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[spoilers] Episode 8 summary
08-11-2010, 12:18 PM
Post: #91
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary

Please Lucas, please come home!!!

[Image: Hawkman_Smallville-8.jpg]
RIP Carter Hall ~ Hawkman
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08-11-2010, 12:20 PM
Post: #92
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary
(08-11-2010 12:10 PM)HellsBells Wrote:  Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere but there is a second clip from 9.8 on the BBC site

It's also here on youtube for those outside the UK:

Tense stuff, that.

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08-11-2010, 12:27 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2010 12:34 PM by BravoNine.)
Post: #93
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary
RA and PF are just simply amazing in that scene!!!

Oh please Lucas, please come home! Let Harry help you!!!

Don't you dare do what I think you're going to do! Be a man! Step up! Please don't let me down!


Suddenly I feel like maybe I should have made my Tom/Lucas/Harry vid after Episode 8 so I can get even more cool scenes!

[Image: Hawkman_Smallville-8.jpg]
RIP Carter Hall ~ Hawkman
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08-11-2010, 12:35 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2010 12:47 PM by George.)
Post: #94
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary
(08-11-2010 12:27 PM)BravoNine Wrote:  RA and PF are just simply amazing in that scene!!!

Oh please Lucas, please come home! Let Harry help you!!!

Don't you dare do what I think you're going to do! Be a man! Step up! Please don't let me down!

Well, BBC and Kudos are building the tension, releasing this one!
Are they trying to get more viewers tonight, in order to justify the 10th season?
Watching it, seems like the writers have chosen a simpler explanation for Lucas/John than some we came up with...
Series 9.8 Spoiler: show
there is not any previous knowledge/set-up of Lucas/John by Harry, or under-cover MIx mole-catching operation to justify it

I am afraid that
Series 10 Spoiler: show
it will be cut to 6 episodes, due to budget cuts

[Phone Rings]
Harry: "If this is not life threatening, then I hope your passport is up-to-date!"
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08-11-2010, 12:52 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2010 12:55 PM by Forever Secret.)
Post: #95
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary

Series 9.8 Spoiler: show
THERES HOPE! RA and PF a just fantastic in this scene! I can see Lucas/John really wants to believe there's still good in him somewhere, he's just terrified of what he's become. And Harry, a little bloodied up, how did it happen?
I really pray here that Lucas doesn't shoot Harry, I have the feeling he won't, I think there's still some good in Lucas somewhere, he wants to be the hero, and he doesn't want to go back to jail, he doesn't want to be a bad person, This has made me a little more confident though that Ruth is alive... kind of
But if he DOES pull the trigger and Harry dies, I shall not be watching Series 10...for me there's not Spooks without Harry
But realise it focuses on Harry in the last shot... Lucas has lowered his gun,
I hope that Lucas doesnt turn the gun on himself! Why has he got Harry on the roof though? For Albany?

Oh the tension is here! *bites nails*

[Image: smallersig-1.jpg]
You and I...We're made of secrets-Ruth Evershed S10
"If it was up to me and Peter they'd have done it loads by now"- Nicola Walker Wink
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08-11-2010, 12:58 PM
Post: #96
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary
(08-11-2010 12:52 PM)Forever Secret Wrote:  OMG CLIP!

Series 9.8 Spoiler: show
THERES HOPE! RA and PF a just fantastic in this scene! I can see Lucas/John really wants to believe there's still good in him somewhere, he's just terrified of what he's become. And Harry, a little bloodied up, how did it happen?
I really pray here that Lucas doesn't shoot Harry, I have the feeling he won't, I think there's still some good in Lucas somewhere, he wants to be the hero, and he doesn't want to go back to jail, he doesn't want to be a bad person, This has made me a little more confident though that Ruth is alive... kind of
But if he DOES pull the trigger and Harry dies, I shall not be watching Series 10...for me there's not Spooks without Harry
But realise it focuses on Harry in the last shot... Lucas has lowered his gun,
I hope that Lucas doesnt turn the gun on himself! Why has he got Harry on the roof though? For Albany?

Oh the tension is here! *bites nails*

Series 9.8 Spoiler: show
If he is going to shoot anyone, I have a feeling it would be himself. I think ultimately in the end, Lucas doesn't want to hurt anyone on his team no matter how dark of a road he has come to. If anything, he most likely asked Harry to turn around so that Harry can't stop him from killing himself. I think Lucas will pull on trigger on himself instead of Harry or Ruth. He's gonna try to end it all, end his team's suffering and his own because he can't face going to prison, and he thinks this is the only way to end it.

Ian Wylie says there is a post-script, maybe in the post-script it's Lucas still alive but in a coma!

Curious, where is Maya in all this? Maybe she was killed by incoming traffic? (A girl can hope can't she?SilbaSilba)

[Image: Hawkman_Smallville-8.jpg]
RIP Carter Hall ~ Hawkman
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08-11-2010, 01:09 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2010 01:11 PM by Forever Secret.)
Post: #97
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary
Series 9.8 Spoiler: show
I agree with that, I have the feeling he may turn the gun on himself, he did say "i am nothing" he feels like he's worthless, but Where is Maya? Maya is the reason he's doing all this right? I don't think Lucas hates Harry enough to kill him, he hates himself perhaps killing himself is his only option our. It would be sad to see a suicidal Lucas, but if he can't get hold of Albany any way he would be on the run, or he'd go back to prison...and he couldn't face it, honestly I think he wants to be Lucas the hero.
What I think is great about Harry is that he's brave enough to dare Lucas to kill him, its a kind of mind trick, if Harry asks Lucas to kill him its gives Lucas time to think, to regret and to ponder the concequencesWink
But I still want to know where is Ruth, if Lucas had killed Ruth I doubt Harry would agree to even speak to him ,he'd probably let Lucas go back to prison

