Spooks: 2002-2011

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Episode 1 Discussion [Rewatch]
17-01-2010, 06:44 PM (This post was last modified: 17-01-2010 06:44 PM by frivol.)
Post: #41
RE: Episode 1 Discussion [Rewatch]
I'm late to the party, but catching up!

I thought this was a great first episode to introduce a new show. I was grabbed by it when I watched it when it originally aired, and it still seems fresh and interesting- and appropriately intriguing. There was a nice balance between MI5 business and the private lives of the people who work there. I liked the normalcy of the tour guide showing people around the building, and Tom and Zoe heading for 'the coffee room' behind the innocuous timber door where the high tech grid was concealed.
And as a fan of John Le Carre, I loved the nod to George Smiley and his world too, which added the weight of all that had gone before to Spooks with just a line or two- brilliant writing!
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17-06-2010, 01:16 PM
Post: #42
Harry RE: Episode 1 Discussion [Rewatch]
(11-01-2010 02:27 PM)HellsBells Wrote:  But at least you can see everything and everyone on the Grid, it is bright. You can see other people working in the whole place, it just looks efficient.
I rewatched this last night. I was struck by how light the office was and well, 'normal' looking. Now, I have worked in my share of central London offices which didn't have much natural light, but at least we were allowed ceiling lights. I'm not sure how legal the current grid is in terms of working conditions, etc. You would be down Specsavers after 6 months of working there!

I think it's a fashion thing, the dark lighting because Waking the Dead springs to mind as another show short on electric. In fact Mr WS has been known to shout at the TV 'not another load of people working in a dungeon'. Smile
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17-06-2010, 01:29 PM (This post was last modified: 17-06-2010 01:29 PM by HellsBells.)
Post: #43
RE: Episode 1 Discussion [Rewatch]
Yes, I think the Grid got darker and darker as the series progress, or maybe they switched to energy-saving light bulbs !
But in series 1 it definitely has the look of a real office environment.

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28-06-2010, 01:18 PM
Post: #44
RE: Episode 1 Discussion [Rewatch]
i loved ep 1 i really liked how it didnt introduice you it just jamp in head first didnt explain who anyone was it assumed you knew

SPOOKS 2002-2011 - Thanks for the Memory's
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02-09-2010, 12:14 PM
Post: #45
RE: Episode 1 Discussion [Rewatch]
(11-01-2010 02:37 PM)lwhite53 Wrote:  
(11-01-2010 06:24 AM)Silktie Wrote:  
(11-01-2010 12:00 AM)lwhite53 Wrote:  Mary Kane -- lousy American accent, right out of the gate!Thcussing

Decidedly anti-US slant right from the get go, via Christine Dale:

Actually they say on the commentary that the actress playing Mary Kane is also American...

Yes, I know that actress but that's definitely not how she speaks -- no southern accent. Wonder why it's so broad and unrealistic? Doesn't make sense to me????

Think about it this way. her strong anti-abortionist beliefs probably stem from religion, and considering that she's going off killing people who perform abortions, we could assume she's a fundamentalist christian (i mean, we do see her 'praying', which i think Tom comments on), whom most people in the world would assume, if the person was american, would come from the southern part of that country.

and hence the southern accent.

but that's just my take.

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01-11-2010, 01:29 PM
Post: #46
RE: Episode 1 Discussion [Rewatch]
i just rewatched ep for the first time in ages and ages and i love how it just jumps right in. i seem to find the people who are in spooks that are actualy american there accents sound faker than those who arent american pretending (great example of this in doctor who ep dalek where van staten is american and sounds fake but its actualy realWink.

i seem to get the impression which i didnt pick up on before that danny is very new to the team? why does zoe live in such a crap little room? evceryone else seems to be able to afford a house/flat.

SPOOKS 2002-2011 - Thanks for the Memory's
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01-11-2010, 08:44 PM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2010 08:46 PM by BravoNine.)
Post: #47
RE: Episode 1 Discussion [Rewatch]
(17-06-2010 01:29 PM)HellsBells Wrote:  Yes, I think the Grid got darker and darker as the series progress, or maybe they switched to energy-saving light bulbs !
But in series 1 it definitely has the look of a real office environment.

Maybe one day we won't be able to see anyone on the Grid because there will be no light? You just see flashlights or computer lights with heads behind them and we will have to distinguish who is who by their voices? And hence it will reinforce the fact that the show is called "Spooks" and so it must look spooky?Silba

I remember another show of mine that had rather inefficient lighting, but there was always this green fruit-bowl that was forever well lit!

Maybe the Grid should think of adopting some well-lit fruit-bowls?

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03-11-2010, 07:50 PM
Post: #48
RE: Episode 1 Discussion [Rewatch]
i noticed the grid is lighter and more open plan in s1 than it is now! i also miss the pods in s1 jus a sliding door

SPOOKS 2002-2011 - Thanks for the Memory's
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24-01-2011, 06:16 PM (This post was last modified: 24-01-2011 06:16 PM by Byatil.)
Post: #49
RE: Episode 1 Discussion [Rewatch]
I've just begun watching S1, and I have to agree that the grid looks remarkably light and spacious! I liked the way we were introduced to it as being a "world within a world" so to speak; the contrast between Thames House's more 'public' area and the grid was brilliant.

Tom is a fascinating character, I love the way this episode dealt with his relationship issues. It's something you always have to wonder about - how do spies cope in a relationship? Harry's comment about his wedding made me laugh, "I like to have everything on paper" Tongue

Zoe seems like she could be a fun character when she's developed a bit more, I'd say 1.1 focussed on Tom more than anyone else. She seems like a "chameleon" as someone previously said, so it should be nice seeing her do some more undercover work. I loved the scene with the cat, hilarious! KH definitely has a lot of comic potential.

Danny... not too sure what to make of him to be honest. He seems like he's desperately trying to 'fit in' and get a feel for the job, so I'll have to wait and see if he grows on me.

Malcolm is endearingly clueless, demonstrated clearly when he tells Zoe "I have a camp bed" Wink I like the way he's presented as a very intelligent man who has absolutely no clue about how to deal with people on an emotional level. Seems that "dealing with emotions" will be a bit of a running theme this series, if this Tom/Matthew storyline runs for the entire thing!

I was surprised that Harry doesn't have a particularly 'big' role in this episode. He has a few hilarious lines which introduce his character well, but he didn't seem to have much screen-time. Should be interesting to see how his character matures Smile

As far as the "threat of the week" goes; I thought it was a clever idea! Perpetrating the idea of "Christian extremists" was a clever move, seeing as we all too often forget that Islam isn't the only religion with followers who are prepared to plant bombs for "the greater good". Absolutely loved Tom's conversation with Mary Kane at the end of the episode, lots of amusing dialogue.

So yes, all-in-all a very promising start to the series! I'm definitely gripped and very interested to learn more about the Spooks.

Gnothi Seauton.
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25-01-2011, 06:47 AM (This post was last modified: 25-01-2011 06:48 AM by JHyde.)
Post: #50
RE: Episode 1 Discussion [Rewatch]
They really changed a few characters as they went along, Malcolm being one of them. He had very little to do until season 2, when they really started to flesh him out. He did still harbour a soft spot for Zoe though
Series 2.3 Spoiler: show
something you saw when he compliments Zoe while watching her on camera in the school teaching episode.

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