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Series 10 Filming & Behind the Scenes
20-01-2011, 07:02 AM (This post was last modified: 20-01-2011 07:10 AM by Forever Secret.)
Post: #26
RE: Series 10 Filming & Behind the Scenes
(19-01-2011 09:56 PM)pfgirl1980 Wrote:  PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,someone tell me that what I've heard is not true??
A friend of mine claims she recently read an article (about another BBC programme) in which it said that -due to the recent cut's and budget certain BBC programme's would no longer be commisioned? These programme's were Spooks,Waking the dead (the upcoming series will be the last) and Silent Witness.
I haven't been able to find this article anywhere and my friend no longer has it,I have searched everywhere but she swear's to me that she read it in a newspaper.
In it my friend said that someone at the BBC commented on period drama's costing less to make than these programme's and that as viewing figure's had gone down in recent years they just couldn't afford to spend the money in the hope that figure's would go up again?
The only thing I have found is an article by Trevor Eve (Waking the Dead) in which he say's that the BBC are more interested in spending the budget on Doctor Who rather than good drama series,he does,however,comment on the fact that he believe's his Tv series should have been axed years ago but he says nothing else!
Anyone heard anything similar or have I been pranked by a friend??

Okey day...don't worry my friend Wink I have proof for you what you hard was a rumour and only a rumor, haha
I think a reason why Spooks has it's cliffhangers is so it can return,
It's not really fair that all the money goes into Dr Who when personally I haven't liked since Russell T Davis stopped writting it, the newer Series Since David Tennant left hasn't been as well written in my opinion and is overrated TVWink
It IS true the BBC are cutting budgets, it started a while back, Ashes to Ashes had its S3 budget cut, so it's likely Spooks Series 10 will only have 6 episodes, but it was before S9 even finished the Ian Wylie (A very reliable source) said he was 99% sure Spooks would get a new Series, and then of course if you saw the very end on 9.8... you would've seen this, riiiight at the end as a teaser when 9.8 aired Wink

Series S10 Spoiler: show
[Image: 164394_631184235733_116205695_36674078_1939907_n.jpg]

I very much doubt that they could promise a new series and not give us one Wink
Also I think someone said, that when they met Nicola Walker they overheard her talking about S10... so I wouldn't worry at all Wink

It's annoying, a lot of people I know don't know quality TV, they watch something that's popular sadly, I have a lot of friends who have no idea what Spooks is so they don't watch even though I speak highly of it to them, yet they watch Dr Who or Waterloo Road because 'Everyone else watches it'... I suppose the same thing happens when winning awards, it's not how good a show is, it's how many watch it and vote, it's a popuarity contest Sad

I'm guessing the writting started just before S9 ended, and that they Series could begin shooting in March, and aired in September/October... random guess Wink

[Image: smallersig-1.jpg]
You and I...We're made of secrets-Ruth Evershed S10
"If it was up to me and Peter they'd have done it loads by now"- Nicola Walker Wink
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RE: Series 10 Filming & Behind the Scenes - Forever Secret - 20-01-2011 07:02 AM

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