Spooks: 2002-2011

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Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
18-09-2011, 12:29 PM
Post: #501
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Only one or two people knew about

Series 10 Spoiler: show
the secret deeply hidden in Harry's past. One of them must be the impersonator. During pillow talks (remember Juliet), Harry might have given too much information to Elena. A mission might have been compromised and perhaps there was a cover-up known only by Harry and the impersonator. I am sure that Harry did not willingly betrayed the realm as he seemed to have done with Albany.

I am not convinced about Sascha's paternity. In fact, I hate it and hope that it is not the case. It would be too soapy; the same would apply to a renewed liaision with Elena. As I have mentioned earlier, Ruth would not be touched by a personal failing of Harry. She accepted Julieta and I am sure that she would accept Harry's past with Elena. It is a intelligence betrayal that she would never forgive him.

It seems that series 10 will stress the unusual and sometimes controversial work methods of Harry and its consequences on his life and those of others. I am afraid that the image of Harry is going to take a beating at least for a while.

I can't wait to watch what the writers have in store for us. They have managed to intrigue us so far.
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18-09-2011, 05:49 PM
Post: #502
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Ruth is a modern woman.

Series 10 Spoiler: show
She might propose to Harry as suggested by NW. Don't you find it strange that both PF and NW are saying more or less the same about their relationship: it might be too late. Is it a warning for the H/R fans or is it in a typical spook way a red herring?

The writers and producers obviously have a different perspective on a show than PF and NW. Everything, however ludicrous, is allowed in the name of good drama as they see it. At least, we understand the discrepancy between what PF and NW expected for H/R at the end of S9 and what we seem to get in S10.

I am intrigued by NW's remark about Kudos' sheer audacity. I hope that we will be laughing too at the end of S10.
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20-09-2011, 07:37 AM
Post: #503
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Series 10 Spoiler: show
Coming back to the big bang thing at the end of Spooks and our doubts over whether there would be another bomb ending - maybe it is something to do with the car chase we have seen. There could be a massive crash. Didn't the writers say that had taken a piece of glass as a momento ? When PF said that there may be hope perhaps we don't see anyone dead after the accident.
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20-09-2011, 04:00 PM
Post: #504
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
I have a horrible feeling that
Series 10 Spoiler: show
If the impersonator turns out to be Juliet Shaw, then it will be her that prevents H & R from having a happy ending - perhaps she kills Ruth at the end? Judging from what PF said in one of the interviews, of something tragic potentially spoiling H & R's plans to be together. She always seemed jealous of Ruth, and Harry's feelings for her.
Just a thought......

"Perhaps the selfsame song that found a path
Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home,
She stood in tears amid the alien corn...."
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20-09-2011, 04:27 PM
Post: #505
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
I am wondering why Sascha is a FSB officer if he is such a loose canon. He seemed unhinged at least in Harry's home.

Series 10 Spoiler: show
In Episode 2 he is supposed to kill somebody to protect his mother. In the preview, it seems to me that he does not have a healthy relationship with his mother. Sascha is way too violent for me. I just can't believe that he is the son of Harry, who is so self-possessed.

I hope that Harry is going to the ballet only to find more information from Elena about the impersonator. I really can't cope with a maudlin Harry.

I still think that Elena is not the innocent wife of a powerful ex-KGB millionaire. She might have been naive at the time when Harry and Jim Coates turned her into an agent, but I am quite sure that the KGB found out about it and she became a double agent. Both Gavrik and Elena are in London to take revenge on Harry, when he is at his lowest in his career. They have been watching him for years as proved by the old photos of Harry and Tom. I wonder whether they know that Harry killed Katchimov.

The Gavriks, who must in cahoots with the impersonator, do not realize the brilliance of Ruth and her love for Harry. He turns to her as a last resort because he knows that she will do anything to protect him.

I am very concerned about Tariq's fate. Please not another death of a techie.
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21-09-2011, 07:09 PM
Post: #506
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
I've posted this in the Articles and Links thread, but thought I'd post link here for you to Speculate over. Smile

Episode 2 Clip from the BBC "MI5 High Level Secrets Are Stolen"

Episode 2 Smile
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21-09-2011, 07:20 PM
Post: #507
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
I'm beginning to like Erin more and more by the minute Smile And it seems as thought Harry isn't looking at all worried personally about Elena, just worried she could be revealed as a former spy Wink

[Image: smallersig-1.jpg]
You and I...We're made of secrets-Ruth Evershed S10
"If it was up to me and Peter they'd have done it loads by now"- Nicola Walker Wink
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21-09-2011, 07:32 PM
Post: #508
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Harry has to play it cool. That's why he is a good spy. He does not want to reveal his association with Elena to protect her. Do you know why Erin had tears in her eyes when Harry talked to her in a stern voice? I found it strange that a Section Chief was not tougher. Unless she knows about Elena's past with Harry and is shocked that he is ready to sacrifice her.
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21-09-2011, 08:18 PM (This post was last modified: 21-09-2011 08:29 PM by FATBOY.)
Post: #509
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
OK here goes with some analysis/speculation on episode 1

Series 10 Spoiler: show
Who is the guy that kills Witt? I think it's Sasha.

The clue is motion analysis. The gate of the killers right leg when walking, with the right foot turned out, is the same as Sasha's.

Now then assuming Sasha did kill Witt what happened at MI5 – they follow the lead to the killers flat and eventually recover data from the blown up laptop – details of the venue for the Anglo-Russian reception and Gavriks's blood group details. Erin then asserts that this must be a “kill order”. So Witt's killer intends to kill Gavrik? This is contrary to section D's thesis at that time which is that Gavrik has Witt killed to stop Elena passing information. Why does someone planning to kill Gavrik (or Elena?) need to know their blood group? (I'm not an assassin so I don't know). Surly it's more likely that that this information would belong to someone wanting to protect Gavrik – an FSB officer – Sasha.

This leads me to doubt Erin. Other things that cause a red light to flash about her are

1) Calum (who Erin got into section D) files the report of Witt's death as low priority. (Harry seems to expect this report incidently?)
2) Erin very expertly (but I suppose she is an expert) spots Collison about to kill Gavrik but then at the MI5 debrief has a longing look at Collison on the OHP – Dimitri notices this.

So my theory is that Erin is working for CIA ( it wouldn't be the first time , in fiction at least, that a high flying British intelligence officer has sort to curry favor with the cousins) . CIA have been running Elena – who else would know the cyphers other than Coaver. There is an attempt to muddy the waters as to who hires Collision – Erin does this. Whoever hires Collison has good prior knowledge of the Anglo-Russian reception – CIA again. Calls from Chechnya to Collision's mobile are another red herring. The woman who makes the mobile call from the reception (do I detect a slight trans-atlantic accent?) says Collison is dead so the traces have been covered, Gavrik is alive but the mission is a success (?)

Well that must be the longest spoiler I've written, please feel free to criticise.
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21-09-2011, 10:21 PM
Post: #510
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Series 10 Spoiler: show

Think from Coaver's reaction when asked by Harry in the pub if he has had recent contact with Elena - he is lying.

Coaver has knowledge of the Brits meeting with the Russians but refuses to say how he knows. But then the Home Office has arranged it, probably not the most secure organisation.

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