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[spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back - Printable Version

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RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back - yorkshiretyke - 16-05-2010 01:47 PM

No....remains of the Day is so depressing...you know they will never get together!

Re the bus scene if you watch the DVD commentry Nicola Walker says how she did the hand touch totally impromptu...

RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back - JHyde - 16-05-2010 01:51 PM

Sorry, I meant Remains of the Day.

yorkshiretyke, it could well be the closest they get though. There's been a lot of debate in this thread and the old one about whether or not they will get a happy ending. Or even whether they should.

RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back - Aria - 16-05-2010 02:11 PM

I see a lot of H/R in some of the classics I have read. Books like Remains of the Day and to some extent Jane Austen's Persuasion remind me of the Harry/Ruth relationship.

(16-05-2010 01:51 PM)JHyde Wrote:  There's been a lot of debate in this thread and the old one about whether or not they will get a happy ending. Or even whether they should.

They definitely deserve a happy ending for what they have gone through.

RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back - Tea Lady - 16-05-2010 02:52 PM

I think it may have been me that mentioned Remains of the Day on the films thread. It is a very sad film but also one that shows it is so easy to fall into a life you don't really want to be leading, that goes for Kenton/Stevens and H/R.

The bus scene in 4.9 is one of my favourites. Not just for the hand touching but I love the look Harry gives Ruth after he pulls his hand away. He is almost burning a hole in the back of her head when looking at her. They both start off talking with confidence and with a bit of flirting mixed in, but as soon as they touch it all goes to pot and Harry limps away.

RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back - JHyde - 16-05-2010 03:12 PM

You know, I think it was you too! I remember Aria talking about it mostly because she then went on to recommend something else she thought I'd like via PM. (Thanks for that again!)

There definitely is a fan ficcer who also sees the Kenton/Stevens connection and H/R. I think it's Rambling Scribe but I really might be talking out of my proverbial.

I really want to listen to the commentary for 4.9. I'm hoping someone pops it up on youtube. almh was good enough to put 4.10 up. +rep for anyone who feels like spending some time getting it up there!

RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back - Tea Lady - 16-05-2010 03:52 PM

(16-05-2010 03:12 PM)JHyde Wrote:  I really want to listen to the commentary for 4.9. I'm hoping someone pops it up on youtube. almh was good enough to put 4.10 up. +rep for anyone who feels like spending some time getting it up there!

If someone wants to send me comprehensive instructions on how to do it, I will have a go. I did try and put the GMTV/Harry interview on there the other week, having transferred it to a DVD myself, but I couldnt work out how to do it, so gave up.

RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back - molecatcher - 16-05-2010 04:11 PM

Just read through this thread for the first time and wow, how brave are nitrus and picard to dare to argue against HR getting together, which was after all one of the questions at the top. My turn to get shot down in flames now because the way I see it in Series 5 Ruth pulled back from getting involved with Harry once the grid found out about their dinner date, walked away from him in that hotel corridor when she had an opportunity to grab him by the hand and drag him into her room and finally stopped him from telling her he loved her on the quay. So I reckon nothing's changed and she is too principled to see him compromised in a relationship while he's so busy keeping the nation safe. Everyone may want them to be happy but their sacrifice makes for a superior poignant and heart-rending storyline. Don't get me wrong, I'd have a big smile on my face if they ended up in each others arms but it wouldn't last ~ my smile that is.

RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back - picard1109 - 16-05-2010 10:30 PM

There's a wonderful piece of fanfic called "Secrets", which I accessed via peterfirth forum, which tells a different version of the HR story. It's extremely well written - certainly worth reading if you're fascinated by the whole Harry & Ruth will they/won't they scenario...

RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back - YourFutureMuse - 16-05-2010 10:52 PM

I was thinking the other day (perhaps like a year ago lol) that Harry and Ruth remind me (sort of) of the Bosco and Lisbon relationship for anyone that watches the Mentalist, like there is something there but whatever the reason they never do get together no matter how close they get and perhaps the only way to resolve such a storyline is the death (or a la season 5) removal of one of the two, which would be a heartbreaking but very dramatic stroyline. Or perhaps for a happier ending (as I would hate to be accused of being unromantic hahaha) is that one or the other has a near death experience and comes very close to dying (not that our spookies don't every ep but something more specific) and that is what finally spurs them in to action. I mean I know it is hideously cliched but Spooks could pull that sort of thing of I think Big Grin

RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back - Silktie - 17-05-2010 05:54 AM

Nah, I think Lucas and the new girl Beth will have serious chemistry and become the new "will they/won't they" couple of the show, leaving Harry and Ruth free to date each other quietly...Tongue

Seriously though, I think Ruth is a different person from the one who refused to date Harry because people were talking about it. The events of episode 8.1 probably showed that life is so short and you shouldn't waste your chances to have something wonderful, and Ruth's actions towards Harry from 8.6 onwards seems to indicate that she, at least, has taken this lesson onboard.