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What other TV do you watch?
05-06-2010, 12:41 AM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2010 04:31 AM by JHyde.)
Post: #481
RE: What other TV do you watch?
I'm only six episodes in (In Plain Sight), but I know what you mean. The sister's character may well turn out to be more interesting, based on what little I've seen. I like Marshall a lot, he's fun. Characters called Marshall always seem to be fun.

I tell you what though, the music is about twenty years too dated. It's super annoying. (Yes, I know the theme was written by the same guy who wrote the theme for the West Wing. Strange coincidence for Mary.)

I also like that the show is filmed in Albuquerque, it's refreshing. They use mostly the same crew as Breaking Bad and don't overlap by much. (I asked Mary McCormack on twitter and she answered!)

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11-06-2010, 05:23 PM
Post: #482
RE: What other TV do you watch?
finally got round to waching Luther finale. Teeniest bit .. disappointed (really just minutely) but can't quite put my finger to why (apart from maybe the trailer making me picture the end different). Still, pretty good episode and the question "What now?".. Don't know if a second series has been confirmed yet but I'd love to see more. And find out how he's going to explain that murder away. Also, his relationship with Alice is becoming highly intriguing.
Also got deeper into Touching Evil (talking about intriguing - Robson Green's eyes are scaringly fascinating), very good show, pity there were only 3 short seasons. Nicola Walker rocks. Thrilling cases and excellent cast..

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12-06-2010, 01:12 AM
Post: #483
RE: What other TV do you watch?
I really enjoyed "Touching Evil" as well (hmmm that somehow sounds more sinister than intended).

Has anyone seen "Good Guys" yet with Bradley Whitford and Colin Hanks? It's on Fox network in the US and Global in Canada. They play of course the mismatched partners on the Dallas police force.
I've seen two episodes and I have to say ... Bradley Whitford is HYSTERICAL as Dan Stark imo...there is a scene where he is threatening a laptop...omg funny! Tongue

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12-06-2010, 05:08 AM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2010 09:52 AM by JHyde.)
Post: #484
RE: What other TV do you watch?
I haven't seen it yet but was going to ask if anyone had! I love both Colin Hanks and Brad Whitford so I hope the show is a success for them. I'm waiting to see if it gets picked up here.

I just finished watching the finale of United States of Tara for season 2. This show is hilarious and tragic and rewarding and everything in half an hour. It does have sharp turns between emotions but I think it is fantastic and modern and at the risk of sounding like a wanker I think it is the first show for my generation, for the Yers and the sharp emotional turns make sense in the context of Tara's illness. It also has two of my favourite female writers working on it, Jil Solloway and Diablo Cody as well as Stephen Spielberg as one of the executive producers.

Totally worth the commitment.

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12-06-2010, 09:19 PM
Post: #485
RE: What other TV do you watch?
I have just started watching Flight of the Conchords half way through its latest series on BBC4. I don't even know if this is its first series! Its about two New Zealand singers, living in New York. So funny and weird. The New Zealand PM came over last week on a visit to open New Zealand Town with Gary the sheep I think it was. Smile

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13-06-2010, 05:30 AM
Post: #486
RE: What other TV do you watch?
Flight of the Conchords is fantastic. I haven't actually seen the second season yet, but I adored the first.

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15-06-2010, 10:54 AM (This post was last modified: 15-06-2010 10:56 AM by JHyde.)
Post: #487
RE: What other TV do you watch?
It seems to be the year for bloody fantastic season finales. I just watched the season 3 finale of Breaking Bad and it was terrific.

The show is not for everyone and you need to buy into the moral relativism of the show in order to watch it. But it's seriously good stuff. Also, the cast is first rate. I don't understand why Aaron Paul didn't win last year's Emmy for best supporting actor and he won't win this year (I'm tipping John Lithgow) but he is SO good. He also ends up being the character you root for, I find. I'm not sure that's how the writers and producers intend it, but that's how I feel about it.

I'd also recommend that if you gave up on Grey's Anatomy a while ago that you sit through the bad bits of season 6 because that finale was also pretty great as well as there being some really great episodes. Grey's has a lot of stuff going for it and I'm hoping the momentum carries through into season 7. I totally meant to write about here when I saw for the first time a month ago but forgot. Having said that, my sister and I (about once a week) still look at each other and say 'how about that? How great a two parter was the finale?' Melodramatic sometimes, it's a show worth sticking with.

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15-06-2010, 12:18 PM
Post: #488
RE: What other TV do you watch?
I totally agree with you!!! Lots of great season finales!!!

House season 6 finale was awesome, too. I keep repeating myself they were so good that it was better for the shows to end that way; Dexter and House for example. I don't want them to spoil the good taste they left in my mouth after their finales...

I agree with Grey's, it's true that it has its ups and downs, and I kept watching it out of habit, but it had a great finale and some wonderful episodes this season. And yes, it's a bit melodramatic sometimes, hehe

I'm watching Mad Men at the moment, I'm in season 1. It's a slow paced show and it's not gripping, but it's good quality. You can see how life was in the 60s in New York and the social backround, machismo, prejudices...

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18-06-2010, 11:39 PM
Post: #489
RE: What other TV do you watch?
I found the cliches in the finale of season 6 a little too much. Although, I was genuinely tense throughout the episode.

I just re-watched season 1 of Mad Men. I agree with your description of the show. The period of the show and how they portrayed it is what really got me into Mad Men. Rachel Menken's story still breaks my heart Sad

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18-06-2010, 11:44 PM
Post: #490
RE: What other TV do you watch?
Is anyone else watching Pretty Little Liars? I am in LOVE with it and cannot wait for the next episode - like levels of excitement I usually reserve only for Spooks!
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