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New Feature - Awards!
25-08-2009, 10:24 AM (This post was last modified: 25-08-2009 10:39 AM by Nitrus.)
Post: #1
zzStar New Feature - Awards!
I have just added a new feature to the site. Awards!

Spooks forum now has a variety of Awards which will be granted to members, some of them are granted monthly, others are granted sporadically.

You can view all the Awards here: http://spooksforum.co.uk/myawards.php

Awards are granted by me, monthly awards are decided by the Staff team, who will agree on a member to grant the award to. Monthly awards will be granted at the end of each month!

Staff members are awarded the "Staff Member Award" & are allowed to be awarded any of the non-Monthly awards.

I hope you like this new feature & the first monthly awards will be granted at the end of August, once they have been decided by the Staff team.

- Spooks Forum Team

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