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Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
18-10-2011, 09:37 AM
Post: #608
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
One thing I don't understand about the laptop information if it belonged to Coaver is if he was a good guy and hadn't betrayed Harry all these years over what happened between him and Elena why would there be a document confirming the real paternity of Sacha on file anywhere? Who would possibly need to know that information? I was under the impression that until Sacha found the laptop only three people (Harry, Elena and Coaver) knew who his father really was. I can't see that sort of information being recorded just in case Sacha needed a transplant or something Smile and his real father needed to be found. I don't think the security services would care that much. It just seemed like a silly thing to have written down anywhere.

(18-10-2011 07:47 AM)harrbd Wrote:  Having seen IW's blog and photos I am really depressed about the ending now !
Series 10 Spoiler: show
I was hoping that the writers were bluffing us by showing us the photo of Harry and Ruth together, looking over the estuary, as most people wouldn't think the final scene would be shown in previews. I think that this scene will nearly be the ending but the photo of Dimitri, Erin and Calum running with guns along the stretch of coast line leads me to think that they are racing to try to save Harry and Ruth from someone or each other ?! The main threat of the plane seems to have gone because surely Harry and Ruth won't be standing there if not, so the threat will either be a reprisal for this, each other or Tom.

IW's comment that not everyone will like the ending sounds ominous to me. If someone is going to die, and it has been said that not all survive, I hope it is not Harry or Ruth but if it is I hope that both go together, holding hands as they do so.

Series 10 Spoiler: show
I'm choosing to believe that the photos of Dmitri etc on the same coastline as H/R is nothing more than them trying to get to them to say goodbye before they leave rather than saving them from something. I'm hoping all this happens at the very end after what seems to be some sort of interrogation between Harry and Elena/Sacha because if it happens before and something 'bad' happens there I don't think Ruth would forgive him to ask the same thing.
The released photos of Tom kind of look like the same setting as the bad guys at the start of episode 1. I have no idea whether he's coming back as a good or bad guy. Would Tom work against us? I'm not entirely convinced he would.
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Series 10 Rumours & Speculation - Nitrus - 28-11-2010, 12:30 AM
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation - katy - 06-02-2011, 05:35 PM
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation - Tess24 - 18-10-2011 09:37 AM
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation - KiKi - 18-10-2011, 11:44 AM

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