross Atlantic relations. Plus, some actors/directors get agents in multiple countries, one of whom is Peter Firth.

RE: Foreign Actors On Spooks - lwhite53 - 02-07-2010 01:11 PM

As I remember, Megan Dodds was already in the UK when she was cast in spooks. As A Cousin has noted, Dodds has done a lot of UK work and is probably a member of Equity UK. I know a half-dozen theatre types (actors and designers) who went to the UK early in their careers and stayed for years before coming back to to work in the US. Less bs, more dues-paying, entry level type work in the UK, from what I understand.

A Cousin, from what I remember the reciprocal actor swap between the US and UK is only for certain level acting jobs, not the bit part stuff??