The Gruinard Project Chapter 3
04-10-2010, 09:27 AM
Post: #1
The Gruinard Project Chapter 3
Chapter 3 is the begining of the story proper comments appreciated good or bad.
Chapter3 March 3rd 2009 Thames House London HQ MI 5 Henry James Pearce looked like a slightly distinguished civil servant. He was really very ordinary, his rounded face was slightly squidgy, none of his features stood out, none were remarkable. His sandy hair was receding above a brow that crinkled freely when he was thinking. He made his way from his car to Thames House in central London. It was early and the city was still relatively quiet. Those who passed him by, paid him no mind. This was as he wanted it. Nobody suspected the power this man had. A knight of the realm, he wouldn’t have appeared out of place in the House of Lords, certainly nobody would have suspected that he was capable of killing a man with just his tie. Sir Harry Pearce, as he was more commonly known, was supposedly answerable to the government of the day; in reality as MI5s Head of Counter Terrorism, he was accountable to nobody. Oh he let them think he played by the rules, and he did play by them, it was just they were unaware the rules were of Sir Harry’s making. Thames House was set along side the river that gave it it’s name. A huge grade two listed building that had been constructed back when the world was facing another financial crisis. That, Harry, pondered as he made his way through the security checks, had not stopped them being heavily influenced by architecture from a more buoyant period. It’s neo classical design and sculptures, by Charles Sargeant Jaggar, carved into its Portland stone façade all created an illusion of wealth and more importantly power. Harry remembered the days when the service was spread out around the city. It had been decided that to meet the services needs better to acquire a single site and its location to the south of Parliament had been ideal. Where had the years gone since John Major the then Prime Minster had officially opened MI5’s head quarters? 1994 how much had changed since then? One thing remained the same though, the threat to the country's national security and Harry working to eradicate those threats. Sir Harry made his way to his office, stopping at the coffee Machine for his morning caffeine fix. Malcolm was as usual sat at his station, tracking and monitoring the worlds communications. He owed Malcolm a debt he could never repay. The day Connie James had died, it had been the tracking device that Malcolm had planted on him that had enabled Lucas to prevent the Russians taking him out of the country. Malcolm like Harry was old school, so apart from a firm handshake and quick pat on the back neither had said anything more about it, but Harry knew how much he owed Malcolm. “Good morning Malcolm, anything urgent?” he asked as he poured his coffee. “No all quiet at the moment.” He turned towards his boss and friend. “Coffee?” Harry inquired, nobody was above pouring the coffee in section D not even the boss. “No I will wait. Lucas will be in shortly with Doughnuts or Muffins. He is still trying to gain some weight. The problem is he is eating them and not gaining weight, while I am eating them and have gained eight pounds since he returned. I try to resist but can’t,” Malcolm sighed Harry smiled. “Yes if our enemies ever hear of this weakness Malcolm we will be in big trouble. Who knows what secrets you would divulge for a Jam Doughnut?” Harry entered his office and shut the door. His mail was on his desk and he began to read through it. Lucas North walked the short distance from his flat to Thames house, a box of pastries in his hand. He had already run along the river this morning. Lucas ran every day, if asked, he would say it was part of his exercise regime and nobody would question it, he had always been a fitness freak. In truth though he ran out doors not in a gym because he could. He had the freedom to. After eight years in a Russian prison it was the little things like the freedom to run that he valued. His time running alone in the morning was precious. He would wake suddenly from his disturbed sleep, panicked, thinking he was back in the darkness of his Russian cell; his heart racing his breathing laboured. The walls of his flat closing in on him, threatening to smother him. He would grab his running gear and head out into the dark and run until dawn’s pink light appeared. He watched the Thames shrouded in mist so dark and mysterious. The early morning river vessels navigating its dangerous currents. The waterway teemed with life and energy. It was Lucas thought the city’s soul. He ran and watched as the waking city stirred to life. He varied his route daily, but whenever he passed the battle of Britain memorial he stopped and paused to look at the tribute to the few who had defended the country in the last war. He appreciated what it was to be so loyal to one’s country. Lucas was still amazed at the redevelopment everywhere. Old buildings given a new lease of life, new buildings of all shapes and sizes springing up. When he had first returned, he had taken a trip on the London eye to see the changing skyline; marvelling at the city he called his home. Eight years, he had lost eight years; he knew he could never get them back and some how he must learn to live with that. He had begun to pull some things back. He was having Laser treatment to remove the tattoo’s. It was slow painful process but one he wanted to do; he needed no visual