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Has anyone noticed Peter Firth's listing on IMBD?
12-09-2011, 09:57 PM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2011 10:03 PM by alexa1591.)
Post: #1
Has anyone noticed Peter Firth's listing on IMBD?
Just wondering if anyone else has noticed that peter firth (harry) is only listed as being in the first two episodes of series 10 on imbd. does this mean he's going to be killed off or leave within the first 2 episodes out of 6? maybe the remaining 4 episodes will be flash backs?

if that is the case i think that would be a shame, always imagined harry being the last person seen on the cut at the end, regardless if he's dead or alive

just seen on this site


Episode 2
Sunday 25th September 2011, 9pm

Meanwhile, Harry meets Elena at the ballet but the Russian FSB are on her trail and Elena's own son, Sasha, is forced to take deadly action to prevent his mother being revealed as a former Western spy.

guessing thats harrys swan song then
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Has anyone noticed Peter Firth's listing on IMBD? - alexa1591 - 12-09-2011 09:57 PM

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