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Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
14-09-2011, 01:21 PM
Post: #461
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
I share your mood. I think that I am more depressed now than I will be by 10.6. I do not understand why the interviews are so early in the filming and why the reviews are not updated. It beats the purpose of promoting the show.

Series 10 Spoiler: show
The storyline of Harry finding his lost love Elena is just too similar to Lucas's arc with Maya. Usually Spooks does not repeat the same plot, especially two series in a row. I can't believe how ridiculously affected I am by the kiss of young Harry and young Elena in the clip. Luckily, the full trailer gives us some hope that we are not going to see a full-blown romance between old Harry and old Elena.

The picture of a dashing Harry and a 1920's movie star Ruth at the reception/ball is what we want to watch in series 10. We certainly do not want to look at the picture of Harry and Elena together at the ballet in Episode 2. It feels so wrong. Let's hope that Harry is at the ballet to get more information about the impersonator and nothing more. Perhaps it is the place where Elena touches the face of a rather disgusted-looking Harry. I can't make up my mind whether Elena is really interested in rekindling their love affair or whether she is back to her old spy tricks.

I am more concerned that Harry's secret has to do with the killing of innocent victims during the Cold War. I do not believe that Harry committed treason, now that we know that there is an impersonator. Would Harry admit to Ruth the full extent of his secret in episode 1? Perhaps he will have to if he wants to discover the impostor.

I am repeating to myself that I have to try to enjoy the old-fashioned spying feel of series 10 and nothing more. At least we are warned not to expect too much re H/R and perhaps we will be pleasantly surprised.
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14-09-2011, 01:40 PM
Post: #462
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Not reading anything under spoiler tags at the moment and have been staying away from this thread in general, but I made it all of 2 seconds before reading all those articles. Silba Thanks to those who took the time to scan and post them. Smile

My two cents? A 6 act Greek tragedy with Harry as the tragically "flawed" hero? Oh, yeah! Bring. It. ON! Yahoo Less of a "Swan Song" and more of a "Goat Song." Wink (OK - bad joke.Blush) Anyway, I love it when they do that kind of stuff. One of the best episodes ever, IMO, is 7.8 with Ros, Lucas and Connie's "Journey into the Underworld" for Tiresias. I for one am looking forward to finding elements of Greek tragedy in S10.

Although I suspect that PF means that somewhat less literally than I may be taking it. He might just mean that the plot itself is "epic" in scope and scale as a Greek tragedy would be. That won't stop me from finding significance where it probably doesn't exist! Cool

Now cracks a noble heart. Good-night, sweet [Spooks];
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

~Wm. Shakespeare, Hamlet
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14-09-2011, 02:23 PM
Post: #463
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
I am very concerned about Max Brown's video interview with Radio Times.

Series 10 Spoiler: show
His comments that "...what he had to sacrifice to be head of MI-5 and who he is willing to put on the line to save everyone.." are disturbing.

Harry had to sacrifice his family to advance his career. I do not think that he had to sacrifice Elena to be head of Section D.

"Who he is willing to put on the line to save everyone" can mean only Harry himself, Elena, Sascha and Ruth. He would never sacrifice Ruth.

Harry and the Gavrik mother and son are at risk. How neat. We have our Greek tragedy.
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14-09-2011, 02:26 PM
Post: #464
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
I am very worried by the reviews and press releases so far but I am trying to stay rational and think like Naivety! I have to admit, I am one of those fans Sam Vincent and Jonathan Brackley were talking about: I am already put out at the insinuation that Ruth won't be on a unicorn! Still, I think I might just be able to reconcile myself to the ending so long as Harry and Ruth have some time together as a couple, at least being able to acknowledge and act upon their feelings for one another. If either one is killed off before that can happen, or if either or both take up with someone else, (Harry and Elena? Ruth and Towers? Noooo!) then I am going to throw all my toys out of the pram and no mistake! Thcussing
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14-09-2011, 04:09 PM (This post was last modified: 14-09-2011 04:20 PM by jacko.)
Post: #465
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
someones just posted on twitter to watch out for the spooks ep featuring dunwich heath. Now ive looked it up on google and there are pictures. its the place where the promo pic of h and R holding hands was taken. the heath is descriobed as "wild and dramatic" very wuthering heights. What are Harry and Ruth doing there, its just open heathland. The lady - theresecoffey has also tweeted that the scene at the heath features "an old favourite is in it running across heath towards sea"
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14-09-2011, 04:32 PM
Post: #466
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
My theory on the H&R storyline in season 10 is as follows:

When they wrote and shot the first three or four episodes, there was still a chance that this would not be the last season. As a result, they felt they couldn't bring H&R together this season, and set about putting all sorts of problems in their path. Hence lots of doom and gloom for the pair in the first few episodes. Then the decision was taken that this would be the last season, and they realised they better bring H&R to a point before the end. Cue a dramatic change and sudden rediscovery of their feelings for each other in the last few eps. We'll see them together for at least the last two or three episodes, before a final tragedy befalls them and it all ends in tears. Or, less likely, they get to have a promising ending.