reminders of those eight years. He had said a final goodbye to Elizaveta, stood by the river not far from his flat. Their life together had been over before he had been imprisoned. She had moved on, was remarried and had a young child. His thoughts of her were from a happier time before their relationship had soured. Letting her go was easier than he thought it would be. Connie’s confession that it had been her who had sold him out to the Russian’s had allowed him some closure. Certainly it had enabled him to regain some of what he had lost with Harry. His relief that Malcolm was tracking Harry when he had been abducted by the Russians had been immense. Lucas had just placed the box with the pastries on Malcolm’s desk when Harry put his head around the door. “Lucas a word please.” Malcolm and Lucas shared a look. Harry’s tone indicated that what he wished to discuss was urgent. Harry did not waste time he just showed Lucas a piece of paper. Handling it by the corner only. Typed in the centre was one word ‘GRUINARD.’ “This was on my desk in the mail. Find out what it means if possible I would like some information by the ten O’clock meeting. Ros and I will be with the Home Secretary until then.” Lucas settled himself in front of his computer. He followed a very strict regime. He removed his watch and placed it in front of him. He worked through a series of exercises and then he focused completely on the computer screen. Jo Portman watched in fascination. Lucas was an enigma to her, she could not get a handle on him at all. She often wondered how he had done it? He had returned to the grid after eight years away, much of it in solitary confinement, and within days was up to speed on all the new technology. He seemed to know every newsworthy event of the eight years he was imprisoned. His control was astonishing. Jo’s journalist roots itched to scratch the surface of Lucas North. She had not pushed though Jo had demons of her own and Lucas North was way to perceptive. “Malcolm why does he do that every time he sits down at the computer? Is it some compulsive disorder?” Jo asked, after all Malcolm had known Lucas pre Russian days. Malcolm looked over at Lucas, who was totally absorbed in what he was studying. “Lucas puts himself in a zone he works better that way. He has an Eidetic memory.” Malcolm explained. “Come on Malcolm you’re a scientist, an analyst, surely you do not believe that, a photographic memory?” Jo scoffed. “I didn’t, but I tested Lucas myself. His power of recall is amazing. When he is studying something he always has his routine. Did you not wonder how he picked up everything so easily when he returned after eight years in prison? ” Malcolm said. “Lucas is the one person I will not play chess against. He is too good.” Jo remained sceptical. She watched Lucas prepare the report Harry had requested. He made no notes he just studied the screen, then began to type up the report. He typed quickly never missing a beat or pausing to re read what he had written. When he finished he printed of several copies, stood and stretched. Once Ros and Harry returned they all entered the conference room. “Lucas perhaps you would like to begin,” Harry suggested. Lucas passed out dossiers to everybody, they all immediately opened them at page one, his own remained closed as he began to speak. “Today a single word message was delivered to the grid ‘Gruinard’ The Gruinard project, was the name given to secret world war two biological weapons testing on the Gruinard Island It’s a small uninhabited island off the coast of the Scottish Highlands halfway between Gairloch and Ullapool In 1942 scientists from Porton Down chose the island because of its isolation. They wanted to explore two things and they chose a particularly virulent strain of anthrax,Vollum 14578, as the biological agent. The scientists looked at how vulnerable the British Isles was to a German biological attack and what was the feasibility of us using such a weapon against Germany. They put eighty two sheep on Gruinard and then released anthrax. Within one week all the sheep and wild life were dead.” Lucas moved around as he spoke. “Why anthrax?” Jo asked still trying to understand how Lucas could do what he was doing. “For two reason, when inhaled anthrax produces a 95% mortality rate and the spores then live in the soil for years. The scientist concluded that a large scale release of anthrax would rendered the attacked city uninhabitable for decades. The Gruinard Island was contaminated and quarantined for forty eight years. The government order a decontamination programme which cost half a million pounds and it was declared safe in 1990. It remains uninhabited a few visit it but most do not it. It is known locally as the Anthrax Island. ” Lucas sat down his brow creased in thought. “So is the a warning about some biological threat and if so where from?” Ros Myers the section leader asked. “Well it could be from a terrorist group, or it could be that we have held a weapons test that has gone wrong and there has been a cover up. Perhaps somebody is simply warning us?” Malcolm replied. “Has there be any talk on the net above and beyond the normal level of chatter about biological weapons?” Harry asked. “None,” Malcolm confirmed. “Lets find out if any thing is being discussed publicly about weapon testing or biological hazards find out what the scientific community are talking about.” Harry told him. At Harry’s words Lucas went completely rigid as an image flashed in his mind. Jo