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Most likable character of Season 8...
28-12-2009, 05:47 PM (This post was last modified: 28-12-2009 05:47 PM by LucasNorthFan.)
Post: #1
Most likable character of Season 8...
...besides Lucas?? Rolleyes. Kidding Tongue Big Grin

Inspired in kirmostar's thread. What do you think is the most likable support/secondary character from S8.

I think I would choose Ashok, enjoyed a lot his character, loved his interaction with Lucas. Every time I recall 'or bloody martians' I grin Big Grin

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28-12-2009, 06:59 PM (This post was last modified: 28-12-2009 07:05 PM by Beatriz.)
Post: #2
RE: Most likable character of Season 8...
Besides Ruth... and Harry ... Tongue

As guest actor I'd say Ashok, he was wonderful, his storyline was great as well as his performance. I wish I could see him again as a Section D member (just dreaming... but it would be a great adition to the team)

*EDIT* Ups!! I nearly forgot!! The new HS!! Big Grin He's very cute Tongue Not being very objective, I know...

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28-12-2009, 07:26 PM
Post: #3
RE: Most likable character of Season 8...
Well if I have to choose someone other than Harry it would be the new HS (following Beatriz's example.) He is lovely.

After we all moaned and groaned when the old HS left, it would be interesting to see now who we would prefer in series 9 to be the HS. Nicolas Blake to return or keep the "back channel?" Perhaps someone could set one of those votes up.

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28-12-2009, 07:41 PM
Post: #4
RE: Most likable character of Season 8...
Ashok. Interesting choice.

I'm not sure Ruth got enough air time to get most likable. I may be wrong about that.

Definitely not Lucas. He was a bit too..I'm not sure what the right word is.

Ros possibly. It was her best series for sure.

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28-12-2009, 08:05 PM
Post: #5
RE: Most likable character of Season 8...
Apart from Harry, who can do no wrong lol
Ros is my hero; she really got a nice balance of human and ice in this series and always has the best witty lines..

" Harry is a pugilist for the State, but he's a lover, not a fighter " - Peter Firth

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28-12-2009, 08:09 PM
Post: #6
RE: Most likable character of Season 8...
Lucas was gorgeous but way too gullible. I have to agree with Ashok - or Tariq!

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28-12-2009, 08:25 PM
Post: #7
RE: Most likable character of Season 8...
Besides Lucas... Most likable character is Ros.
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28-12-2009, 09:52 PM
Post: #8
RE: Most likable character of Season 8...
Besides Ruth...

I'm very tempted to say Ros. (Never would have before but she was so good this series!) But i probably have to go for Tariq. I just find him likeable. Big Grin

Support character...ummm... i guess i'll go with the new Home Sec. After ep 8 I can't see how he's not likeable really. (Even though he's a politician. Confused)

Ashok was really good but i have to admit that he irritated me just a little.

Codename Kirayuki: Vid Maker. H/R & Ruth fan.
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28-12-2009, 10:45 PM
Post: #9
RE: Most likable character of Season 8...
Support character would have to be the new HS Smile So adorable... And think what made him so likaeable was that you were made to suspect him and think he was nightingale and then when you find out he wasn't then it makes you feel guilty because he was such a little sweetheart Heart . Also I found his wanting Harry's approval adorable and his flirting with Ros Wink

Main character definitely Ros Big Grin I just adore her little witty lines and of course the amazing way HN puts them across.. Just so funny..
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29-12-2009, 02:36 AM
Post: #10
RE: Most likable character of Season 8...
I can't believe you all picked the HS. The guy's a letch! I get that he was innocent of Nightingale, but still....he was openly leering at Ros.

I agree with bertowud that out of the regulars it was Ros' season. And Traiq's ace.

But Ashok was my favourite from the guest stars too. I'm glad people agree with me on that - I'd made my mind up before entering the thread.

Harry and Ruth are still my favourite characters.

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