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Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
30-11-2010, 02:42 PM
Post: #21
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
If S10 is the last series... I just can't see how they'll be able to resolve every issue and close every plot-hole. So I fear we may be left with a rather open ending. I think Alec will definitely return, and I love the idea of him leading the investigation against Harry - that would really prove to him that he can't trust anyone!

I agree that there was far too much of Lucas in S9, but I'm still a little hopeful that he isn't dead. I'd love to see figures from Harry's past return to haunt him at some point, and unfortunately... Lucas is one of the people Harry has to feel guilty about. If old characters are brought back in flashbacks etc, I just hope it's well-done.

Malcolm would be a nice face to see return to The Grid, although I'm not sure he would really be needed with Tariq now manning the computers. There could be some potential for humorous scenes between the two of them though if Malcolm did return... arguing over whose knowledge of technology is superior? Wink I think if there is an investigation into Harry in S10 then Malcolm will have to be called back anyway; he was present and witnessed several events involving Harry, and has probably implicated himself in a number of misdemeanour's, knowingly or otherwise. But Malcolm could always have 'gone on the run' There are just too many possibilities!

Gnothi Seauton.
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Messages In This Thread
Series 10 Rumours & Speculation - Nitrus - 28-11-2010, 12:30 AM
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation - Byatil - 30-11-2010 02:42 PM
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation - katy - 06-02-2011, 05:35 PM
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation - KiKi - 18-10-2011, 11:44 AM

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