was seated next to him and realised how still he had gone. She was certain that in his mind he was not in the conference room anymore. His eyes were focused straight ahead as if looking at something only he could see. “Lucas, are you alright?” she was about to put her arm on his when Malcolm’s voice stopped her. “Jo don’t touch him or he will lose what ever he is searching for. An eidetic memory is a strange phenomenon, we know so little about it. However, with Lucas I have seen this before, something has triggered a memory or an image and Lucas is in a sense downloading the information,” Malcolm explained. The conference room went quiet as the members of section D waited. “Dr Kathryn Masters. She is the woman who stitched my wound last December. When I spoke to her from her office door she was working at her computer. She was working on a power point presentation about biological weapons,” Lucas spoke without warning. “Lucas you said the woman did not know your name or status.” Ros wanted confirmation that this was correct. “That’s right she has no idea of my real identity.” Lucas nodded. “Why would a medical Doctor working for the NHS be doing a presentation about biological warfare?” Harry asked what the others were thinking. In his mind Lucas brought the image of her office up. It was like looking at a painting, he slowly worked his way over the image, taking in all the details. On her desk was a mug with a message. He brought the writing into focus. “Don’t worry! microbiologists like mould” He opened his eyes again. “She’s a microbiologist,” Lucas informed them. Ros Myers stood giving orders. “Lucas find her and find out what she is doing a presentation about biological weapons for. Jo find out if any company has reported a biological hazard accident recently. I will go and speak to the Defence secretary to see if the government is covering anything up.” She glanced at Harry who nodded that he would accompany her to Whitehall. Malcolm put a cup of coffee and Danish pastry in front of Lucas. “You always used to need a sugar fix after visions like that.” Malcolm looked at his younger colleague concerned. “Thanks Malcolm. I’m Ok, in a way its good to have an image that isn’t Russian,” Lucas reassured him. ******************** She wondered if the delegates would know that her suit was new? She fiddled with the collar. Would they know that this was the first time she had spoken at a conference? Would she even be able to get her words out to speak? Her hands shook slightly as she brushed her short bobbed hair behind her ears. She glanced at herself in the mirror her face was slightly paler than normal. Kathryn Eleanor Masters get a grip on yourself. You wanted this you worked for this now don’t blow it, she told her reflection. The ladies toilet was empty, which she was glad about, it wouldn’t do for any of the delegates to hear her talking to herself. She reapplied her lipstick and resolutely straighten her spine. It had been three months since she had started the job of her dreams. She had seen the advertisement two months before that and had applied never expecting to be successful. To work for the Health Protection Agency was the stuff of dreams, well it was for her anyway. The interview had been both intense and exciting at the same time. Her presentation on Biological weapons had been well received and the facilities she was shown at The Porton Down centre were very impressive. She had spent a long week waiting to hear if she had been successful and even now had to pinch herself to believe it was true. She was working at centre recognised as being an international leader in microbiology research and testing and she was loving every minute of it. The only regret she had was moving from her house in London. The town house there had been the first home she had owned. Her neighbours had been upset when she informed that she would be leaving. It had been more of a wrench leaving than she had thought it would be. She had brought a small Victorian semi detached house in Salisbury, about 40 minutes drive from work. She and Petruchio had settled in well. Salisbury with its lovely cathedral and beautiful cathedral close, was smaller more intermet than London. Work colleagues told her that in the summer months, visitors would flock from round the world to visit the old city. She had been told that during the summer plays and concerts were hosted on the green. The only thing missing was a man permanently in her life. Her colleagues found it odd that she was not in a relationship. They seemed to make it their mission to find her somebody, invitations to dinner were used to introduce her to suitably available men. Some she even casually dated, but none interested her enough to make the relationship more serious. She had been alone along time and was content. It would take somebody very special for her to give up her independence. She walked out of the toilet and made her way to the conference hall and took her place on the stage and waited to start her lecture. “Our next speaker is Dr Kate Masters. Dr Masters is a senior microbiologist for the Health Protection Agency. She is going to speak to us about Viral Haemorrhagic Fever.” Kate smiled at her boss as she made her way to the podium, at least she had been given a relatively easy subject to speak on. “Good morning ladies and gentleman as Dr Hillman said I am going to speak about the group of diseases classified as Viral Haemorrhagic Fever. These include Lassa Fever, Crimean/Congo Fever