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The gruinard Project Chapter 25 - Printable Version +- Spooks Forum (http://www.spooksforum.co.uk) +-- Forum: MI5 Operations (/forum-3.html) +--- Forum: Fan Fiction (/forum-22.html) +--- Thread: The gruinard Project Chapter 25 (/thread-1425.html) |
The gruinard Project Chapter 25 - khandy - 02-12-2010 07:26 AM Chapter 25 Friday 12.30pm M1 to Leeds. No wonder the government was so overspent; it seemed to Kate that MI5 had an endless supply of new cars at their disposal. This was the third they had used in the space of a week. As she and Lucas had approached it she had joked that you could have any colour you liked as long as it was black. Lucas had smiled and said that was ok with him as he had it on good authority that he looked good in black. This was a sleek model, the type a company executive would drive. Kate was sure that some advertiser would claim it was the drive of your life. When she had questioned the need for all these new cars Lucas explained that by using different cars the suspects were easier to follow; field officers did not want to be easily identified. In the real law enforcement world the police did not drive around in classic cars like Morse, Bergerac or Linley no matter how glamorous those cars were. Despite her complaints about the unnecessary expense of the car, now they were on the road she was glad of the luxury it afforded. The journey up the M1 was boring and monotonous but at least they were travelling in a car whose engine purred quietly, settled in seats more comfortable than a leather suite and soothed by music from a music system that was better than the one she had at home. Lucas had elected to drive once again; some might have seen this as a macho sexist act but Kate realised that it was born out of a need to keep his mind occupied. In the short time she had known him Kate had never seen Lucas sit still and simply relax; his need to be busy and occupied as important to him as his obsession with cleanliness in dealing with the trauma he had endured during his incarceration in Russia. On the rare occasion she had seen him at a loose end he had appeared edgy and fidgety, worried that once again his demons would catch up with him. The medic in her could only hope that when he resumed his counselling that he would come to realise that if he was ever to move on from his ordeal he would have to confront all his memories and not try to run from them. He was quiet even by his standards and Kate suspected that the reason for this was his deep concern for her safety. His confession of two days ago had surprised her. It had not occurred to her until that moment that he should be as scared for her as she was for him. Glancing across at him she noted how tense he was; his face may have been an inscrutable mask but his body was stiffly rigid, his grip on the steering wheel becoming tighter the further along the M1 they travelled. His knuckles were now as white as ivory. A sign for the services just past Huddersfield gave her the opportunity to insist on a break. “Lucas we should stop at the services for a while. We have made excellent time and we don’t want to arrive too early in Leeds and besides I need to stretch my legs,” she said. Lucas glanced at his watch, it was approaching lunch time. Kate was right they had several hours to wait until she was due to enter Welchem. He signalled that he was leaving the motorway and followed the signs for the car parking areas at the service station. “Tell me,” he said, as he brought the car to a halt. “Are you going to slug me in the gut this time?” He smiled remembering the last time they had stopped at a service station. “It was effective you won’t forget our anniversary again will you?” Kate said, returning the smile as she remembered too. They strolled hand in hand across the grassed picnic area, looking for the entire world like any young couple who were breaking their journey, dodging running children and scampering dogs, who were eagerly stretching their legs after being cooped up in cars for hours on end. The restaurant area was busy with people coming and going in a steady stream obviously heeding the warnings on the road side that tiredness kills either that or they were bursting for a pee. Having purchased two coffees and two baguettes, Lucas scanned the seating area for a vacant table. It was not lost on Kate that he chose a table with an uninterrupted view of the whole seating area; Lucas never took chances and disliked surprises. The general noise and hubbub in the restaurant meant they were able to talk quietly about the evening’s operation without being overheard; going over everything Kate had been taught in the last two days. She had found it fascinating to see how Malcolm had created an employee profile for her. Lucas had insisted on a disguise, so once again her short brown hair was covered with a wig; this time a sleek black bob. Lucas had taken the disguise further, with bright blue contact lenses and designer glass frames making her unrecognisable. Malcolm had taken her to a room that had been rigged out as a replica of the office she was supposed to use at Welchem. He had then filmed her for forty minutes working at the computer, explaining that he would override the CCTV images with the film while she was in the lab stealing the bacteria. “When we get to Leeds the first thing we have to do is collect the car you will be using to go to the lab,” Lucas told her. “I just bet it won’t be a swish new model like you get,” she said. “No,” he agreed “It’s a Ford Ka more suitable for a young scientist. The number plate has already been entered on to your profile on Welchem’s security system. “You think of everything.” “We like to be one step ahead. It is one of the first things they will check when you stop at the security barrier,” he told her. “I will be in constant radio contact with you until you enter the level four lab but will only have you on visual as she walk to the office along the corridors. Once Malcolm overrides the