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RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - pook - 06-10-2010 12:59 AM

Loved this plot and it was well written too. However, I'm not keen on the sudden changes in character - the HS was quite cuddly, bordering on flattering last week - this week he's trying to assert himself and is too harsh (although it give Harry great scope for pithy lines). Maya was prickly last week - this week she's putty. This isn't building up characters, it get confusing (although maybe that's the point).

Lucas and Maya are getting on my nerves. She knows he was in prison for 8 years and "not innocent" - that's some crime you have to do for such a sentence (she must assume he was in prison in the UK as he doesn't tell her otherwise). She doesn't know what he did, where he was for the other 7 years, that he was married to someone else - ffs she doesn't even know what name he's using at the moment - WAKE UP!!!! Grrrrr!

And I noticed too that Lucas' tattoos were intact as he opened the door to Maya - guess we're in for more gratuitous torso shots (RA's words, not mine) at the beginning of 9.4......

RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - BoHenley - 06-10-2010 03:36 AM

More gratuitous torso shots of RA? Sounds good to me! Even Wiley has "return of the tattoos." Set those recorders, girls. Wink Silba

RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - A Cousin - 06-10-2010 05:54 AM

The BBC lists Dr Kirby as Donald Sumpter. He also plays Kemp in Being Human but has had a long and distinguished career going all the way back to the late 60's.

Late and tired and have to work tomorrow (I mean today!), but quickly....

I liked the filming. It was very cinematic. Some of the composition of some of the shots were just gorgeous. But they didn't distract. Not for me anyway.

The plot felt a bit...um...familiar to me in places. Maybe it was intentional? Not that it was like any one earlier episode. Just that it was an amalgamation of many plot ideas that have come through before rather well put together and filmed beautifully.

Character development: I really wanted more re: Lucas/Vaughan in Africa but I'll give it time. I still don't think I know anything more about Lucas - and I really want to.

Nice give and take in the H/R plot but I will save that for another thread. Harry nearly took her head off in the beginning with his "Questioning my decisions?" line. Yikes! They have to have a strategy indeed! It was all good stuff but not over whelming to the threat du jour, I thought it rather complimented it.

Finally! More from SRB as the HS. A bit abrupt but clearly Harry pissed him off somewhere in the last two episodes. So, yeah, maybe he is seemingly running the country. I'll go with it.

RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - Naivety - 06-10-2010 10:54 AM

(05-10-2010 10:44 PM)BoHenley Wrote:  I also think Maya's "in on it." I think she'll either entrap Lucas to give Vaughan what he wants, or she'll be the "bait" (eg hostage) for Vaughan to trap Lucas. And yes, I was also hoping for a revelation on Lucas in Russia at the end of this episode. Next time?

I thought Dr Kirby's character, and the actor who played him (name?) was terrific. Integrity - wonderful.

If she isn't 'in on it' it will make Laila Rouass' character a complete waste of time, introducing a storyline that actually detracts from the quality of Spooks in general, and does nothing to add to it. Much as I think RA is fantastic eye candy, I would rather see him doing some intense scenes with Peter Firth. He is certainly talented enough to make that type of scene impelling. Episode 9.3 was probably one of the best ever, and that last scene was a real let down - I really hope there was a point to it that wasn't anything to do with RA's looks and snogging ability!

RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - I Want Jo Back - 06-10-2010 01:30 PM

Im not 100% sure and if anybody has it recorded then please check i think that when they started snogging you saw a very quick shot of Lucas dropping something into Mayas pocket on her jacket

RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - Tea Lady - 06-10-2010 01:58 PM

(06-10-2010 01:30 PM)I Want Jo Back Wrote:  Im not 100% sure and if anybody has it recorded then please check i think that when they started snogging you saw a very quick shot of Lucas dropping something into Mayas pocket on her jacket

I'm pretty sure he doesn't. It just looks like he is pulling her coat off. Your comment has got me thinking though (dangerous I know.)

