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My sigs and avatars - Printable Version

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My sigs and avatars - Floz - 06-11-2010 04:37 PM

Hey these are my sigs and avatars that I was inspired to make whilst looking through tygerbrights thread!

I hope you like Blush Heart

[Image: Ruthharryyouhelpedmefindthelight.jpg]

[Image: Itwasalwaysyouruthharry.jpg]

[Image: Joitsonlymebetter.jpg]

[Image: Ruthharryillneverforgetyou.jpg]

[Image: HArryRuthspooksimage.jpg]

i hope this has worked cause i haven't done this in a long time and can't remember how to post into threads... Confused

Please review, i'll try to do some more soon

RE: My sigs and avatars - Floz - 07-11-2010 01:59 AM

Ok considering the fact that i am on a bit of a roll at the moment and i said on another thread that i would do this quote (although i think i should ahve left it to someone else cause i am v. out of practice and i really don't think i've done this well) and i don't care that i've had no reviews cause i love making them cause i get more practice and remember things that i used to be able to do so here are some harry ones based around the quote obnoxious pompous dinosaur....

[IMG]<a href="http://s871.photobucket.com/albums/ab274/Floz_photos/Spooks%20pictures/?action=view&current=TowerandHarryjusthadtherussianambassadoronthephone.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i871.photobucket.com/albums/ab274/Floz_photos/Spooks%20pictures/TowerandHarryjusthadtherussianambassadoronthephone.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>[IMG]

[Image: Obstructivepompousdinosauravatar.jpg]

[Image: TowerandHarry.jpg]

RE: My sigs and avatars - Belle - 18-11-2010 03:02 PM

Hey Floz; I think they are great! You say you're out of practice, but I couldn't make that up from your avatars! I wouldn't even know how to begin making one! Great job!
lol: obnoxious pompous dinosaur!