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Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
27-09-2011, 11:33 AM
Post: #541
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
I think too that Elena has her own agenda.

Series 10 Spoiler: show
I think it would be too dangerous for her to defect to the West. It is her husband who has the connections to the FSB and I believe to the Russian mafia. He is the successful business man and ex-high ranking intelligence officer, not she. Perhaps both of them want to bring down MI-5 because of its history with the KGB. It is possible that, once they succeed, Elena would try to kill her husband and stay in London.

I am afraid that the true agenda of Elena is to destroy Harry. And the best way to destroy Harry is to hurt him through Ruth and his children. I do not know how she views his English children. Since Sasha had a very nice life with his "father" Ilya, she can't blame Harry for neglecting his "son". Perhaps she has no animosity towards his English children. To Elena Ruth becomes the enemy, when she realizes that Harry has sacrificed his professional life for Ruth which he did not do for her in 1984. I don't think that she has forgiven him that betrayal. I am very concerned about the meeting of Elena and Ruth and its aftermath.

For Ruth's safety and for her own sanity, she should accept the promotion offered by Towers. I feel so sad for Ruth when she said to the HS: “I’m sick of secrets,” “They stop you ever knowing people. Everyone ends up feeling alone."

I am happy that she snapped a few years of contentement in Cyprus. She never really loved George, but at least she had a normal life with a lover and a child. I never thought I would say that, because I am convinced that Harry and Ruth are soulmates.

I hope that Harry realizes that he might lose Ruth to the HS. He better acts fast. He depends on Ruth to save his professional future and finally find some happiness with her.

I was hoping that the storyline of Harry in S10 would concentrate on bigger issues, on the scale of Sugarhorse or Nightingale. I think that we can forget about that. There is not enough time for it. We can just hope for the consequences of Harry's nontraditional work methods on his private life and those he cares for. We should still see a lot of action and suspense which is going to be fun.

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Series 10 Rumours & Speculation - Nitrus - 28-11-2010, 12:30 AM
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation - katy - 06-02-2011, 05:35 PM
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation - beatrice4ruth - 27-09-2011 11:33 AM
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation - KiKi - 18-10-2011, 11:44 AM

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