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"You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2) - Printable Version

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RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2) - almh - 25-05-2010 08:45 AM

Awww, lol! Hehe.

...when your friend is testing you on computing (don't ask me why, I have no idea, she was the one with the exam, I don't do it,) and your response to the question "What is a dry run?" is to remember episode 3 in series 7, and say "A run without explosives."

RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2) - Tea Lady - 25-05-2010 09:27 AM

....you look at the start dates for the last three series, 16/10, 27/10, 4/11, and work out from those, that roughly the new series will therefore start on the 25 October 2010, and that means, today, being the 25 May, means we are half way through our hiatus. Cool

RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2) - i luv lucas - 25-05-2010 09:46 AM

Ooooh, Tealady, I am liking that train of thought!!

RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2) - Beatriz - 26-05-2010 10:36 PM

I think now starts the hardest part... Confused

... when you're English textbook explains what 'sleeper' means, but you already know that Big Grin

RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2) - Jhokur - 27-05-2010 06:54 AM

...when listening to BBC World News today, the term "clean skin" came up and immediately thought JJ needs to run!

RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2) - LucasNorthFan - 28-05-2010 03:19 PM

(don't know if this one counts) ...when you're at your clinical rotation and the husband of a patient suddenly smiles and reminds you of Home Secretary 2 and you have to put a hand on your mouth to hid a grin.

(26-05-2010 10:36 PM)Beatriz Wrote:  I think now starts the hardest part... Confused
... when you're English textbook explains what 'sleeper' means, but you already know that Big Grin
I don't know what a 'sleeper' is (a person that sleeps? Huh ) but the word 'runner' came to mind and I know what *that* is Cool (S7.8).

LNF Smile

RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2) - Beatriz - 28-05-2010 04:26 PM

In episode 3.02, that chemist engineer, Fred Roberts was a sleeper. A 'sleeper' is a spy who only becomes active a long time after they are put in place by their organisation or country (according to my text book).

RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2) - picard1109 - 28-05-2010 06:07 PM

Bea: textbook is absolutely right. Sounds like a really good textbook!

So, is there a Spanish equivalent? One doesn't hear much about the Spanish secret service...

In fact, I found Spain to be a Spooks-free zone when I was there last month. I visited quite a few stores that sold DVDs, looking for some movies for a friend and I didn't see a single Spooks series. Has it ever been shown on Spanish TV?

Which reminds me... You know you're a fan of Spooks when you look for Spooks series while on holiday in a foreign country, just to see what the degree of "Spookdom" is!

RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2) - Beatriz - 28-05-2010 07:14 PM

hahaha sleeper in Spanish would be "durmiente", it's based on the same term sleep - "dormir".

It has never been on TV and there's no possibility to buy it, I bought it through Amazon.uk (link on this forum Smile). Somebody recommended it to me because I was watching Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes.

There isn't a Spanish equivalent I think... I don't watch much tv nowadays, I hate to say that but Spanish shows and tv in general is pretty rubbish. Cinema is good tho Tongue

RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2) - YourFutureMuse - 31-05-2010 11:14 AM

... when you are skype calling a friend in Australia who moved out 6 years ago, and conversation starts to waver a little, all of a sudden you find yourself talking about Spooks and when you visit another friend in hospital and somehow find the topic of conversation turning to Spooks - I don't even know how that happened haha. My god I need to find some other topics of conversation! Pahaha