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Doctor Who
04-01-2010, 06:40 PM (This post was last modified: 04-01-2010 06:40 PM by almh.)
Post: #111
RE: Doctor Who
I hate her voice. I'm sorry, but it drives me up the wall. And she always seemed to be a bit of a sighy character. "Oh dear the Doctor doesn't love me, he's in love with someone else and I love him even though I met him five minutes ago, and so now I've got to act like an idiot. Sigh." I really really really can't stand her. Thcussing

My cousin (who's also about 5,) used to love Martha Jones, but then again she had only seen series 3. I persuaded her that Rose was better by showing her the series 2 dvds, and she agreed.

DANNY - Placements all over the shop. Back up vehicles, chopper support if we need it. Bomb disposal with a signal jammer for Mary’s trademark remote control blasts. And Tom here’s doing the catering. Mate. You are so covered.
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06-01-2010, 02:49 PM
Post: #112
RE: Doctor Who
almh, I know you're right about her and that's why most people can't stand her. I think part of the reason my daughter likes her is because of her name. She really likes saying "Marfa Jones".

I love the Rose Tyler character (I often wonder if she's related to Sam Tyler somehow). She's definitely more interesting than Martha and I believe the Doctor agrees since he seems more interested in Rose than he has any companion that I've seen.

I suspect that the reason the Doctor kept Martha around had a lot to do with him needing to be needed and feeling so lonely after Rose was ripped away from him. It was also interesting to see Martha's reaction to the events in the story where the Doctor had been turned into a human.

I do think that the situation with Martha shown at the end of the New Years' special seemed odd.

And then of course there's Donna. After Rose and Martha it was cool to see a female companion which neither the Doctor nor the companion had any romantic feelings towards one another.

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06-01-2010, 03:06 PM
Post: #113
RE: Doctor Who
It was very odd, what happened to
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Tom Milligan? Did they get a divorce? Because in Torchwood she's engaged, isn't she? And RTD never said who, but by the fact that Tosh and Owen weren't alive when Mickey came through, but were when Martha was engaged, therefore she wasn't engaged to Mickey so...

DANNY - Placements all over the shop. Back up vehicles, chopper support if we need it. Bomb disposal with a signal jammer for Mary’s trademark remote control blasts. And Tom here’s doing the catering. Mate. You are so covered.
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06-01-2010, 09:13 PM
Post: #114
RE: Doctor Who
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They never actually said in CoE to whom she ended up married, they just said she was on her honeymoon. She may have broken off the engagement with Tom.

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07-01-2010, 09:08 AM
Post: #115
RE: Doctor Who
You're right JHyde. We just assumed. And I'm not sure it fits.

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07-01-2010, 11:05 AM
Post: #116
RE: Doctor Who
I dunno, I didn't really worry about it so much. That's a problem for anyone writing for them next time.

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15-01-2010, 08:04 PM
Post: #117
RE: Doctor Who
Just so people know they've started to put up the cast list for series 5 on imdb (or 1 if you listen to a word that Steven Moffat says... so series 5 Tongue)

DANNY - Placements all over the shop. Back up vehicles, chopper support if we need it. Bomb disposal with a signal jammer for Mary’s trademark remote control blasts. And Tom here’s doing the catering. Mate. You are so covered.
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16-01-2010, 01:35 PM
Post: #118
RE: Doctor Who
No knocking Moffat. I am remaining optimistic about both Matt Smith (foetus face) and Moffat until proven otherwise. And I think everyone should wait and see.

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16-01-2010, 01:37 PM
Post: #119
RE: Doctor Who
Oh, I'm confident about both Matt Smith and Steven Moffat's abilities, it's more SM's decision to
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bring back Alex Kingston Thcussing Suicida

DANNY - Placements all over the shop. Back up vehicles, chopper support if we need it. Bomb disposal with a signal jammer for Mary’s trademark remote control blasts. And Tom here’s doing the catering. Mate. You are so covered.
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