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Series 9 Rumours & Speculation
07-11-2010, 07:52 AM
Post: #557
RE: Series 9 Rumours & Speculation
(06-11-2010 10:15 PM)watchstrap Wrote:  Yes, there are plot holes and general madness. I mean, who really thinks that the security of the nation is dependent on a handful of people. It's called Drama and you just have to suspend your disbelief and go along for the ride. Otherwise it would be called a documentary!

Oh I've suspended A LOT of my disbelief for MANY shows that I watch, and I do it plenty for Spooks. And I honestly don't care as long as it doesn't have that much big impact on the storyline. It is fiction, so I take it. Heck, I didn't say anything when it was just Lucas and Ros saving the world in Series 8 because it wasn't really that central to the storylines and the characters acted like they always did. If I had that much issues, I would not be watching this show, I can suspend my disbelief when it's not that incredibly important to the storylines.

(06-11-2010 10:15 PM)watchstrap Wrote:  Anyway, it's a superb show and I get a bit peeved with the Johnny Come Latelys who just want to pick it all apart. It seems that just because their favourite actor secures Spooks as their next gig, they think they will give the show a look and then when the character development/exit doesn't go their way it's all wrong.

I don't think it's fair to just lump everyone into one category. I didn't come onto this show to watch it because my favorite actor was in it, I came to watch it because I thought the characters and the storylines were exciting. Yes I like RA, yes I love Lucas, but it's not like I suddenly hate the show just because he's leaving. I've had my fair share of actors/characters leaving shows and I still watch those shows.

(06-11-2010 10:15 PM)watchstrap Wrote:  Yes, I agree that the love interests are tedious and wooden. That's part of the laugh. Maya played by someone from Footballers Wives and Strictly Come Dancing. What were you expecting, the acting skills of Judi Dench? But on the plus side we have the stirling work of RA, PF and NW to enjoy.

Who said that anyone was expecting Judi Dench? My issue that Maya is supposedly the one most important central aspect of this whole storyline, it revolves around Maya, around the fact that Maya is such an amazing love interest that Lucas would risk EVERYTHING for her. Would it kill them to perhaps write a character with a bit more personality? I'm suppose to believe that she is the most important thing in Lucas's life yet I've seen blocks of wood with more personality.

I don't doubt that RA, PF, and NW are fabulous as they always are, but Maya is the weakest link who has A LOT riding on her shoulders yet she doesn't deliver, THAT is an issue for me.

(06-11-2010 10:15 PM)watchstrap Wrote:  Something that's struck me this season is that for a change, we the audience have been in on the secret from the start (or have we?). I prefer this to the usual mad dash for the twist in the last 10 mins. Lot's of lame shows go down this road because it's easy for people to understand. I don't think S9 has been lazy writing, it's been great.

Yes this series has been very exciting, no one is doubting that, lots of heart-racing moments, and the actors certainly make the scripts even better. But there have definitely been glaring plot-holes in matters that are the very foundation of this whole storyline, THAT is why some people have a hard time swallowing what we are being told.

We're not trying to nitpick because we're angry that things didn't go our way. We're pointing out issues that are the building blocks of this storyline and how they are contradicting each other.

Like how John took Lucas's identity and joined MI5 so easily that no one ever noticed, yet it took Beth about 5 minutes to pull up a file with the real Lucas North's identity.

(06-11-2010 10:15 PM)watchstrap Wrote:  Apart from Tom, most of our heroes/heroines have had a typical Spooks Boys/Girls Own death. They have all been fantastically loyal and brave and then died a heroes death by bomb, bullet, boat trip down the Thames. Just for a change I would love to see someone exit as a broken man, showing just how f**ked up they are by it all. Wouldn't that be realistic writing?

Not everyone has been brave or loyal, they've all made their mistakes and had their issues, and I'm not saying that Lucas exiting as a broken man is so horrible. It is realistic, and yes it would be great, but the issue that myself and many others have is HOW they are writing it.

There are plenty of ways this broken-man storyline can go down without insulting the intelligence of the viewers, without making Lucas look like a crazy psychopath, or without the viewers having to swallow that the last 2 series of Lucas North was all just an act.


Bottom line is, the issues that myself and many others have with this storyline isn't that Lucas/RA is leaving or that Lucas can't be a broken man, the problem we have is that aspects of this storyline that a very important and central to how this storyline works is badly constructed and hard for us to swallow as the truth.

Maybe you can take it and suspend your disbelief, and that's cool. But just understand that many of us cannot because to us there are glaring mistakes being made and we just want an ending that is plausible not fanciful.

[Image: Hawkman_Smallville-8.jpg]
RIP Carter Hall ~ Hawkman
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