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Status? - Printable Version

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RE: Status? - Nitrus - 17-06-2010 02:29 PM

Can you use a proxy? Or are they filtered too?

RE: Status? - almh - 17-06-2010 02:31 PM

Don't think so Sad

RE: Status? - Nitrus - 17-06-2010 02:32 PM


Just type in the web address and click GO.

RE: Status? - almh - 17-06-2010 02:34 PM

It's blocked, can't access it. Doesn't matter, only ten more minutes to survive.

RE: Status? - TygerBright - 17-06-2010 03:00 PM

trying to work but totally distracted by 'geeks' request... wishing I had a more disciplined brain.

RE: Status? - picard1109 - 17-06-2010 08:22 PM

Just had a haircut disaster. I went to my usual hairdressers but decided to give the new junior stylist a whirl, as he's a sweet lad. Oops. He cut the sides much too short and the top too long...it was looking like a mullet. The head stylist made the best of it but it'll still be a couple of weeks before it looks like anything other than regulation army issue! Dodgy And it shows up all the grey...Suicida

RE: Status? - Nitrus - 17-06-2010 08:33 PM

Pictures or it didn't happen. Tongue

RE: Status? - picard1109 - 17-06-2010 09:05 PM

Not a chance in hell, kid!Cool But think K D Lang with her hair really short.

RE: Status? - Portmani - 19-06-2010 02:50 AM

Chilling out. LMAO!

RE: Status? - almh - 19-06-2010 06:36 PM

Half asleep after a day out at Manchester University (I am absolutely shattered Sad Nice long lie in needed.)