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Series 9 Episode 6 discussion
26-10-2010, 10:34 AM
Post: #61
RE: Series 9 Episode 6 discussion
Sorry but I don't see that he regreted it and the soft reassuring voice while he released the pressure as I said sickening but brilliant played by RA
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26-10-2010, 10:40 AM (This post was last modified: 26-10-2010 10:45 AM by BravoNine.)
Post: #62
RE: Series 9 Episode 6 discussion
(26-10-2010 10:33 AM)Akira Wrote:  There's so many theories flying round, and plausible detailed explanations, but to cut it short, I think Lucas is (or is part) a very very dark and tortured character (RA does these brilliantly!) but he is not 100% rotten to the core - but instead caught between a very rocky rock and very hard hard place, and that and his past and the imprisonment etc is taking its toll on him and making him go doolally - everyone snaps after so much...

That's what I believe, at his core Lucas is not evil, bad, and rotten, but right now fear, desperation, and terror is taking over his heart and making him go loco!Vueltasss

I knew that Harry should have given Lucas hugs and fed him cookies! But does Harry listen to me, no of course not!DodgySilba

(26-10-2010 10:34 AM)khandy Wrote:  Sorry but I don't see that he regreted it and the soft reassuring voice while he released the pressure as I said sickening but brilliant played by RA

The slight hesitation his movements, a slight hitch in his voice, and a fleeting look of shame in his eyes is what tells me of his regret. But then again, I always watch way too closely so I could be over-analyzing. He may have protected himself and Maya by letting the girl die, but I seriously doubt this is something that he enjoyed or liked to do. His hand is forced.

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RIP Carter Hall ~ Hawkman
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26-10-2010, 10:53 AM
Post: #63
RE: Series 9 Episode 6 discussion
if Vaughn hadnt come back into Lucas's life he wouldnt be acting like this, he wouldnt have found Maya or have let the girl die let alone lie to harry. because of everyone he really feels the need to make harry happy.

i missed lucas turning up at malcoms my grandad turned up and left when lucas left so i dont get why malcom called him John! can someone fill me in?

so many things going on with this ep and for the first time i felt it was properly back on form this series.

i really feel he hastend that girls death, he took his fingers of and that helped her dye faster just because she said about Albony -

i agree but we always ssay this if he had only gone to harry, said it about ros and yalta, Adam with Anna and his PTSD ETC but i really think he thought he could cope but he has gone to down the rabit hole to redeme himself in harrys eyes anyway because harry will take ruths opinion into account when he decided, but if he cant trust his no1 who can he trust?

SPOOKS 2002-2011 - Thanks for the Memory's
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26-10-2010, 11:02 AM
Post: #64
RE: Series 9 Episode 6 discussion
I'm just going to sit in my corner and think happy thoughts! Big Grin

I've lost enough of my favorite characters in my TV shows this past year, I am not going to let Lucas go that easily without a fight! So happy thoughts for me!Smile

[Image: Hawkman_Smallville-8.jpg]
RIP Carter Hall ~ Hawkman
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26-10-2010, 11:10 AM
Post: #65
RE: Series 9 Episode 6 discussion
Obviously Malcolm had been forewarned by someone - but could that someone be Ruth and NOT Harry? Ruth is embroiled in all this up to her neck but just how I don't know. Perhaps she and Malcolm are working together? Ruth may be setting Lucas up but in typical Spooks way perhaps she herself is being set-up!

Lucas definitely crossed the line with Danielle and despite what I have been expecting right up to now I just can't see how there is any way out of this for him.

Perhaps the big twist is going to be that there is NOT a big twist.

Having reflected overnight no question this was the best episode of S9 so far and Bravo to Kudos for what is turning out to be one of the best Seasons so far.
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26-10-2010, 11:41 AM
Post: #66
RE: Series 9 Episode 6 discussion
(26-10-2010 10:53 AM)Kazters Wrote:  i missed lucas turning up at malcoms my grandad turned up and left when lucas left so i dont get why malcom called him John! can someone fill me in?

Malcolm's mother walked in on them both in the living room. Malcolm just thought on his feet quickly and made a name up for Lucas to introduce him. I know people are reading all sorts into this, but I really think it was Malcolm just coming up with a legend quickly. A bit of clever writing.

(26-10-2010 11:10 AM)nothingisasitseems Wrote:  Obviously Malcolm had been forewarned by someone - but could that someone be Ruth and NOT Harry? Ruth is embroiled in all this up to her neck but just how I don't know. Perhaps she and Malcolm are working together? Ruth may be setting Lucas up but in typical Spooks way perhaps she herself is being set-up!

I don't think Malcolm was forewarned looking at his expression. I really think he twigged from the start that something was up. Being as experienced as he is, Malcolm probably had a cover story in place, in case the wrong person came knocking for Albany. I don't think Lucas' name was on the list Malcolm was talking about.

The question does remain, how Vaughn came to know that Malcolm had Albany. That information would only be known by Harry surely? Unless I missed it and that information was hidden in the painting which Vaughn did see.

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26-10-2010, 12:04 PM
Post: #67
RE: Series 9 Episode 6 discussion
Yeah, I understood the painting provided the location of the file only, which turned out to be Malcolm's address. Maybe, Harry knew someone will eventually come looking for the Albany file, so he set up the dummy file in the archives with the painting in it, which gives Malcolm's address. Then as soon as someone wants the real file, they will have to approach Malcolm. But Malcolm knows never to give the real file to anyone (or perhaps doesn't even have it), so all this does is provide Harry with a heads-up that someone is looking for the file.

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26-10-2010, 12:13 PM (This post was last modified: 26-10-2010 12:21 PM by theeyeshaveit.)
Post: #68
RE: Series 9 Episode 6 discussion
Sorry - accidently pressed the post button and can't find the delete button.

This whole episode is so depressing, I thought better of my post when re reading it a bit later. I don't seem to be able to find anything sensible to say.
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26-10-2010, 12:25 PM
Post: #69
RE: Series 9 Episode 6 discussion
(26-10-2010 12:04 PM)Silktie Wrote:  Yeah, I understood the painting provided the location of the file only, which turned out to be Malcolm's address. Maybe, Harry knew someone will eventually come looking for the Albany file, so he set up the dummy file in the archives with the painting in it, which gives Malcolm's address. Then as soon as someone wants the real file, they will have to approach Malcolm. But Malcolm knows never to give the real file to anyone (or perhaps doesn't even have it), so all this does is provide Harry with a heads-up that someone is looking for the file.

I see. Yes, I guess Malcolm may not have known he didn't have the real file but then again, why did he leave his house straight away then? Would Harry have put Malcolm at risk for a fake file?

I just would have thought, if Harry had gone to the trouble of setting up a dummy Albany file at 5, or at least have that painting with a message hidden in it, he would have known if someone had tried to access the file at 5. What I am saying is, as soon as someone looked at the Albany file, something would have flagged up surely?

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26-10-2010, 12:37 PM
Post: #70
RE: Series 9 Episode 6 discussion
Greetings from Denial-land.

I'm still clinging to the belief that Lucas did go to Harry when Vaughn first appeared, but we just don't know it yet. Maybe it's not Vaughn who's got him so upset, but Harry? Maybe Lucas is following Harry's orders, but suspects it will all end in tears?

Lucas's ending the phone call for the ambulance was horrible but perhaps he was following Harry's orders to kill anyone (other than Vaughn) who knows about Albany? As pointed out upthread Lucas has no idea what's going on with Harry or at the Grid.

I know, I know, I'm grasping at straws, and I'm going to be really depressed two weeks from now.
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