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Self Control. Self Denial. Part 3
19-06-2011, 03:18 PM
Post: #1
Ruth Self Control. Self Denial. Part 3
"Yes Ruth, something else."

"Tell me."

"I'm not sure this is the right time…I, um do you have any plans this evening?"

"Yes actually"

"Oh, well another time maybe?"

"Or, you could come along if you wanted…"

"Come along? Where?"

"The Prince of Wales is showing The Red Shoes tonight…. "

"Your favourite film.."


"I'd love to come along, if that's OK?"

"Of course. It starts at eight o'clock.. I'll meet you there?"

"Are you sure? I can pick you up if you like?"

"It's OK Harry, I like getting the bus.. I'll meet you outside at quarter to" she says heading for the door.

Harry nods slowly, a smile flickers quickly across his lips as Ruth closes the door to his office.

Ruth gathers up her coat and shoots a quick smile to Harry, visibly cheerier through his office window before exiting through the pods.


Harry, having just arrived home quickly takes Scarlett out for a pee on the grass verge before running upstairs, stripping off and jumping in the shower. He doesn't wait for the water to heat up, he hasn't got time. As the cold water hits him he is woken from the daze he has been in since he made a date with Ruth earlier and now he has just fifty minutes to get across to Leicester Square to make that date. He grabs the shower gel from the floor and squeezing a big blob of the gooey blue substance into his palms he works it through his hair ferociously. Every part of his body gets the same attention right down to his toes. He lets the warm water rinse away the bubbles and he gets out of the shower. In his bedroom, having towelled himself off he selects a pair of casual blue trousers, a white shirt and a blue cashmere crew neck jumper.

Ruth meanwhile is now carefully choosing a different outfit to wear. She had planned on going to the cinema in her work clothes, but not now. She eventually selects a crimson wraparound dress, it's casual and definitely shows off her body better than the dowdy skirts she wears on the Grid. Pairing it with a small heeled pair of brown knee length boots she turns her attention to her hair. Pulling it out of the ponytail it's been tied up in all day she shakes loose her curls and pulls a brush through it. Deciding on a slightly different approach she roots around under her bed until she finds her straighteners. Plugging them in she applies mascara whilst she waits for the red light to come on. Sliding the straighteners down her hair she looks at the clock. Damn! Bus leaves in ten minutes. Quickly zipping up her boots and rushing downstairs Ruth forgets the straighteners hastily thrown onto the lid of the laundry basket as she heads out of the front door. Running down the road she reaches the bus just before the doors close.


"Ruth!" Harry shouts running up from Leicester Square "Sorry I'm late"

"Hi Harry... not late, just on time."

Reaching her, panting he kisses her clumsily on the cheek

"Shall we?" he says, still out of breath

"Lets…I got the tickets"

"Oh Ruth, thank you.. will you let me get the ice cream?"

"I'd prefer popcorn" Ruth says smiling warmly at Harry.

She leans into him as they queue at the kiosk, he smells fresh, his hair is slightly damp. She can't yet see what he is wearing apart from a pair of blue trousers, everything else is covered by a black jacket. The kind he wears when he goes into the field. Harry steps back and takes in Ruth's beauty as the people in front of him order coffee.

"You look beautiful Ruth."

"Thank you" she replies, blushing slightly

"Sweet or salty?"

"Sweet please"

"Oh but Ruth you are sweet enough!" he grins

"Cheesy Harry, very cheesy!"

"Sorry…I'll see if I can do better as the evening progresses" he growls into her ear

Shivering as she feels Harry's breath penetrate her she slips her arm into his as they step to the front of the queue.

"One large sweet popcorn please" Harry demands smiling at the kiosk attendant

Sitting in the cinema, in the very back row upstairs, Harry and Ruth slowly become accustomed to their new surroundings. Their shoulders touch slightly as they sink into the comfy red chairs, each taking an outside arm rest. The cinema is half-empty, no one else is this far back except them. Harry rests the popcorn box on his lap as Ruth boldly reaches over and dips her hand in. She digs deep and grabs a big handful, smiling sheepishly as she pulls her hand out Harry realises that the box should maybe be positioned elsewhere. The movement of the box in his lap, bought on by Ruth's rummaging, although innocent is somewhat distracting!

Ruth, sensing that her rummaging has had the desired effect smiles to herself as the curtains part and the opening titles appear on the screen before them.


Got a few more chapters to come yet I think…..
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