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02-06-2010, 05:58 PM
Post: #31
RE: Status?
is wondering why above post was removed but also packing to go to Darlington tomorrow whilst searching the internet for a solution to something I am being teased mercilessly about (BTW if anybody does know to get rid of lovebites quickly I would love to know how (its for a 'friend' obviously Wink and she has a funeral to attend tomorrow and it is a tad warm for a poloneck Tongue)

I am also waiting for the time for my hairdye to pass, which is why I am currently posting rubbish on here and listening to the King Blues new song! Now that is multitasking for you!
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02-06-2010, 06:30 PM
Post: #32
RE: Status?
Avoiding work Smile (So a normal day for me Wink) I'm also trying to write a story, but unfortunately it is reluctant to leave my head and type itself up on the computer Confused

DANNY - Placements all over the shop. Back up vehicles, chopper support if we need it. Bomb disposal with a signal jammer for Mary’s trademark remote control blasts. And Tom here’s doing the catering. Mate. You are so covered.
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02-06-2010, 10:05 PM
Post: #33
RE: Status?
Currently watching Gladiators and thinking it's time for bed ( said Zebedee ).

"Where's Harry?"
"Moving in mysterious ways."
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02-06-2010, 10:11 PM
Post: #34
RE: Status?
is having a mental breakdown trying to decide which shoes to pack. And yes I am only going overnight haha
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03-06-2010, 01:10 PM
Post: #35
RE: Status?
Is trawling spooksforum due to my time in absence, as well as trying to occupy myself and not think about the nettle sting i earlier received. Tongue

Codename Kirayuki: Vid Maker. H/R & Ruth fan.
[Image: Thatsyou98sigwithtext.jpg]
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03-06-2010, 01:33 PM
Post: #36
RE: Status?
stuck in the office, multi-tasking, envying people who can enjoy the brilliant sun outside.
And posting # 600! Yay Big Grin

[Image: s9-sig.jpg]
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03-06-2010, 08:45 PM
Post: #37
RE: Status?
Watching a DVD about juke joint delta blues, while avoiding working on a 3000 word essay on strategic partnership for my course. Ho hum.

"Where's Harry?"
"Moving in mysterious ways."
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03-06-2010, 09:09 PM
Post: #38
RE: Status?
Internally screaming as I have just realised I was really close to a Spooks location the day they were filming Thcussing Suicida And completing nonograms Smile (Logic puzzles, which I've got addicted to Confused)

DANNY - Placements all over the shop. Back up vehicles, chopper support if we need it. Bomb disposal with a signal jammer for Mary’s trademark remote control blasts. And Tom here’s doing the catering. Mate. You are so covered.
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04-06-2010, 10:36 AM
Post: #39
RE: Status?
Sat indoors admiring the weather through the window, wondering if a friend is coming round today and debating what DVD i should watch... Tongue

Codename Kirayuki: Vid Maker. H/R & Ruth fan.
[Image: Thatsyou98sigwithtext.jpg]
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04-06-2010, 11:15 AM
Post: #40
RE: Status?
At work, feeling distinctly Friday-ish...loads to do...clearly, not doing it. Silba

"Where's Harry?"
"Moving in mysterious ways."
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