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[spoilers] Wonderful ways to bring characters back
26-08-2009, 12:36 AM (This post was last modified: 26-08-2009 12:38 AM by bertowud.)
Post: #4
RE: Wonderful ways to bring characters back
OK, this is going to get a bit silly:

Tom, Christine, and Zoe have been running a private spook shop based on the Isle of Man. When Ruth & Tessa hears that Harry's been captured by the Russians, they calls Tom & Gang to help them save him.

The virus Zaf was infected with was really a zombie virus, so he came back to life a few days later. The reason for the closed casket is because he wasn't in it. Also Zaf is the new leader of Yalta. Zaf had Yalta fake Adam's death in an explosion in hopes of turning him. Adam is in a Yalta prison cell in a basement somewhere in Nairobi. He manages to escape on his own and finds out that Fiona had been cloned. It was the clone that was killed. He manages to recue the real Fiona from the Palestinians where they've been torturing her since just before the clone was killed.

Colin had managed to transfer his consciousness into a computer just days before he was killed and has managed to turn himself into an artificial construct living in the internet. It was Colin who informed both Ruth & Tessa about Harry's capture.

When Ruth was checking Danny to see if he was really dead, she was really performing a mind meld with him and transferring his consciousness into herself for safe keeping. When she got back to the Grid, she transfered his consciousness into Sam. The real reason she left the Grid is so she and Danny could live happily ever after. She decides to go to work with Tom and Company.

And the whole gang is back together again.

Always love your country, but never trust your government.
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RE: Wonderful ways to bring characters back - bertowud - 26-08-2009 12:36 AM

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