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"You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2)
06-11-2010, 01:31 PM
Post: #421
RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2)
When returning to work with a stolen toilet roll for your paper-less staff toilets tucked unde ryour arm inside your coat, you give a colleague a furvertive look as you walk past and say 'target acquired!'

"I'm like a shark, I never sleep."
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06-11-2010, 01:45 PM
Post: #422
RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2)
^^^ Haha! Nice one. Big Grin

...when you have a coursework deadline to meet and all you can think about is your own personal deadline of 10pm Monday (when the show starts for me).

Codename Kirayuki: Vid Maker. H/R & Ruth fan.
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07-11-2010, 11:13 PM
Post: #423
RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2)
Haha that was my story deadline...

todays... when you're skiing with your music on, the Spooks theme tune comes on, and you ski like a world cup racer blasting past everyone else on the slope.
Oh yeah it was good!!

"I'm like a shark, I never sleep."
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09-11-2010, 02:53 PM
Post: #424
RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2)
When your so upset with Lucas's storyline in 9.8 you clean out the oven rather than watching it again.

Lucas 8.4: It's all about trust, isn't Harry ?.
[Image: who-trust.png]
Signature by the brilliant TygerBright
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09-11-2010, 03:41 PM
Post: #425
RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2)
When in a supermarket, someone halfwit barges past you with a trolley & you are on the brink of calling in special forces.
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09-11-2010, 05:15 PM
Post: #426
RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2)
When you and the one housemate who likes Spooks turn a simple trip into Asda into a Spooks mission... and fail miserably due to dodgy door locks, rain and late buses.

When, after watching Spooks 9.8 and having drunk too much, you try to teach said housemate the phonetic alphabet, and post s****e all over each other's Facebook walls LOL

"I'm like a shark, I never sleep."
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09-11-2010, 05:44 PM
Post: #427
RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2)
... when you go to bed at 2 am in the morning because you wanted to watch the last episode of series 9 and discuss it a bit on the forum... And I had to get up at 6.25 in the morning!!! Soooo sleepy!

"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt"
Pactum serva
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10-11-2010, 06:31 AM
Post: #428
RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2)
when after all the grief and spent emotions over series 9, you're ready to start with 1.1 and run through it all over again!

[Image: S9T.jpg]
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10-11-2010, 06:41 AM
Post: #429
RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2)
When you start watching Series 7 episodes and can't stop crying because you wished things had never changed!! You just wanna pluck the characters out of the screen and hide them away so they can't go into the future and suffer all the grief!!

[Image: Hawkman_Smallville-8.jpg]
RIP Carter Hall ~ Hawkman
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13-11-2010, 10:03 AM
Post: #430
RE: "You know you're a fan of [spooks] when....." (Take 2)
When you get a text in class and then just when your leaving through the door they call you. You answer and simply say "Rendezvous outside Sainsbury's" and hang up. Big Grin

Codename Kirayuki: Vid Maker. H/R & Ruth fan.
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