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Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
03-10-2011, 04:25 PM
Post: #561
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Series 10 Spoiler: show
'It’s a no win. I get rather a lot of those.' Harry to Calum
'That’s politics, Ruth. You’ll learn quickly.' Towers
'We need your help with Jim Coaver.' Harry to Ruth
'I can’t do it, Harry.' Elena or Erin
'Let’s see if he’s on Facebook...' Calum
'You know you don’t have to do this.' Ruth to Harry or Harry to Erin
'So what is it with you guys and hanging about by the river?' Coaver
'You stupid man...' Towers to Harry
'I will not allow anything to undermine this operation.' Harry
'Big kiss for you!' Erin to daughter

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04-10-2011, 10:21 AM
Post: #562
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
So, I've been trying to work out which parts of the trailer we've not yet seen and which episodes they're going to be in. I've decided the best way to work it out is to look at what clothes they're wearing - for example, what tie Harry is wearing or what coat Ruth is wearing.

This is my theory: (I've put it all as a spoiler so not to ruin it for anyone that doesn't want to know, plus i'm useless at knowing what should be in it and what shouldn't!)

Series 10 Spoiler: show
In the clip for next week (at the end of ep 3) we see harry wearing a red tie, and later a gold tie. We know his meeting with Elena in the park comes up and the bit where Ruth see's him. Harry is also wearing a red tie (1) when he burns the letter/piece of paper (2) when Elena is touching his face (or practically!) and (3) when he kisses Ruth. But in the kiss scene Ruth is wearing a white coat not a black one so I don't think that bit is until later on.

My guess is that - next week we see all the stuff with Harry and Elena, possibly the burning of the letter and all the parts where he is wearing a gold tie. Judging by Ian Wylie's new article, I think the kiss scene is in episode 5 (and Harry's probably just wearing a red tie again to confuse us!), probably something to do with when Harry needs Ruth's help to uncover Jim Coaver. That leaves the rest of the scenes where Ruth is wearing the dark coat with the tie round it for episode 6 - the picture of them standing on the hill holding hands and possibly the scene where they are in the car together. Lastly, I also think the bit where Ruth grabs harry's hand is in the final ep as she is wearing the dark coat again.

So that's my theory. If you think back to what NW said about them dropping breadcrumbs the whole way through I think we are starting to see it. Elena said that Harry loved Ruth. HS asked if she was married. I think all these bits were put in deliberately and over the next 3 eps it will finally come together. I think by ep 5 we will start to get more of the H & R scenes we want to see. From a writer's point of view, I can't believe the ending won't be a happy one for them. At the end of the day they want the audience to be happy with the ending and I think if they didn't make it happy for H & R then too many people would be disappointed. Also, thinking back to the radio 4 interview with NW and PF - I think the way the spoke about the last scene made it sound as if it was just them too together.

That's my opinion anyway! Can't wait for Sunday!
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04-10-2011, 11:35 AM
Post: #563
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
(03-10-2011 02:56 PM)loladom Wrote:  
(03-10-2011 02:01 PM)Tea Lady Wrote:  Following on from Silkties comments in the episode 3 thread, here is my best guess to what is going on. This is just from my own jumbled mind and is not based on any spoilers.

I think Ilya is in cahoots with those Russians we saw at the start of 10.1. This is all basically a big KGB/FSB plot. Ilya knows his wife was a spy but loved/loves her. He has been forced to activate her again. Ilya has already proved what a good spy he is when dealing with Martha. For the plot to suceed, the best, being Harry Pearce needs to be taken out as well as British intelligence's focus. Distract Harry, and you distract the whole team. It's classic miss-direction. The attempt on Ilya's life was set up by him. The woman in the CCTV was very clear. She is being used by the Russians and ILya knew they would trace her back to CIA. Ilya would know about the ballet and it would be easy to make it look like the CIA. Why though is the question? Is it all just an overt way to get secrets out of the British?

Or simply good old fashioned revenge for being cuckolded? Setting Coaver and the CIA up is the added bonus given his involvement with Elena. Getting the old friends to kill the special relationship of themselves, their security services and their governments.Plus getting Harry out of the way and weakening MI5 in general would give greater power to the Russians in the deal. Ilya is certainly smart enough to pull off your plan, which is very plausible.

I'd be a bit disappointed if this is what it's all about though. I want something more. I remember feeling that about the Lucas/John story though, I wanted something more complex than what we got.

Very much agree.

Season 9 was a strange one - the individual episodes were good, a couple of them excellent and yet overall there was this feeling of dissatisfaction. It was pretty clear well before the end that there was going to be no redemption for Lucas and there were no Spooks-like twists.

Obviously the jury is out on S10 - no-one will have been surprised by the revelations at the end of E3. There do only seem the two paths as outlined above but neither of those would surprise or shock in the Spook-honoured manner.

If this it then quite honestly I will reluctantly reconcile myself to the fact that it probably was time to call it quits.

