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Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - Printable Version

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RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - Deb p - 05-10-2010 07:03 AM

My first post !

Why is Ruth keeping Harry at arms length ? She obviously has feelings for him but seems to be protecting him somehow. Does Ruth have a dark secret that will come out in time and is she protecting Harry for when that time comes ? Anyone else have thoughts on this ?

RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - Fidget - 05-10-2010 07:30 AM

It is just Kudos stuffing us around like they did last series

RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - khandy - 05-10-2010 07:33 AM

Do you know what I wish that Kudos would just steer clear of romances full stop. They just can't do them justice. We have Harry and Ruth who's will they won't they romance is now played out with childish bickering. I am afraid I find the whole thing improbable after all they have been doing this will they won't they for what is it eight years. I really liked it before Ruth left the grid but the way they brought her back and got rid of her family sorry I find her cosing up to Harry more unrealistic than Lucas and Maya.

As for Lucas RA is obviously the Stud Muffin so Kudos keeping giving him women. Not realising that it doesn't make him vulnerable but weak I wish they had stuck with the wife but I have to say of the three I see more chemistry with Maya than the others.

RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - rbs89 - 05-10-2010 08:18 AM

I'm in a bit of a hurry, but having read most of the comments here, i wonder why i seem to be the only one frustrated to the point of stupidity with the lucas/john maya/vaughn situation... it seemed very tacked-on at the last moment this week, and if they don't hurry up the plot on that it's going to be number 2 on my list of ridiculous things that are on spooks (second only to that awful 'american' woman last season)

RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - Silktie - 05-10-2010 08:36 AM

I have a bit of a quibble about Beth shooting Viktor. Remember way back when in season 3 when they had to kill the guy on the ferry, Adam explicitly tells Zoey it's her job as the senior person on the scene. Well, here Lucas is the senior man on the scene, so why is it left to the newbie to shoot him?

RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - BoHenley - 05-10-2010 08:36 AM

I agree. The character of Maya just seems irrelevant and the (yawn) obligatory love interest for one of the hunky male characters. 3 episodes in, and I'm starting to hope Maya gets slotted by episode 5. Vaughan ("Albany"?) is the major manipulator for Lucas - get on with this part of the plot! At least we had Lucas showing a bit of backbone.

I'm enjoying the H/R developments (or lack of them). It's an old writing trick to keep us going "will they? won't they?" If they get together, the magic's partly lost, so enjoy the ride!

Fabulous episode. But when will ever get info/scences with Dmitri?

RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - khandy - 05-10-2010 08:42 AM

(05-10-2010 08:36 AM)Silktie Wrote:  I have a bit of a quibble about Beth shooting Viktor. Remember way back when in season 3 when they had to kill the guy on the ferry, Adam explicitly tells Zoey it's her job as the senior person on the scene. Well, here Lucas is the senior man on the scene, so why is it left to the newbie to shoot him?

I thought they both shot him.

more thoughts

I loved this episode I think all the folk on the grid were doing something a real ensemble piece. Strange how the reviews rated this episode better than last weeks which most fans loved.

As for things being improbable can I ask if this was the CIA on the grid would we be saying thats improbable. Russia are our allies.

I was wondering if people's criticism of the Vaughen Albany plot line stems from the fact that it does not involve Harry or Ruth. What I mean is Sugarhorse was revealed slowly about five minutes of every episode until episode 7 was spent on it but it all involved Harry.

Nightingale again we learned very little each episode but what we did was pretty much done via Ruth as a tool to show us how valuable she is to the Grid.

So far Albany is being played out via Lucas. Who it seems is the most disliked character ever on spooks, well on the Spooks forums anyway and he is not popular on the RA sites either.

RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - BoHenley - 05-10-2010 08:49 AM

Lucas disliked? Um...I don't think so. I really like the character of Lucas, I like his strengths (loyalty) and vulnerabilities (usually around women), but I'm just a little tired of the obligatory love interests written into the character's scriptlines. After (eww, yuuk, [spit]) Sarah Caulfield, I would've thought they'd give Lucas a break and push Dmitri's character. Lucas is damaged goods, that torture must affect his character or why write it in the first place? It also makes him not a teeth-glinting perfect hero. He's intriguing. And I'm hoping they do the Vaughan/Albany thing RIGHT.

RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - khandy - 05-10-2010 08:59 AM

I think on the whole most Spooks fans or at least those who comment do not really like him.

RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - Tea Lady - 05-10-2010 09:03 AM

(05-10-2010 08:42 AM)khandy Wrote:  I was wondering if people's criticism of the Vaughen Albany plot line stems from the fact that it does not involve Harry or Ruth. What I mean is Sugarhorse was revealed slowly about five minutes of every episode until episode 7 was spent on it but it all involved Harry.

So far Albany is being played out via Lucas. Who it seems is the most disliked character ever on spooks, well on the Spooks forums anyway and he is not popular on the RA sites either.

I think dislike is perhaps a little strong, from where I am coming from with Lucas anyway. There are plenty of people on this forum that really like Lucas and only watch Spooks because RA is in it. The same goes for Harry. I lot of people only watch Spooks because he is in it. People like what they like.

With me, it is not Lucas per se, it's the silly storylines they give him. In this case we do not have much meat on the bones yet, for his storyline with Vaughn. The Vaughn thing does sound interesting though and I am looking forward to seeing what happens. The Maya relationship, at the moment, seems unnecessary. She's only had about 2 minutes screen time, Lucas hasn't seen her for 15 years, and they have ended up in bed together.

Some more thoughts about 9.3 - Really liked the actor who played Dr Kirby. I am sure I have seen him in other things.

Loved all the HS scenes. Do we think that he figured out in the end that Harry had not lost the WMD? Towers looked totally exasperated with Harry.

I quite liked Beth in this episode although I wish she had seemed a bit more urgent when clearing the underground platform. I do like scenes on the underground. I wish they had more in Spooks, considering that the tube plays such a major part in Londoners lives.