[Image: cheersignew.jpg]
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14-09-2011, 04:51 PM (This post was last modified: 14-09-2011 05:20 PM by beatrice4ruth.)
Post: #467
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
(14-09-2011 04:09 PM)jacko Wrote:  someones just posted on twitter to watch out for the spooks ep featuring dunwich heath. Now ive looked it up on google and there are pictures. its the place where the promo pic of h and R holding hands was taken. the heath is descriobed as "wild and dramatic" very wuthering heights. What are Harry and Ruth doing there, its just open heathland. The lady - theresecoffey has also tweeted that the scene at the heath features "an old favourite is in it running across heath towards sea"

Is the old favorite different from the old face? We might see two old faces, one benevolent and the other malevolent.

Silktie: thank you for the positive message. I wonder whether the "Greek tragedy" theme proposed by the actors is to fool us. It seems to me that we do not hear about it in the latest press releases.
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14-09-2011, 05:24 PM (This post was last modified: 14-09-2011 05:26 PM by Forever Secret.)
Post: #468
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
(14-09-2011 04:32 PM)Silktie Wrote:  My theory on the H&R storyline in season 10 is as follows:

When they wrote and shot the first three or four episodes, there was still a chance that this would not be the last season. As a result, they felt they couldn't bring H&R together this season, and set about putting all sorts of problems in their path. Hence lots of doom and gloom for the pair in the first few episodes. Then the decision was taken that this would be the last season, and they realised they better bring H&R to a point before the end. Cue a dramatic change and sudden rediscovery of their feelings for each other in the last few eps. We'll see them together for at least the last two or three episodes, before a final tragedy befalls them and it all ends in tears. Or, less likely, they get to have a promising ending.

I want to hug you for your postive post Silktie and for making us feel much better about H/R
Series S10 Spoiler: show
And I believe you could be right, before they knew it would going to be the end, the scripts could have taken a different direction and more H/R stuff could be written for a S11, as S10 is the last they have to write out Harry and Ruth's fate to a conclusion.
I think thats what Peter means in his interviews as well, that happiness will be snatched away from Harry and Ruth at the last moment, and tragedy will strike.
We know for a fate there are many Harry and Ruth moments. Elena is still a worry, but to be honest Harry's moved on, despite what may have happened in the past. We saw in that clip that they may have been in love before.. .they WERE, not ARE, I don't think somehow Harry would just drop everything, (like Lucas did in S9 with Maya) and go off with Elena somehow... there's a connection, but its not the same one as Harry has with Ruth Wink
Ruth is the "love of Harry's life" as now many people, actors, writers and interviewers have said. And even Nicola Walker has said "They try to work together but its difficult because of their feelings for each other" (Paraphrase Wink) so I think you're right, that to begin with Ruth and Harry could be in for tough times, but towards the end so episodes 4,5 and 6 they would become closer again. I think most of the moments of them together, (The kiss, the hand holding, the beach scene, the 'this can't be the end') from the trailer could be the last 3 episodes scenes Wink

thanks also for that info jacko! Big Grin
So... an old face is returning... near the field scene? Still fighting to work out who it is Tongue

[Image: smallersig-1.jpg]
You and I...We're made of secrets-Ruth Evershed S10
"If it was up to me and Peter they'd have done it loads by now"- Nicola Walker Wink
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14-09-2011, 05:30 PM
Post: #469
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
(14-09-2011 04:32 PM)Silktie Wrote:  My theory on the H&R storyline in season 10 is as follows:

When they wrote and shot the first three or four episodes, there was still a chance that this would not be the last season. As a result, they felt they couldn't bring H&R together this season, and set about putting all sorts of problems in their path. Hence lots of doom and gloom for the pair in the first few episodes. Then the decision was taken that this would be the last season, and they realised they better bring H&R to a point before the end. Cue a dramatic change and sudden rediscovery of their feelings for each other in the last few eps. We'll see them together for at least the last two or three episodes, before a final tragedy befalls them and it all ends in tears. Or, less likely, they get to have a promising ending.

I like your way of thinking, Silktie Smile And this may very well be the case after all we have learned from previous seasons and from how they tend to film Spooks. All these articles yesterday have let me down a bit but there is still some faith left...
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14-09-2011, 07:31 PM
Post: #470
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
arghh Just seen the trailer again, I feel sick rather than excited!
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