CCTV cameras in the office and laboratory those will be the images I see; exactly the same as the security guards.” Lucas remained far from happy about allowing Kate to do this while he was a mile and half down the road observing from a motel room. Sensing his unease, Kate reached across the table for his hand. “I’m sure I will be fine. I have every faith in you and Malcolm,” she told him. Lucas nodded briefly. “Timing is everything. You have forty minutes so you must neither work too fast or too slow,” he said. “Yes Lucas I know. When we filmed the fake office scene Malcolm explained.” “Make sure that you leave time to decontaminate properly, no short cuts.” “Lucas I’m a scientist, I won’t.” “Remember be natural around the guards, chat to them.” “Yes Lucas.” “Remember your new identity.” “Gemma Saunders, I know Lucas.” “Don’t look for the CCTV cameras, as an employee you would be oblivious to them.” “Lucas stop it! You are making me more nervous.” “Sorry,” he smiled ruefully turning away quickly so that she could not see the concern in his eyes. Kate wasn’t fooled though. “I’ll be fine Lucas,” she whispered. “You’ll keep me safe.” Lucas turned back to face her. “I hope so,” he replied as he gently touched her cheek. *************** It was Kate’s turn to subside into silence, the closer to seven o’clock it got. They had collected her car and spent the afternoon setting up the surveillance system, talking at length with Malcolm. At four thirty she had gone for a shower and to don her disguise. The contact lenses had surprised her, having never worn them before she had expected them to be uncomfortable but she barely knew they were there. Once ready she had returned to the room and sat on the bed. That had been twenty minutes ago and Lucas observed that she had not spoken once in that time. “You Ok?” he asked concerned. “It’s the waiting you know. I just wish I could go and get this over with.” “I know, but we have to wait,” he explained pulling her into his arms, his fingers playing with a strand of black hair. “Will I be sleeping with a raven haired temptress tonight?” he asked. Kate smiled at his attempt to distract her. “Maybe if you're good, but you could kiss her now if you wanted to.” Lucas bent his head, his lips softly grazing hers in the merest whisper of a touch. He was unrushed and unhurried just gently exploring her mouth; these were not kisses designed to fan the flames of passion more to sooth and reassure. Kate sank into his embrace; so solid and strong. She could feel his heart beating; reassuringly it’s rhythm was slow and steady, her own she was certain was beating in some wild tympanic rhythm. Lucas moved them so that they could stretch out on the bed and to provide some noise and distraction he switched the TV on selecting some old film to watch. Kate’s head rested comfortably against his chest and he gradually felt her relax as the tension slipped from her body. At quarter past seven they reluctantly got up. “You know Mr North you are slipping, I’m sure Mr Bond would not have spent the last hour and half watching a film.” Lucas smiled. “Reminded me later to deal with your obsession with Mr Bond.” She smiled and picked up a large pilot styled brief case. “Ok Mr North I will. Time I was on my way now though.” He kissed her hard before reluctantly letting her go. The journey to Welchem took less than ten minutes; throughout the short time she could hear Lucas’ reassuring tones in her ear as he asked about the traffic and roads. All too soon the Welchem building came into sight. Kate felt slightly nauseated and she noticed her heart beat increase as she pulled up at the security barrier. Taking a deep breath she remind herself to be natural. “Hi,” she said as she handed her ID to the young guard. “I thought I had saved a file I need for some work I am doing at the weekend on my memory stick, only to discover that it has not saved it, bloody typical I hate computers sometimes don’t you?” The young guard agreed with a smile and disappeared into the cabin to check her ID. He was only gone a few minutes but to Kate it seemed much longer. Her mouth had gone dry and she could feel a trickle of perspiration at her neck. Her heart was hammering in her chest, it seemed so loud that she was sure the whole of Leeds must have heard it. She licked her lips in an effort to moisten them. Was it taking longer than normal to check her security details? What had Lucas said she should do if there was a problem? The guard reappeared, was everything alright? She couldn’t tell from his face. “That’s all fine Miss Saunders. How long do you think you will be?” “Less than an hour. I am meeting a friend for a drink at nine,” she told him. “Kate it may be a test, tell him you are Dr. Saunders,” Lucas said in her ear. “By the way,” she told the guard with a wink. “It’s Dr. Saunders, some senior folk around here get a little huffy about the title.” The young guard smiled and winked back before waving her through. She parked the car and would have liked to gather her thoughts but she knew she had to move on. Timing as Lucas had reminded her was everything. As she walked towards the entrance she spoke to Lucas. “I’ve parked the car and am heading for the main entrance. By the way how long does it take not to feel a complete idiot looking as if I am talking to myself?” “Oh five or six years at least, some field agents always feel stupid,” Lucas told her. “Great,” she sighed. “Kate the main entrance is secured with a card swipe lock, you need to slide your ID card through it. Once inside the building I will track you on CCTV.” Kate’s apprehension level rose again as she approached the door. Her hand trembled slightly causing her to fumble with the card. Mentally telling herself to calm down she swiped it down again and pushed the door open. She braced herself for the shrill sound of an alarm but hearing none she let out a sigh of relief she walked into the entrance lobby. She had made it through the second security check. “Ok Kate.” Lucas’ voice cut into her thoughts. “I have