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How did you feel about Season 9?
01-08-2011, 05:13 AM (This post was last modified: 01-08-2011 05:23 AM by pennyfeather.)
Post: #138
RE: How did you feel about Season 9?
I'm surprised at the amount of people who seem to be disappointed with Lucas' death and even more so by those who seem to think he may be still alive. I loved RA in North and South and it was him that made me start start watching Spooks as I saw the front cover of one of the DVDs (then I realized he wasn't even in it till S7.)
AT the end of the day I think S9 was one of the least Spookish (weird word I know) of the lot. I think its because of all the newbies and young newbies at that. It made me think of NCIS and when you've lived with a show taht relies on the years and years of wisdom and experience of people like Malcom, Adam, Hermionie (soz forgotten her character name) its a bit deflating to see these perky youths acting opposite such legends as Harry and Ruth.

I didn't think the characterization of Harry and Ruth was particularly convincing either - no matter how upset he is over Ruth's refusal to his marriage proposal Harry has never been so self pitying and self questioning.
Peter Firth did make a comment in an interview about Harry's growing disillusionment with the spy service and this, I suppose can account for some of it. Idk though; there was still something instinctively false about the way the writers dealt with his character this season
They even went as far as to have him deliver one of the most cliche lines in cinema existence: 'What have I done?'
Sorry, but this is NOT the Harry we have seen in previous seasons.

Now I am a massive fan of Harry and Ruth. I have read in other posts that people loved the little subtle moments (some I hear created exclusively by the two actors before the writers even caught on) i.e Ruth's kindness, naivety and with that Harry's resulting gentle teasing.

This season their contention seemed a tad too forced. It was not until the final episode that I felt things were beginning to right themselves (and I have an inkling that was only because I was squealing at the idea of Harry saving Ruth and there being a passionate reunion).

I read somewhere that a fellow poster thought that Ruth's crying at the end of Episode 8 might have been either for Lucas or Harry. I cannot believe that. She locked eyes with Harry before he left, acknowledged that it was his turn to die and then was fighting back tears as she carried out his orders. For me that crying scene was all about Harry and her love for him.

My biggest disappointment was the fact that the episode ended on a cliffhanger that was 48hours later. WHY!!!!???? Where are the scenes of relief from Section D when they realize that Harry is alive? and more importantly the reunion between Ruth and Harry after she hears he's safe and well. What an intense moment that would've been! So much can happen in 48hrs... My biggest fear is that they will open S10 with Harry and Ruth in bed (like with Ross and Adam in S6) or with a suggestion that they have mended their ways and are now together.

Anyway those are my thoughts, sorry of I came on a bit strong heh... I watched the final ep of season 9 this morning and am still reeling from it lol...

It was the wind Ruth...
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How did you feel about Season 9? - JHyde - 09-11-2010, 03:55 AM
RE: How did you feel about Season 9? - pennyfeather - 01-08-2011 05:13 AM

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