or CCHF as it is known, Ebola and Marburg Viruses.” Her confidence grew as she spoke of the initial signs and symptoms, clinical features and methods of contamination. Lucas watched from the back of her room, he had detected signs of nervousness, despite her professional appearance, when she had first taken her place on the stage. Once she had began to speak however her nerves dissolved. She was an entertaining and informative lecturer. Lucas knew that she had been working for the Health Protection Agency for three months, The man who had introduced was Dr Hillman, her boss. Lucas’ eyes narrowed, did he wish to be more than her boss? That thought disturbed Lucas far more than in should. He had positioned himself so he was obscured by a pillar he did not want her to see him to soon. The subject matter she was discussing was interesting and Lucas listen to her words as he scanned the audience looking for anything, or person that was out of place. Her lecture was accompanied by a power point display and she was showing some particularly gruesome images. She smiled to herself at the looks on peoples faces as her presentation continued. Nothing like a few gruesome pictures to waken up sleepy delegates. Why are you all here? She wondered. How does what you are learning today help you in your everyday life? The conference was an international one so to be asked to be a speaker here was an honour. She felt a sense of pride that it some small way she really was making a difference. “So far epidemics of Ebola have only occurred in sub optimal hospital settings. Places where good hygiene and sanitation are unheard of. A pandemic infection is unlikely because the route of transmission is by direct contact with body fluids not airborne transmission. Those infected quickly become ill so preventing travel and make identification of the sick person easy. It is worth noting that Ebola Virus is still contagious after death and therefore a sensitive approach to safe burial is important especially in areas where there are sacred burial rituals.” She spoke for an hour and was pleased by the response she received from the delegates. Blowing out a sigh of relief, she made her way to one of the smaller halls where she would be available to take questions of a specific nature. Lucas watched as she spoke to several people before heading to the dinning room for the wonderful lunch that was provided. Stephen Hillman approached her immediately. “That was brilliant Kate, I told you that you would be a great speaker and you were. Informative interesting and not overlong,” he smiled down at her. “Yes it was an excellent lecture the best I have heard on Haemorrhagic Viral Fever,” a familiar deep smooth voice spoke from behind her. Kate was too stunned to speak. “Dr Simon Granger I am a Clinical Microbiologist in Cork. Kate and I went to university together so when I saw her name as a lecturer I simply had to come over and say hello.” He pulled into his embrace for a quick hug. “Oh well I will leave you to catch up on old times then.” Hillman moved away leaving Kate alone. “What are you doing here and how did you get in? The conference has been booked solid for months,” she demanded. “Yes I know and Dr Simon Granger has been listed as attending for weeks,” he explained. “Microbiologists do not carry guns or get stab wounds. You are no more Dr Granger than I am the tooth fairy so please stop with the lies. The best lecture on Haemorrhagic Viral Fever you have ever heard. Really!” she looked at him in disdain. “Actually that part was true. As I have never attended another lecture on Haemorrhagic Viral Fever, it is technically the best I have heard,” He smiled. “What do you want? I will not call you Lucas that was probably a lie as well,” she asked. “Kate why so angry? You knew the score I told you,” he spoke quietly. “I am angry at myself for thinking that you had left a small piece of yourself with me. Now I discover you lied. Tell me what you want and leave.” “We cannot talk here I need you to accompany me to Thames House in London,” he again spoke quietly not wanting to be over heard. Kate looked at his intense blue eyes. “MI5 headquarters, you work for MI5 you’re a spy?” she whispered. “What if I refuse to accompany you?” “Then I will take you anyway.” His voice was matter of fact. Seeing she had no option she left the hall with him. Once in his car he made a call on his mobile telling the person who answered that he was on his way back to the grid. “Do they know about us?” she asked. “They know you stitched my wound. I tend to be discreet about my personal life,” he replied. “Yeah, so discreet you don’t even tell the woman you are having sex with your real name.” She closed her eyes and turned her head away so he would not see the small tear that leaked from the corner. |
07-10-2010, 10:42 PM
Post: #2
RE: The Gruinard Project Chapter 3
Another very good chapter, love all the descriptions and the history you impart. Not sure I agree with your description of Harry as "ordinary", though
![]() ![]() We move on from this It's the realisation that I make a negligible difference Sometimes you have to give a man a chance |
07-10-2010, 10:55 PM
Post: #3
RE: The Gruinard Project Chapter 3
(07-10-2010 10:42 PM)Aria Wrote: Another very good chapter, love all the descriptions and the history you impart. Not sure I agree with your description of Harry as "ordinary", though ![]() updates will be frequent as this is complete |
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