What if we have got Lucas wrong? What if he knows exactly what he is doing and is not lusting after Maya, like some sort of love struck puppy again? What if it is Lucas that is using Maya and doesn't really like her at all. Vaughn appeared in his life before Maya did. Maybe Lucas thinks he can use Maya to get at Vaughn somehow. Maybe this is Lucas being ruthless and not lovesick. I just thought he was lying when he spoke to Maya in his flat and why the sudden urgent urge to tell her everything? Lucas is up to something here. Maybe Maya is innocent ??

RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - LucasNorthFan - 06-10-2010 03:05 PM

(05-10-2010 12:10 PM)Tea Lady Wrote:  I too, got excited, thinking we will find out how Lucas ended up in prison. Was he saying though, the reason he finished with Maya and disappeared was that he went to prison for 8 years? Or was Lucas saying that he paid the price for leaving Maya and letting her think he was dead, as he ended up in prison for 8 years as a sort of punishment for what he did? I am just a bit confused here as surely the timeline is wrong. Wasn't Lucas in Africa 15 years ago, say 1995? Wasn't he in the Russian prison 2000-2008?
As much as I *loved* 'close your eyes' plus kiss, I did want to know what happened and went Huh Huh when he said he's been 8 years in prison. It just doesn't add up. He was *married* to Elizabeta (my fav love interest so far) when he was captured, let's say they were married 1 or 2 years. He hasn't seen Maya in 15 years, minus the 9-10 at least of being LN, we have the 4-5 years that the explanation supposedly was about.

(05-10-2010 12:10 PM)Tea Lady Wrote:  Vaughn appeared in his life before Maya did. Maybe Lucas thinks he can use Maya to get at Vaughn somehow. Maybe this is Lucas being ruthless and not lovesick. I just thought he was lying when he spoke to Maya in his flat and why the sudden urgent urge to tell her everything? Lucas is up to something here. Maybe Maya is innocent ??
I thought he looked for Maya because he needs her in some way against Vaughn, like he reminded Lucas of her maybe as a threat and this 'relationship' is about 'I loved you, I remember, we can take up from last time'.

The scientist-daughter thing reminded me of DaVinci's code, the whole 'we keep a secret that must not fall into the wrongs hands and we will die if we have to' Blush

I'd also like to know more about Dimitri, he might take a bigger role once the whole Vaughn-Lucas things develops BUT not before Tariq gets some development too.

LNF Smile

RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - tyme4t - 06-10-2010 03:46 PM

TL - I have been pondering that as well...Lucas is "using" Maya to get to Vaughn- going on the offensive? hmmmmm Huh still pondering the implications...
Is it tyme for 9.4 yet?!?

(Smile...only 30 more posts to my next promotion!)

RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - Naivety - 06-10-2010 04:19 PM

I was rewatching this episode today (more often than is healthy me thinks!!Vueltasss) and I noticed in the bit before Harry and Ruth get in the car with Dr Kirby that there is a clip of the Embankment. I am sure that if you freeze it at this point you can see Harry half way down walking away. Then, after Harry walks away from Ruth after their fantastic scene, if you freeze it again, it is the same bit of tape.

RE: Series 9 Episode 3 discussion - Tea Lady - 06-10-2010 05:00 PM

(06-10-2010 04:19 PM)Naivety Wrote:  I was rewatching this episode today (more often than is healthy me thinks!!Vueltasss) and I noticed in the bit before Harry and Ruth get in the car with Dr Kirby that there is a clip of the Embankment. I am sure that if you freeze it at this point you can see Harry half way down walking away. Then, after Harry walks away from Ruth after their fantastic scene, if you freeze it again, it is the same bit of tape.

How weird, I was just watching that bit again and yes you are right Naivety. You can clearly see Harry quite far down, walking away with his head down. They used the same footage before and after. Bit of a continuity error. You can't get anything by us Spooks fans. Wink