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[Spoilers] Episode 7 Summary
14-10-2010, 07:57 PM
Post: #21
RE: [Spoilers] Episode 7 Summary
I just have to say Tea Lady rocks! She is always so wise and sensible. I am really looking forward to the last couple of episodes and am still firmly in Optomists Corner. I agree with all of the above. This is all such an improvement of the material both PF and NW got in S8. They are both too good to be stuck in the batcave all the time. I can live with the nerves!!!
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14-10-2010, 08:58 PM
Post: #22
RE: [Spoilers] Episode 7 Summary
Series 9.7 Spoiler: show
Maybe Kudos have kept the full cast list for 9.8 under wraps because the Ruth cliff hanger will be from 9.7 to 9.8. Perhaps they will take pity on us and reveal the truth before the end of the series, because most of us would die a little bit inside if either Harry or Ruth were killed off.Sad
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14-10-2010, 09:23 PM
Post: #23
RE: [Spoilers] Episode 7 Summary
Series 9 Spoiler: show
But what about the interviews where RA has said that there will be the "ultimate betrayal" from the second least likely person you would expect?

I don't believe he would have lied about this and yet it doesn't fit into any of what is being said about 9.7.

There is no way Lucas is the second least likely.
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14-10-2010, 09:44 PM
Post: #24
RE: [Spoilers] Episode 7 Summary
(14-10-2010 09:23 PM)nothingisasitseems Wrote:  
Series 9 Spoiler: show
But what about the interviews where RA has said that there will be the "ultimate betrayal" from the second least likely person you would expect?

I don't believe he would have lied about this and yet it doesn't fit into any of what is being said about 9.7.

There is no way Lucas is the second least likely.

Spoiler: show
And if it is RA saying that himself, then the ultimate betrayal is unlikely to be involving his own character. I think it's pointing more and more towards Ruth Sad

"They're awfully tenacious, bless them. I think they want to give me a polonium suppository."

- Ros, 7.1
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14-10-2010, 09:51 PM
Post: #25
RE: [Spoilers] Episode 7 Summary
Series series 9 in general Spoiler: show
I was under the impression that the ultimate betrayal had already happened in 9.1 when it turned out that Nicholas Blake had betrayed the country and caused the death of Ros. I thought RA said that Lucas wasn't who we thought he was.
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14-10-2010, 09:53 PM
Post: #26
RE: [Spoilers] Episode 7 Summary
I can't take this any more!!!! No more for me!!
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14-10-2010, 10:03 PM
Post: #27
RE: [Spoilers] Episode 7 Summary
I'm going to hide in denial-land, unless I see at that Harry/Lucas confrontation that Lucas or Harry actually killing each other or Lucas is revealed to be evil, I am NOT going to believe it.

Lucas has always come through for Harry, I have to keep believing that!!!

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15-10-2010, 09:11 AM (This post was last modified: 15-10-2010 09:12 AM by Hunted.)
Post: #28
RE: [Spoilers] Episode 7 Summary
Series series 9 in general Spoiler: show
I came to the same conclusion as you Naivety. Nick Blake was the betrayer, and as he was the HS, the "ultimate betrayal" was betraying his country. There may actually be no more traitors in this series.
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15-10-2010, 09:36 AM
Post: #29
RE: [Spoilers] Episode 7 Summary
(15-10-2010 09:11 AM)Hunted Wrote:  
Series series 9 in general Spoiler: show
I came to the same conclusion as you Naivety. Nick Blake was the betrayer, and as he was the HS, the "ultimate betrayal" was betraying his country. There may actually be no more traitors in this series.

Series 9 Spoiler: show
I agree with others in that Harry was talking about Blake. The ultimate betrayal resulted in Harry taking the ultimate revenge, by killing him. Also when Harry did this interview with GMTV, I don't think they had filmed 9.1 yet. I read somewhere that 9.1 was not filmed first. Also, I can't see that it is Ruth at all. I did wonder about this earlier in the series though. There has been nothing to date, to indicate this. No hints at all. It just wouldn't ring true if they unmasked her in 9.8, from her hospital bed.

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15-10-2010, 09:42 AM
Post: #30
RE: [Spoilers] Episode 7 Summary
RE [Spoilers Series 9 episode 7 summary]

Hello everyone. I am new to this site and really enjoying the discussion. Regarding the summary for episode 7, here is my take. I read somewhere (on spoosforum I think) that they had filmed two endings to series 9. They must have filmed one based on the assumption that there would be no series 10 (hence MAlcolm, at a funeral, say Harry, Ruth or both), and one based on the assumption that there would be a series 10. It's unthinkable that they would kill off HArry if they want to continue. As for Ruth....not so sure. Really worried now.Angry
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