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Status 2.0 - Printable Version

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RE: Status 2.0 - almh - 01-12-2010 03:41 PM

Very hyper - I've got an interview at Oxford!!!

RE: Status 2.0 - Beatriz - 01-12-2010 03:53 PM

Congratulations again, almh! Wink

Getting very jealous about people having snow!!

RE: Status 2.0 - almh - 02-12-2010 08:11 AM

Don't be jealous - day two of being stuck inside because of the snow/lack of public transport, and all I can really do is stay in the house and revise... It's actually getting annoying now - I have exams in January, one of which we were meant to be starting the revision for it this week, which evidently we can't really do at the moment. Sad

RE: Status 2.0 - Belle - 02-12-2010 09:07 AM

Good luck to you alhm!

It's snowing here too, there are a lot of traffic problems because of it, luckely I get to stay at home.
Actually doing nothing at the moment Wink, will bake some biscuits later because I will have a friend over tomorrow, hope the trains will ride in this weather!

RE: Status 2.0 - HellsBells - 02-12-2010 02:49 PM

Cold again....heating has broken down again and I am not sure when the engineer can come to fix it.

Happy.....finally seen Lucas in his Christmas hat on the Forum's banner!

RE: Status 2.0 - binkie - 02-12-2010 03:57 PM

(02-12-2010 02:49 PM)HellsBells Wrote:  Happy.....finally seen Lucas in his Christmas hat on the Forum's banner!

(I know this doesn't belong here) How adorable does Ruth look in her Christmas hat?!

(Sort of relevant to this thread) Status: Cold in Cambridgeshire today. Just stopped someone from slipping over on the ice. Worried it will be me when I trek down to the station at 06:00 tomorrow morning for work!

RE: Status 2.0 - Byatil - 02-12-2010 07:46 PM

(02-12-2010 03:57 PM)binkie Wrote:  (Sort of relevant to this thread) Status: Cold in Cambridgeshire today. Just stopped someone from slipping over on the ice. Worried it will be me when I trek down to the station at 06:00 tomorrow morning for work!

I managed to slip twice on the ice today... as of yet, still haven't completely fallen over though Wink
Me: 1, Ice: 0 (for now at least!)

RE: Status 2.0 - FionaC - 03-12-2010 03:37 PM

Was supposed to be going to the The War of the Worlds stage show in Glasgow tonight but there are absolutely no trains running north of Glasgow / Edinburgh so I am going nowhere. Been looking forward to it for the past year so I am pretty gutted Sad

I have, however, finally managed to sign up to Twitter - http://twitter.com/FionaC101 - if anyone is interested, although I should warn you I'll never tweet anything particularly interesting Wink

RE: Status 2.0 - almh - 04-12-2010 12:39 PM

Laughing at BBC iPlayer as they have got "Michael McIntyre: Hell..." written on the homepage. Well, that's certainly how some people react to hearing that Michael McIntyre is about to be on Wink Silly Beeb, cutting off the program title... (FYI should read "Michael McIntyre: Hello Wembley!")

(Not entirely sure why that amuses me, is it obvious that I've been trapped in my house, devoid of company asides from my family, since Tuesday lunch time? Tongue)

RE: Status 2.0 - Kirayuki - 04-12-2010 02:30 PM

Woke up very late today... 2pm. Ouch.

I really need to get some History coursework done... cross-referencing sources.

Thought I'd spend a bit of time on here first though. Afterwards I may get back to editing the Spooks Wiki. Big Grin