That would be a good idea, to have Lucas in a coma, so not dead but out of it, I want an ending really where its possible for him to return, a Tom or Zoe type of ending where they could still return but most likely wont

Wheres Maya?.. oh Maya jumped into front of my bus this morning on the way to college, there was a traffic jam she thought she could make it across the road in time... wait that was a Squirrel, meh same thing really Wink

[Image: smallersig-1.jpg]
You and I...We're made of secrets-Ruth Evershed S10
"If it was up to me and Peter they'd have done it loads by now"- Nicola Walker Wink
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08-11-2010, 01:11 PM
Post: #98
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary
(08-11-2010 12:58 PM)BravoNine Wrote:  
(08-11-2010 12:52 PM)Forever Secret Wrote:  OMG CLIP!

Series 9.8 Spoiler: show
THERES HOPE! RA and PF a just fantastic in this scene! I can see Lucas/John really wants to believe there's still good in him somewhere, he's just terrified of what he's become. And Harry, a little bloodied up, how did it happen?
I really pray here that Lucas doesn't shoot Harry, I have the feeling he won't, I think there's still some good in Lucas somewhere, he wants to be the hero, and he doesn't want to go back to jail, he doesn't want to be a bad person, This has made me a little more confident though that Ruth is alive... kind of
But if he DOES pull the trigger and Harry dies, I shall not be watching Series 10...for me there's not Spooks without Harry
But realise it focuses on Harry in the last shot... Lucas has lowered his gun,
I hope that Lucas doesnt turn the gun on himself! Why has he got Harry on the roof though? For Albany?

Oh the tension is here! *bites nails*

Series 9.8 Spoiler: show
If he is going to shoot anyone, I have a feeling it would be himself. I think ultimately in the end, Lucas doesn't want to hurt anyone on his team no matter how dark of a road he has come to. If anything, he most likely asked Harry to turn around so that Harry can't stop him from killing himself. I think Lucas will pull on trigger on himself instead of Harry or Ruth. He's gonna try to end it all, end his team's suffering and his own because he can't face going to prison, and he thinks this is the only way to end it.

Ian Wylie says there is a post-script, maybe in the post-script it's Lucas still alive but in a coma!

Curious, where is Maya in all this? Maybe she was killed by incoming traffic? (A girl can hope can't she?SilbaSilba)

Series 9.8 Spoiler: show
The Guardian today says that is some sort of closure (possibly nobody dies?) and a new beginning...

Funny, yesterday I started thinking of the postscript as something like Star Wars ep. 3 ending making the final connection with ep. 4; should we expect some connection with Spooks Code 9?

[Phone Rings]
Harry: "If this is not life threatening, then I hope your passport is up-to-date!"
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08-11-2010, 01:14 PM
Post: #99
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary
Series 9 Spoiler: show
I would prefer a "no one dies" ending Wink and a new beginning? Possibily for Lucas?
I dont think there will be anything to do with Spooks Code 9...

[Image: smallersig-1.jpg]
You and I...We're made of secrets-Ruth Evershed S10
"If it was up to me and Peter they'd have done it loads by now"- Nicola Walker Wink
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08-11-2010, 01:16 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2010 01:17 PM by BravoNine.)
Post: #100
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary
(08-11-2010 01:09 PM)Forever Secret Wrote:  
Series 9.8 Spoiler: show
I agree with that, I have the feeling he may turn the gun on himself, he did say "i am nothing" he feels like he's worthless, but Where is Maya? Maya is the reason he's doing all this right? I don't think Lucas hates Harry enough to kill him, he hates himself perhaps killing himself is his only option our. It would be sad to see a suicidal Lucas, but if he can't get hold of Albany any way he would be on the run, or he'd go back to prison...and he couldn't face it, honestly I think he wants to be Lucas the hero.
What I think is great about Harry is that he's brave enough to dare Lucas to kill him, its a kind of mind trick, if Harry asks Lucas to kill him its gives Lucas time to think, to regret and to ponder the concequencesWink
But I still want to know where is Ruth, if Lucas had killed Ruth I doubt Harry would agree to even speak to him ,he'd probably let Lucas go back to prison

That would be a good idea, to have Lucas in a coma, so not dead but out of it, I want an ending really where its possible for him to return, a Tom or Zoe type of ending where they could still return but most likely wont

Wheres Maya?.. oh Maya jumped into front of my bus this morning on the way to college, there was a traffic jam she thought she could make it across the road in time... wait that was a Squirrel, meh same thing really Wink

Series 9.8 Spoiler: show
I think Ruth is safe, Harry would not be meeting with Lucas or standing there talking in civil terms or offering help if Ruth is dead, he'd be far too angry.

I think no matter what Lucas/John did before, Harry has not forgotten the number of times that he has counted on Lucas to save the country, what he had suffered, nor the times when Harry counted on Lucas to save his own life. So in that sense, Harry still believes in the good side of Lucas, because when you wear a mask for so long, you start becoming the mask you wear. For John, he is starting to become Lucas, and there is a part of that goodness that won't go away.

Squirrel...Maya....same thing...thank god!

As for the connection to Code 9, I believe they are still trying to erase the fact that it ever existed, it's killed quite a few people's careers with how disastrous it became. I doubt they will be connecting Spooks with Code 9.

[Image: Hawkman_Smallville-8.jpg]
RIP Carter Hall ~ Hawkman
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