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Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
26-09-2011, 09:49 AM
Post: #531
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
I can see where we might be heading with the trailer of Harry walking away from Ruth with her crying. I think Harry finds out that Ruth has betrayed him to the HS and that he is finished. He doesn't blame her and stills loves her so gives her a last goodbye kiss before walking away. Ruth realises what she has done and cries.
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26-09-2011, 11:38 AM (This post was last modified: 26-09-2011 01:40 PM by Nitrus.)
Post: #532
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
OK are these two the same person


pic1 is the woman who reports the "attempt" on Gavrik at end of episode 1 and pic2 is the woman who is working with the snatch squad who get the encrypted files off Callum. I think it is - notice ear lobes, shape of nose.

If so there is a link between the "attempt" on Gavrik and the capture of the the files. This is also the woman who Tariq identifies while working from home which leads to his death.

This leads into my pet theory

Series 10 Spoiler: show

who knows Tariq is working from home - Callum, Ruth and some IT guy who Tariq speaks to to request a remote connection.

Just after Callum finds out Tariq is going to work from home he gives Erin a look which says to me "we need to talk" to Erin who cuts short her whiskey with Harry. Then who is on hand when Tariq arrive at Millbank by Taxi - Callum.

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26-09-2011, 02:56 PM
Post: #533
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Well....I had to go and lie down after that episode! Thought it was a brilliant one and I agree with others that the writing is so much better this series. Really, getting back to the previous series. Sad about Tariq - I admit to thinking him a bit of a fool when he first arrived and I missed Malcolm, but he grew on me, and I came to like him in the end. Bit annoyed at my digital tv guide as it practically gave the end away, saying that there would be 'lethal consequences' for the agents. So I guessed someone would die.

Re: the woman on the CCTV - I think it would be far too obvious for it to be Elena, and to me it really looks like Juliet Shaw! The figure on the footage looks quite tall and Anna Chancellor is, plus the short haircut looks similar to Juliet's style when we last saw her.

I'm enjoying the storyline much more this series and think it is turning out to be as good as the Sugarhorse one.

"Perhaps the selfsame song that found a path
Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home,
She stood in tears amid the alien corn...."
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26-09-2011, 04:09 PM
Post: #534
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Damn! Wish I could have asked Anna when I met her yesterday. We didn't get around to Spooks, too busy talking about The Deep Blue Sea. Will post sonething on AC thread soon.
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26-09-2011, 05:04 PM
Post: #535
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
(26-09-2011 09:49 AM)harrbd Wrote:  I can see where we might be heading with the trailer of Harry walking away from Ruth with her crying. I think Harry finds out that Ruth has betrayed him to the HS and that he is finished. He doesn't blame her and stills loves her so gives her a last goodbye kiss before walking away. Ruth realises what she has done and cries.

OMG, you've just blown all my thoughts about ep2 out of the water with that one! Could you imagine the fall out from that?! Great story, truly audacious in fact Wink

If this wasn't Ruth, I'd love it. But it IS Ruth and so I'll quote Harry -"I've got faith in you Ruth". Very very clever of them to drop little crumbs to plant the seed of doubt about her. Twitter was awash with it this morning.

IMO Ruth is smart enough to realise that there is more to this story than Harry is willing to share and perhaps she is a little put out by his reluctance to tell her, and even dare I say, a little bit jealous. I think she is already a bit afraid for Harry too, fearful of where it could lead him personally and professionally. The HS may well dangle a bait which she explores, simply to see what he is up to and where it leads, but I believe to my core that Ruth would never betray Harry.

She's investigating Harry because she sees he is too close and he needs help. She's taken it upon herself (and this is typical behaviour if we consider 5.5) to find her own way through a maze where Harry is unwilling to take her seriously. She might go against him, in order to help/save him, but she'd never betray him. I'm sticking to that theory even though dramatically (and this is Spooks) her being the bad guy would be the ultimate shock factor (but not at all plausible)
And she'd never sanction killing Taraiq


Some asked who knew Taraiq had gone home - Callum? Ruth ? But weren't his PC and phone bugged which is why he took out the sim and couldn't phone for help?

