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Episode 4 - Road Trip - Printable Version

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RE: Episode 4 - Road Trip - Simone - 23-02-2010 11:57 PM

I agree Nitrus that the killing was very brutal. Had me reeling.

I loved seeing RPJ undercover. I think he's good at acting to be acting. I loved how he used a different body language.

Very smart episode, loved the writing. Also agree completely with what Silktie said about Juliet.

Adams's background story makes this plausible... But in RL they'd probably have, what's the term? seconded?, someone from MI6 lol

Doesn't it say somewhere on either the official site or the MI5 website that in reality it's not always the same group of people working throughout the whole operation... But I don't have any problems with having just "our" team doing the work lol

I thought it was sad how the old man in the truck died and then their storyline disappeared from the episode. Seemed so pointless. But then again... I think there are lots of pointless tragedies happening on those illegal smuggling trips that are going on around the world