(27-04-2011 09:27 PM)BAUER24 Wrote: (27-04-2011 07:52 PM)HarryPearceSpy Wrote: (27-04-2011 01:35 PM)BAUER24 Wrote: Welcome HarryPearceSpy!
Quick question for you: Are you a fan of 24? If so do you think spooks is better then 24? I always used to think of spooks as a poor man's 24 . But the more I watch, the more I realize that spooks is so much better!
Have you voted on my poll as to who is better-Tom,Adam or Lucas?
Its posted under chacter discussions
Hi Bauer24! Thanks for the welcome. I'm a fan of 24 and I like both shows. Similar to you, when I first watched it, I found it to be very similar to 24, but liked 24 more at the time (coincidentally, this was during 24's last season too). Nevertheless, as I watched more I began liking Spooks more. There's just something about it that makes it seem better to me- probably the fact that it depends less on action (though it has a lot of it) and more on various aspects of spying and other intelligence activities. It also has its own unrealistic aspects- like 24- but I also find Spooks to be more realistic than 24 in some ways, especially how you never know when a character will die in Spooks (in 24 you always knew Jack Bauer would live).
I haven't voted yet. I will do so shortly. Thanks for letting me know about it.
How did you find out about Spooks by the way? I was looking at TV listings and saw "MI-5" on PBS. Once I saw that I was like "Hmm- quite an interesting name for a show! I'll go check it out!"
I've been hooked ever since. 
I got into Spooks as a result of 24 finishing and missing that spy programme in my life. Also I found out that Richard Armitage was going to be in it and I have always liked whatever he has been in
That's cool. I feel the same way. I like spy programs and Spooks is a pretty awesome spy show. This is the first time I've seen Richard Armitage and I'm impressed. What other shows have you watched him in?