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Series 10 - Episode 6 Discussion - Printable Version

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RE: Series 10 - Episode 6 Discussion - streetlife - 23-10-2011 09:36 PM

Oof! Not really sure where to start with that.

Loved all the intrigue and double-crossing going on with Elena and the rest of the Gavrik clan (but I guess Ilya's poor tortoise is going to be a bit lonely in future?). I thought they rounded off that whole plot very nicely.

And then the last ten/fifteen minutes or so. Woah. Most of me thinks that it was completely beautiful and very fitting (if a teeny tiny bit predictable with Ruth dying; I don't think I was the only one suspecting that coming for a while), although the romantic in me is a little bit (okay, quite a lot) gutted. Harry needs a cuddle. And I need some more tissues and a lie down (sob).

Overall, though, what an episode! Lovely send off. So sad but so... yeah. I liked it.

RE: Series 10 - Episode 6 Discussion - lotus456 - 23-10-2011 09:36 PM

(23-10-2011 09:21 PM)The Grid Wrote:  In a way, I really wanted Harry and Ruth to have their happy ending... but I think it was the right decision to kill Ruth off. It gave us some moving final scenes and it was heartbreaking and kept to what we expect from Spooks... if they had lived happily ever after, it would have been too cheesy and wouldn't have been as effective.

I also wanted Harry and Ruth to have their happy ending, but agree that it would have been way too cheesy if they had. Besides it seemed like after all that had happened in the episode, someone ie.Harry, Ruth, Dimitri, Erin, or Callum, had to be killed off.

RE: Series 10 - Episode 6 Discussion - The Grid - 23-10-2011 09:37 PM

(23-10-2011 09:25 PM)Gazelle Wrote:  Also I've no idea what the relevance of having Tom make a reappearance was (or why that was necessary), frankly I couldn't really care less at the moment though either.

the Home Secretary told Harry he had to use an outside source to deal with the guy that was behind the attack (Elena's boss)... so I think Harry hired Tom to go to Russia as a hitman and kill Elena's boss for him.

RE: Series 10 - Episode 6 Discussion - MI4½ AGENT - 23-10-2011 09:37 PM

(23-10-2011 09:14 PM)deebab Wrote:  Gutted that Ruth died. Was it too much to expect a happy ending.
(23-10-2011 09:13 PM)silverskater Wrote:  
(23-10-2011 09:06 PM)MI4½ AGENT Wrote:  Didn't notice Tariq's name on the memorial. ???

I wondered about that as well and thought maybe it was just out of sight - but maybe it means that he still lives somewhere in exile?

I thought It was the first name i saw as harry first walked towards it... but it couldve been my mind playing tricks

Just watched it back and you're absolutely right. Sorry to be babbling on about such a minor thing.... must be grief.

RE: Series 10 - Episode 6 Discussion - dimitrisgirl - 23-10-2011 09:39 PM

the tom reappearance disappointed me. there was no relevance at all and no need (apart from our love for him) to have him back on the screen.

poor ruth she always knew she'd give her life for harry Sad

LOVED the memorial wall....they dont forget after all <3

beautiful end to a phenomenal series <3

RE: Series 10 - Episode 6 Discussion - Deanlad - 23-10-2011 09:42 PM

Loved it.
Absolutely superb.

Gutted at death of Ruth, but as already pointed out, it may have been to cheesy for the happy ending.Spooks has always been edgy, a little unpredictable, and likes the suspense levels up there.

How many thought Harry would resign after Ruths passing? The emotion when he went to "their house", you could see him almost cracking at the end. Then the line. The gritty steely look.
Harry Pearce!!!

Loved the line from Harrys springing.... " this is likely to come up in your pay review"

Almost Felt sorry for Ilya watching it all unfold.Was as helpless as Harry last week as Harry in the Tortoise in the garden scene....

Could almost see something happening to Ruth when she agreed to get the key, which ultimately sealed her fate. Ilya no doubt knew this perhaps, knowing the knock on effect that would happen.
Ilya had seen everything disappear, an then thought so will Harry, killing his ex, then triggering Sacha to complete the devastating turn of events.

Toms 5 sec scene was ace.
Did not need to see what happened, what you imagine that happened is better.

And almost leaves us at full circle, back with the old team of Harry and Tom, as it all started....

Long live Spooks

RE: Series 10 - Episode 6 Discussion - nothingisasitseems - 23-10-2011 09:44 PM

Can't really decide whether I liked the ending or not - it will take a couple of days to put it in perspective. Those I was watching it with are split in opinions.

I don't see though why they couldn't have had a happy ending.

One thing - whenever Ruth talked about Harry leaving the service and them being together Harry just gave an enigmatic smile and never really committed himself. It was only as she lay dying that he that he started talking platitudes..................................

RE: Series 10 - Episode 6 Discussion - RussIan - 23-10-2011 09:45 PM

Re. Tom - I thought it was fitting. Him and Ruth had a close friendship when he was Section Chief so I'm sure if Harry had told him what had happened then Tom would take revenge for Ruth (as if it wasn't for the whole situation she wouldn't have died anyway)

I just watched the ending again to read the wall and noticed that ignoring Harry answering the phone, the last line was from Calum: "Bad people want to kill us" and I think that makes the ending okay in my book as it pretty much explains the last ten years in one sentence.

RE: Series 10 - Episode 6 Discussion - molecatcher - 23-10-2011 09:46 PM

An amazing way to bow out. As its name implies, Kudos stayed true to the Spooks ethos, twist upon twist, heartbreak, gut wrenching, shocking moments and although I hoped upon hope with hand over mouth the adrenaline had worked and Ruth survived, it couldn't have ended any other way. Tom's return to carry out the assassination was a brilliant move and Harry's quick look around Ruth's dream house devastating. BUT, Harry's back on the grid folks so we can all sleep safe in our beds at night after crying into our pillows!!

Peter Firth and Nicola Walker must feel proud after their amazing performances and well done Kudos, the writers and whole production team for a brilliant series and amazingly powerful end.

RE: Series 10 - Episode 6 Discussion - Jeremy - 23-10-2011 09:49 PM

A terrific final episode. No happy ending for Harry and Ruth then, but I didn't suspect for a moment that there would be, but Spooks ended with Sir Harry Pearce back in his office, and all is right with the world. (Apart from bad people wanting to kill us).

Peter Firth and Nicola Walker should both be up for awards for that episode and the previous one. Lovely to see Tom one last time.

Thank you Kudos and the BBC for 10 great years.
RIP Spooks, we'll miss you.