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"You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2)
19-11-2010, 07:21 PM
Post: #456
RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2)
(19-11-2010 06:50 PM)Kirayuki Wrote:  (This reflects terribly badly on me too. Belive me though the pro's far outweighed the con's in this decision. Don't judge if you don't have the facts. Tongue)

...when you skip your last lesson in favour of catching the next bus and going home to complete your coursework, and on the way to the bus stop (which is the other side of all the college buildings and takes just over 15mins to get to) you take the longest, most scenic route and keep a constant look out for anyone in your next class to make sure no one sees you.

This may seem like normal actions under these circumstances... but when your saying, 'what would they do on spooks?' and you keep checking the roofs and windows for people with scopes's getting a bit silly. Felt like i had terrible paranoia. Tongue
EDT: And yes i did actually get my work done. Big Grin

LOL Kirayuki, don't feel bad, I've been doing that since High School! Big Grin

I used to take down my pony-tail and wear my jacket with collar up and take off my glasses when I want to skip class to hide in the library so I can finish school work. The librarians actually thought I had a twin! Big Grin

And I used to forge sick notes with my parents' signature so I can get out of class and then use the most strategic route to get out of school and go get hamburgers and garlic fries at a nearby restaurant so I can escape my chemistry tests!

I feel so Spooks-like whenever I can always lie and excuse my way out of anything! Smile It even works with my parents!

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RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2) - BravoNine - 19-11-2010 07:21 PM

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