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Status 2.0 - Printable Version

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RE: Status 2.0 - cateau1 - 09-04-2011 12:55 PM

Having my kitchen renovated at the moment so have gone from having no oven, no cooktop, no sink last week; to having no floor, no oven, no cooktop, no sink; to having no back door, no window in the back wall, a new floor Yahoo, no oven, no cooktop, no sink! Tomorrow I get new windows. I think that's called progress! (I'm pretending I'm camping out every time I go to the laundry to wash up the dishes, that way I can grin and bear it!) Confused

RE: Status 2.0 - picard1109 - 10-04-2011 02:33 PM

My local Asda supermarket sells Hershey bars. My life is complete. YahooVueltasss

Changing the subject...MI-5 are looking for intelligence officers:


Money's lousy though - only £25k. Although good money if you're straight out of university, I guess.

RE: Status 2.0 - bertowud - 13-04-2011 04:26 PM

Feeling like crap this allergy season.

RE: Status 2.0 - HellsBells - 14-04-2011 03:25 PM

So sorry you're suffering, Bertowud, how long until you feel better?

Excited, going on holiday very soon.

RE: Status 2.0 - cateau1 - 23-04-2011 01:37 PM

Spooks is on every night this week in Oz! Bless Foxtel YahooYahoo

RE: Status 2.0 - picard1109 - 23-04-2011 09:09 PM

Trying - but failing miserably - to finish my Masters research thesis. I have the attention span of a gnat and keep getting sidetracked. It's got to be done by Tuesday and I'm not even half way yet. Ho hum.

RE: Status 2.0 - Nixie - 23-04-2011 10:46 PM

(23-04-2011 09:09 PM)picard1109 Wrote:  Trying - but failing miserably - to finish my Masters research thesis. I have the attention span of a gnat and keep getting sidetracked. It's got to be done by Tuesday and I'm not even half way yet. Ho hum.

Sympathies, picard1109! I've just finished 2 preliminary research 'exercises', but don't have my major dissertation due til next year (only studying part-time due to work commitments) - and found that tricky enough in the focus department (like organising my thoughts) ... Don't know about you, but I find going for a long walk (with my dog) can help. By letting my thoughts just roil around while walking, I have occasionally had helpful insights. But I guess you're at the actual writing part, i.e. putting all those roiling thoughts on paper (or Word) in a coherent and meaningful manner - errr, good luck! Taking regular breaks and getting enough sleep is supposed to be helpful, but I find I tend to spend too much time staring at the computer screen, drinking coffee, and wondering if I've written enough, i.e. a whole paragraph, to justify checking if the news headlines have changed yet or if there are any new posts on SF! Huh

RE: Status 2.0 - picard1109 - 24-04-2011 10:37 AM

Thanks for the sympathy, Nixie. Yep, I've done a lot of staring at the screen, moving paper around the desk, checking email, Ebay, Facebook and SF, playing games on Zylom, watching season 2 of "Justified" (multi-tasking at its best)...and got about another 3k words to write. I also have to finish a 'reflective' paper (yuck!) on the whole research process, too. Yawn.

Mind you, I've promised myself that I'll re-watch all 9 seasons of Spooks as a reward once it's done, so something to look forward to.

RE: Status 2.0 - almh - 24-04-2011 05:02 PM

Just got back from my gran's Smile Every Christmas and Easter my mum's family (well her parents, my mum's sister and her children, and us) get together. My mum let me hide the eggs for one of my sisters for her easter egg hunt. Unfortunately, I forgot where the last 3 eggs were Confused But in the end we found most of them so that's all that matters! Big Grin

RE: Status 2.0 - A Cousin - 26-04-2011 03:32 PM

As of last Saturday 23rd of April, I have been annoying all of you as a registered member of this forum for a full year. Tongue

How time flies....