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Favourite films?
10-06-2010, 07:20 PM
Post: #181
RE: Favourite films?
I have finally caught Sex and the City fever! I watched the 2nd film the other week and today bought the first and am already on my 2nd watch of it! It is just so hilarious and I love the friendships in it and not to mention most of the time I am not watching the storyline but the FABULOUS wardrobe! I was always stuck up about Sex and the City before but I have just been missing out on something fantastic all this time!!
I love Samantha! Me and my friends play this game where we say which character from films/ tv shows each other is most like and I always got Samantha and never knew what that meant - now I am not sure whether to be pleased or offended haha
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14-06-2010, 10:40 PM
Post: #182
RE: Favourite films?
I was going to see S&tC2, but only because I thought it was filmed in Abu Dhabi (where I used to live) and I wanted to see if I recognised any locations. Turns out it was actually filmed in Morroco (sp?) so I didn't go.

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15-06-2010, 05:42 AM (This post was last modified: 15-06-2010 05:42 AM by JHyde.)
Post: #183
RE: Favourite films?
Yeah they filmed it in Marrakech.

I had a free ticket this week to see it. Raza's role is small but significant and he does it well. The film, I think, is not that great. The first 40 mins or so are the best - I thought the Miranda/Charlotte storylines were the best. It was also too long and that's disappointing given that all four of them didn't get decent storylines that ran the breadth of the film. The first film did that really well.

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15-06-2010, 02:44 PM
Post: #184
RE: Favourite films?
I loved the Charlotte's nanny storyline the best hahaha and when Miranda shows her the magazine about cheating with nanny's. Tongue And of course Samantha with that guy - I knew she would get in trouble as soon as I heard it was set in the middle east Tongue When she is smoking that thingy (frazzled brain forgot the name Tongue) in that dodgy way I was laughing a lot - yes that is my sense of humour hasn't developed a lot since the age of 5 I'll admit Tongue. Ooh and when she was wearing the same dress as Miley Cyrus Big Grin
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15-06-2010, 04:12 PM
Post: #185
RE: Favourite films?
It's Sex & The City, of course it's crap. Tongue

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19-06-2010, 02:51 AM
Post: #186
RE: Favourite films?
Along came a Spider
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19-06-2010, 08:36 PM
Post: #187
RE: Favourite films?
I just watched Final Destination 2... *shudders*

Wouldn't count it as a favourite, but it was pretty scary!! Sad

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20-06-2010, 12:41 PM
Post: #188
RE: Favourite films?
I watched Ne le dis a personne last night and it's a new addition to my fave films list Big Grin I adore french films, anybody got any recomendations?

And I love Final Destination haha all the imaginative ways they kill off characters Tongue Not seen the fourth one though yet Sad
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20-06-2010, 12:49 PM
Post: #189
RE: Favourite films?
I've only ever seen three French films; Priceless (which I loved; good old romantic comedy Tongue), La Vie en Rose (wasn't so keen on, but I'm not a fan of Edith Piaf, so that's probably why) and Amelie (loved it Tongue)

FD2 has creeped me out. I'm never (ot that I planned to anyway) going to a tanning salon, ever. *shudders*

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20-06-2010, 01:30 PM
Post: #190
RE: Favourite films?
I adore Priceless Big Grin Audrey Tautou is one of my all time fave actors and Amelie. I watched la Vie on Rose a few times but always with a bottle of wine which is probably why I don't remember much of it haha. I do like singing along though - loudly with a bad french accent I am sure my whole fa,ily likes that tooo Tongue

Is the 2nd one the one with the rollercoaster? Cos I watched that once the day before going to Alton Towers haha not a wise move soon as though I am not a fan of them anywyay Tongue
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