you on CCTV which means the guards can see you as well. Head over to the lifts and go up to level four and remember ignore the cameras.” Lucas watched as Kate followed his instructions before turning to the other computer screen where Malcolm was visible in London. “Malcolm everything seems to be alright and on schedule. Once Kate is in her office you can override the CCTV images.” Kate had now reached the door to what was supposed to be her office. “Ok Kate this a coded lock the number is 3670. Go in and sit down just as you did at yesterday’s filming. Wait sixty seconds while Malcolm overrides the images.” He waited as Kate entered the code, still no alarms. She approached the desk and sat down at the computer. “Ok Malcolm we are green for go.” “Thanks Lucas,” the older man said. “I am overriding the images now. The Kate you can see on CCTV now is a recording as are the images in the lab.” “Kate forty minutes and counting down. I no longer have you on visual. Do you still wish to have radio silence for this phase of the operation?” Lucas asked. “Yes please. I need to concentrate.” “Ok thirty nine minutes then Kate. Good luck.” “Thanks Lucas.” Lucas sat in silence as Kate had requested. He looked at his watch 7.52 pm and sighed, this was going to be the longest forty minutes of his life. He had spent a long time analysing his feelings over the past few days. The panic and fear that had swept over him every time he had thought of this moment had not just been because of who she was or what she meant to him. She was not an agent and had no training for this kind of operation and for Lucas this had been an unacceptable risk. He had argued long and hard with Harry about his decision but in the end he had still been overruled. All he had been able to do was prepare her for the operation to the best of his ability in the short time available. “Lucas we are now ten minutes in.” Malcolm’s voice broke into his thoughts. “Thank you Malcolm I do have a watch you know.” Lucas’ tone was abrupt and edgy. “Ah now you know what the Apollo wives felt like.” “Sorry Malcolm you have lost me now?” “When the Lunar command module orbited the far side of the moon radio contact was lost; both for NASA and the wives it was agony just listening to static and silence until the astronauts came back into radio range.” Lucas shook his head. “Malcolm that does not help.” “Sorry Lucas I’m sure she will be fine, anyway you can do no more so stop wasting energy worrying.” “Easier said than done Malcolm.” “Lucas you have to get a handle on this or you will put yourself at risk.” “Yeah I know mate.” Lucas admitted wearily “Make yourself some coffee that’s an order, you still have twenty eight minutes to wait.” As Lucas’ nerves and tension were in the assent, Kate’s were decreasing. She was about to enter her domain; an environment that she was both comfortable and competent in. She had waited as Lucas had told her to before leaving the office. She had to trust that all was going to plan with the cameras. She had made her way to the level four laboratory area and now stood in front of the doors. This area was entered by fingerprint recognition only. Taking a deep breath she placed her finger on the scanning pad. The doors swished open. Malcolm was indeed a genius. She moved quickly to the changing rooms she had used before and stripped off before putting on the personal protective equipment, remembering to remove the wig so it would not get wet when she showered after being in the lab. Once inside she moved with practiced ease among the work benches to the fridge where she believed the Anthrax bacteria was stored. There was no guarantee that this was the stockpile but she had been highly suspicious when they had inspected this area and this was all she had to go on. The trembling in her hands and legs had long since past, her movements were the assured ones of the professional she was. She removed a phial from the fridge and went across to a bench with a high powered microscope. Using a syringe and needle she withdrew a small amount of the solution and placed it on a glass slide. She positioned it under the microscope and adjusted the lens bringing the image into focus. A smile of relief crossed her face. What she was viewing was certainly not the common cold virus as they had been told. It was the Anthrax bacteria. She glanced at the clock, twenty minutes left. She still had to take some samples and leave the area. She had brought several Petri dishes with her. Lucas had warned her that she could remove no phials of solution as this would alert the terrorists. Using the syringe she dropped a small amount of the solution on to several culture dishes and using a swab spread it across the surface before she sealed the lids and secured the dishes in the transport container she had in her case. She replaced the solution she had used with saline and returned it to the fridge before disposing of the swab, needle, syringe and slide in the correct disposal container. Certain that the lab was as she found it she glanced at the clock once more, 8.20pm ten minutes left. She quickly left the lab and headed for the showers. Lucas’ eyes were drawn to his watch again, two minutes left. He paced up and down waiting for Kate’s voice in his ear. He could see Malcolm was clock watching as well. The older man had been correct, the waiting was agony. “Lucas.” Kate’s voice startled him. “Operation complete I am back at the desk.” “Ok Kate plug in your memory stick and in sixty seconds remove it. You will then be back on Live CCTV.” Lucas watched as she followed his instructions and left the building; only when she told him she was through the security barrier did he realise he had been holding his breath. “That’s great Kate. See you in ten minutes.” He moved to the window to watch for her return. What he did not expect were her next words. “Lucas we have a problem. I am being followed.” RE: The gruinard Project Chapter 25 - HellsBells - 02-12-2010 04:45 PM Great writing, really tense. I am enjoying this fic so much. |