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RE: Status 2.0 - watchstrap - 12-01-2011 11:15 PM

(12-01-2011 08:40 PM)Tea Lady Wrote:  All ready fallen out with someone from work who asked if the person on my work mug (the flip side of my mug is the photo of Harry on the phone, as in my signature) was "that bloke from Dragon's Den."

Harry doesn't look like anyone from Dragons Den !!

Where do these people come from....!!!

Who from Dragon's Den exactly? Harry doesn't look like any of them! I think you've got your work cut out there TL, what a k**b! Maybe suggest a trip to Specsavers to him!

RE: Status 2.0 - cateau1 - 13-01-2011 11:52 AM

Just finished watching Yellowstone with a friend who is not aware of PF nor therefore of my being a POG. It was like illicit bliss for 3 hours!

RE: Status 2.0 - HellsBells - 14-01-2011 02:55 PM

I HATE computers. First the security software failed to load properly - hence restarted computer. Mouse driver didn't loaded up - hence restarted computer. Internet Explorer crashed, the batteries died in the mouse and then would not re-connect, an hour later it all finally works.

RE: Status 2.0 - binkie - 18-01-2011 07:12 PM

(14-01-2011 02:55 PM)HellsBells Wrote:  I HATE computers... Internet Explorer crashed...

An excellent opportunity to stop using Internet Explorer Wink

Have spent today being forcibly reminded that I always under-estimate the amount of time it takes to paint a house!! Have taken many random days off work over the next few weeks. It won't be enough Vueltasss Worth the effort, though, to get rid of hateful magnolia. Am looking forward to no longer feeling as though I am living inside a custard cream.

RE: Status 2.0 - picard1109 - 19-01-2011 12:17 PM

Ooh...I LIKE custard creams! But I know what you mean about magnolia overload - our place is rented and it's all magnolia or similar shades. We cover most of the wallspace with furniture and pictures, to get away from the blandness of it.

RE: Status 2.0 - binkie - 19-01-2011 01:15 PM

Ha ha! I like a custard cream as much as the next custard-cream-liking person Smile If I was going to live inside a biscuit, though, I might choose a slightly more interesting one. Or maybe a cake!

We have tried the wall art option, but the magnolia just kept on being, you know, visible, and in the end I just couldn't take it any more. The magnolia had it coming, I say.

RE: Status 2.0 - HellsBells - 19-01-2011 02:48 PM

Just going to paint the kitchen magnolia!!! Okay it is currently magnolia and I'm just being lazy by repainting it. I dislike decorating and Hubby is slightly coloured blind so picking colours is a nightmare!

RE: Status 2.0 - binkie - 19-01-2011 07:04 PM

Oh no! I have no wish to offend the magnolia-indifferent community Wink

I love decorating - all the way from sugar soap to filling and sanding and painting. I also love picking colours (although not-quite-Mr-Binkie has precisely no interest in this, so will pretty much go along with whatever I suggest, as long as it's not too bright. Or too dark. Or too colourful, whatever that means).

It's possible I need to re-examine my leisure priorities Blush

RE: Status 2.0 - A Cousin - 19-01-2011 07:32 PM

(19-01-2011 07:04 PM)binkie Wrote:  It's possible I need to re-examine my leisure priorities Blush

Hahaha! I needed a laugh binkie. Come do my house next. I LOVE color!

I have to go fire (sack, make redundant) someone now. My least favorite part of the job. Thus the reason I am here avoiding the task. Luckily, he'll just be moving to another division within the university. Makes it a little easier.

What would make it easier still is if I could descend in a cool black helicopter with KH, DO, and RPJ and announce, "I'm decommissioning you Peter." (Yeah, his name is Peter. Cruel fate!)

RE: Status 2.0 - HellsBells - 20-01-2011 03:51 PM

(19-01-2011 07:32 PM)A Cousin Wrote:  
(19-01-2011 07:04 PM)binkie Wrote:  It's possible I need to re-examine my leisure priorities Blush

Hahaha! I needed a laugh binkie. Come do my house next. I LOVE color!

Please come and decorate my house as well. I don't really like decorating. In the last house we decorated, we removed some horrible ceiling tiles to reveal a huge hole in the ceiling!!!