Brain done in and it's only Monday!
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26-09-2011, 05:34 PM
Post: #536
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
I couldn't have said it better. Ruth has always been protective of Harry and she still loves him despite everything. Perhaps Harry wants to shield her by not revealing everything about his interaction with Elena and about a possible darker secret. If Ruth talks to the HS about Harry, it is not to betray Harry but to do her duty in protecting the realm against Harry's possible deeper entanglement with the Russians. Ruth is the only one who can save Harry from himself. I am afraid that in the end she will again sacrifice herself for Harry.
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26-09-2011, 10:50 PM (This post was last modified: 26-09-2011 11:24 PM by FATBOY.)
Post: #537
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Re.Woman on CCTV

The woman who picks up the case with the laptop in from the 3 muggers is


the same woman as in post

the case is then passed (with a change of hair colour in between) to another woman who could be Elena.

So if it is Elena she was in on the "attempt" to kill Gavrik (!?)

So who does Tariq recognise - can't think of a reason why he should recognise the first woman,although he was monitoring CCTV during the Anglo Russian reception in 10.1, but the image of Elena is not clear enough to give a positive ID, is it?

What does this all mean?

This is not helping my attempt to quit smoking!
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27-09-2011, 04:27 AM
Post: #538
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
(26-09-2011 10:50 PM)FATBOY Wrote:  Re.Woman on CCTV

The woman who picks up the case with the laptop in from the 3 muggers is

the same woman as in post

the case is then passed (with a change of hair colour in between) to another woman who could be Elena.

So if it is Elena she was in on the "attempt" to kill Gavrik (!?)

So who does Tariq recognise - can't think of a reason why he should recognise the first woman,although he was monitoring CCTV during the Anglo Russian reception in 10.1, but the image of Elena is not clear enough to give a positive ID, is it?

What does this all mean?

This is not helping my attempt to quit smoking!

Poor Tariq. I thought he might be a goner when they introduced Callum. They always seem to bring on the replacement an episode or two before they kill off one of our favorites.

As to Elena I do not trust her at all and while she seemed torn durng the ballet scene with Harry I think Gavrik is running this operation to get revenge on Harry and on her. What better way to do this?

As for Harry he seems so sad and miserable in his scenes with Ruth. I read all of this as Harry trying to protect Ruth and keep her from the firestorm which his life has become. Losing her and putting her life in danger again would just about finish him off. But, Ruth will figure this all out one way or another. I only hope she can save Harry. It will be a rough ride for sure.

Cannot wait for the next piece of this. Talk about high anxiety......Smile
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27-09-2011, 06:03 AM
Post: #539
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
(26-09-2011 10:50 PM)FATBOY Wrote:  Re.Woman on CCTV

So if it is Elena she was in on the "attempt" to kill Gavrik (!?)

What does this all mean?

This is not helping my attempt to quit smoking!

Interesting, hadn't thought of that angle
Series 10 Spoiler: show
where Elena might be playing both of them. She wants to defect (notice she thanked Harry for asking her to work for him again?) Maybe she has set this up (she'd know his codes from the past?) She wants husband dead, son out of the FSB and who better to help than Harry? She sees the London posting as the opportunity. The Russian plotters said they trusted 'Gavrik' (but which one?) They could've found out about Elena, talked her into helping bring down MI5 and Harry who they see as being in the way. She has agreed, but really has her own agenda. Harry is too involved in past emotions to see what's going on. Possible?

I really think Jim Coaver is too obvious too much of a red herring and the same goes for Ilya. They are playing Elena as the victim of the services now, is she really the ultimate femme fatal, including the emotional grip she has on her son too?

Good luck fatboy with the smoking Wink
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27-09-2011, 09:12 AM
Post: #540
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Looking at the trailers again there is a scene where Harry is interrogating / shouting at someone sat on a chair. Is it Coaver?

Also, much as I would love the final scene to be Ruth and Harry on the hill together (having saved the UK yet again) I can't help thinking it is more likely to be Ruth reaching for and holding Harry's hand as they are waiting together for the "big bang" ending they know is coming and we have been told about. Perhaps Peter Firth's "there may be hope" means we don't see the aftermath / bodies. I hope I am wrong about the ending !
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