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When do you think Series 10 will premiere?
07-09-2011, 04:30 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2011 04:32 PM by Forever Secret.)
Post: #95
RE: When do you think Series 10 will premiere?
I agree with you 100% there A Cousin,
Spooks has nothing left to lose, it would've mattered about ratings really, even if the BBC get satisfaction out of winning a ratings war, they don't need the views to lean back on now, so they can attempt to recommission it for a S11 Wink If S10 hadn't been announced as the last and there was a chance another Series would happen, I'd presume that Spooks would have taken the 22nd of September slot and the BBC wouldn't have put anything really to challenge Downton Wink

I agree with you too molecatcher An upcoming Drama would stand no chance at all against Downton as its already an established show, a new Drama would need to draw people in and get good ratings in hope it'll continue Smile So it's understandable the BBC felt Spooks could well go up against DA, since Spooks is an already popular show with a following of fans behind it who'll watch it, and perhaps being the last Series more people will take their chances to watch Spooks (hopefully) go out with a 'bang' (To put it in Kudos's words Wink)

As you say A Cousin, maybe Spooks can stand on its own, and if it can, we could be hopeful for perhaps a one off episode or something similar? We can only hope Wink Smile

Luckily I haven't watched (And probably wont watch) DA, at least until Spooks is over, but there are quite a few fans of both shows around, and they have a tough choice to make.
Best thing about DA is it replays on ITV +1 at 10pm, so people can watch Spooks and then switch over.
Although Spooks does also show on Replay on BBCOne on Monday at 11:05pm, would those views count to towards the viewing figures for S10?

[Image: smallersig-1.jpg]
You and I...We're made of secrets-Ruth Evershed S10
"If it was up to me and Peter they'd have done it loads by now"- Nicola Walker Wink
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RE: When do you think Series 10 will premiere? - Forever Secret - 07-09-2011 04:30 PM

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