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Series 10 - Episode 5 Discussion
17-10-2011, 10:47 AM
Post: #29
RE: Series 10 - Episode 5 Discussion
How gripping was that!! The car chase was brilliant although the hanging out the door stunt made me laugh and snort "as if!" I was so disappointed when I thought the Home Secretary had been blown up as I saw all those wonderful one-liners disappearing but no, he's just been deafened by the blast. I'm thinking Ilya is as innocent in all this as Coaver had been and do wonder if Elena was perhaps persuaded to become an agent for the KGB when they arrested her. A threat on Sasha's life would have been enough, talking of whom, poor Sasha, he'd worked it out hadn't he, before he grabbed the laptop but was still devasted. Hmm, what else is he up to? So long as Harry survives I'm convinced he and Ruth will be together because their feelings are so out in the open now they can't be ignored plus Ilya's conclusions about Harry's life definitely hit home. He might construct a new life without the grid but not without Ruth.

Same as Tineke, thanks to Ian Wylie I hit the mute button and shut my eyes during the trailer for next week. It seemed awfully long as I kept peaking through my fingers to see if it had finished and saw a flash of action before covering my face again so hopefully they didn't give too much away to everyone else but I'll be avoiding everything Spooks-related until after the last episode in case someone lets slip.
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Series 10 - Episode 5 Discussion - Nitrus - 16-10-2011, 07:27 PM
RE: Series 10 - Episode 5 Discussion - molecatcher - 17-10-2011 10:47 AM

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