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Series 10 - Episode 1 Discussion
19-09-2011, 12:55 AM
Post: #35
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion
(18-09-2011 11:14 PM)richliga Wrote:  Im quite liking this episode but it probably only because im THIIIIIIIIISSSSS happy spooks is back! Love that Harry and Ruth has moved on, i mean they feel much more comfortable around each other thats probably because Albany thing or maybe they have had a talk who knows... im though guessing that in ep2 and ep 3 we might be back to awkward Harry and Ruth... LOVED laughing Harry and smiling Ruth! But for gods sake give Ruth some better clothes!!!!!!!!

Liked Erin and how she admires Harry... hehe liked her scolding Calum...and Dimitri seemed very professional and into his senior field officer role... very little of Tariq but I guess he goes BOOOOM soon... as Calum is the new IT guy....

Towers was a bit annoying.. quite bitchy... not at all the same as in s9.... I think during that moment w Ruth I did not breathe... LOL

Calum was so so... but liked his comment about mooma and poppa bear! Big Grin

Elena- sorry but i just cannot look at this actress. Or maybe it was her red wide mouth... she reminded me of a monkey clown...

Some really good lines... hehe... when Ruth asking if she can read H report on her he answers not while i draw breath! oh and when he took out that report i was LMAO it looked like 100 pages long.. ;D he certainly has been thinking a lot about Ruth while on his leave...
Oh i could go on an on.... :woop:im tooo excited for spooks being back!!!! some great Harry lines.... Vueltasss

Peter and Nicola was JUST BRILLIANT! im gonna miss them!!!! Heart

I am so happy that Ruth looks so beautiful and sophisticated with her shorter hair. Ruth does not need to be kicked into action re Harry. She and Harry have moved on perhaps during Harry's gardening period. Remember the tete-a-tetes in S9. They smile at each other and I do not really think that Elena is a threat for Ruth. How could Harry resist Ruth's dimply smile? She is such a breath of fresh air compared to Elena.

I agree with you. I hate Elena, I think that she looks awful. I think too that she is very devious and is still a Russian spy. I am worried about the meeting of the Russians who were holding a photo of Elena. She is back to lure Harry and I am concerned that she is going to hurt Ruth through Sascha. Have you noticed how she looked like a snake at Ruth during the embassy reception? and how Ruth was looking at her, guessing that there must be more to Harry and Elena than he was saying.

Sascha seems to be a nasty piece of work. Does he know that Harry is his father? Harry seems not afraid of him, because he visited Sascha as a child. Was Ilya Gavrik already Elena's husband then? How could you do that to your legitimate family, Harry? You should be ashamed of yourself and Ruth could not be blamed if she moved on, but please not with the HS. She has already suffered so much because of Harry. Thank God she did not accept his marriage proposal.

Harry still loves Ruth very much. He looked quite jealous when Ruth rushed to Dimitri's side during the embassy reception. When Harry told Ruth about his illegitimate family, he had tears in his eyes. I think that he was afraid of losing Ruth at that moment. He has so much trust in her by confiding his secret. She could get him in deep trouble if she told the HS. I think that the American knows about Harry's second family.

I enjoyed episode 1 very much. I still think that Harry's secret is more than his love child. I am afraid that he either
Series 10 Spoiler: show
leaked some intelligence information to Elena or he was reckless in a black op which led to the death of innocent people. He is on very thin ice and might not last long as a temporary Head of Section D.

I am so excited about the next episodes. I can't wait to see more PF and NW interaction.
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RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion - almh - 18-09-2011, 09:08 PM
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion - beatrice4ruth - 19-09-2011 12:55 AM
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion - JHyde - 19-09-2011, 07:24 AM
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion - neuro - 19-09-2011, 10:22 PM

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