We shall see.
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06-10-2011, 10:46 AM
Post: #564
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Been watching Spooks now for over ten seasons, not always it was equally good in quality, this season it's a bit less, they keep repeting themselves and after all - we saw everything already once before...

When we follow this plotline of recent episodes, i more and more get the feeling that there is no impersonator of Harry Pearce, the final line of the final episode will be that all these years Pearce himself was a Russian spy !
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07-10-2011, 12:09 PM
Post: #565
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
According to the BBC Spooks synopsis for Episode 5, there is not only

Series 10 Spoiler: show
an brutal attempt on Gavrik, but also on the HS. This is getting ridiculous. They seem to want to kill each other. Perhaps the impersonator is behind all these attempts. I can't imagine who he/she is. It must be a group of impersonators.

To top it off, Sasha finds out about his true paternity. Mark my words, he is going to go berserk. It is amazing how some children can hate their birth parents, at least adopted children do. I fear for Harry's and Ruth's lives. I did not like at all the way Sasha called Ruth "that woman" in episode 3.

I do not mind the "Elena" arc, even if she might want to get revenge on Harry. In episode 3 Elena was fishing for information about Harry. First Elena told Ruth that Harry loved her and when Ruth did not react, she tried another tactic, the difficulty that Harry had with trust. To me this conversation proves that Elena is up to no good.

I really do not like the "Russian" son storyline. The Sasha plot is just too melodramatic for me. I do not know why the writers could not have used the problems of Graham (drugs?), Harry's son with his ex-wife Jane, as a plot. The Russians, Ilya, Elena or perhaps the Russian mafia, could still have hurt Harry through Graham or even Catherine.

I was expecting more of a political story and less of a family melodrama, Greek tragedy or not. Perhaps we will get the political angle in the last two episodes.

I doubt that Harry is a Russian spy. Kudos would not destroy ten years of hardwork by the actors and writers just for the shock of repudiating Harry's character. The same applies to Ruth too.
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09-10-2011, 11:06 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2011 11:24 PM by kaytea411.)
Post: #566
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
(03-10-2011 02:01 PM)Tea Lady Wrote:  Following on from Silkties comments in the episode 3 thread......

I think Ilya is in cahoots with those Russians we saw at the start of 10.1. This is all basically a big KGB/FSB plot. Ilya knows his wife was a spy but loved/loves her. He has been forced to activate her again. ....... Why though is the question? Is it all just an overt way to get secrets out of the British?

I've thought the same thing about Ilya more than once, but wanted to share an additional thought.... The Russian in 10.1 says that "Gavrik" has never let them down (or something to that effect)...... While there are pictures of them all -- perhaps he was referring to Elena and not Ilya???

I think Ilya is a villian, of course -- but more likely that Elena is the true conspirator. With the assissination of her parents, perhaps she continued as a spy post MI-6/CIA, with a local faction and wants the Russian/British relationship to fail? Or she's angry with Harry for leaving her/Sasha behind and framing him now?

I think her assissination was a hoax (too close to miss)

[fyi -- I don't really remember all of 10.1 at the Russian house -- so like all good speculation, am probably completely wrong].

As a second thread and more improbability of accuracy... I think Harry leaves to save/protect Sasha at some point. I still think that Coaver is innocent (for no reason except too obvious) and that Sasha takes matters into his own hands. Harry will take the blame for any impact to the CIA and tries to figure a 'way out'

Love that Ruth will work for the HS. Of course, she and Harry are my favorite, but this protects her and puts her in 1) a better position to help Harry and 2) hopefully a better position for an equal relationship
(07-10-2011 12:09 PM)beatrice4ruth Wrote:  To top it off, Sasha finds out about his true paternity......

I was expecting more of a political story and less of a family melodrama, Greek tragedy or not.....

About Sasha.... I agree and really think he already knows/suspects. That's why he asked Harry in Episode 3, why Harry came to tell him in person (vs. sending that 'woman') that Harry would be handling the matter and Sasha should stop. The 10.4 Elena/Harry hug in the park was a bit tell-tale too.

I like your comment about Greek tragedy too..... clearly much of the Harry/Ruth drama is happening off-stage (like much of Greek drama). Understandable as this isn't a soap opera, but I wish the scripts had included more 1:1 with H/R and
1. explained their reconciliation (of sorts) in the 8-week suspension/inquiry,
2. their personal reactions to Tariq,
3. Harry's decision in 10.4 to take action BEFORE hearing from Dimitri,
4. plus any additional thoughts about all the secrets.

The park bench scene was very good, just wish there were more H/R [/php]moments like this before we say a final good-bye.
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09-10-2011, 11:45 PM
Post: #567
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Well it's quite possible that the Russians have been "running" Elena and have allowed it to be discovered by the Brits, who assume it's the CIA, in order to cause a rift in the US-UK special relationship.
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10-10-2011, 12:25 PM
Post: #568
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
I'm getting a very odd feeling there's going to be something out of kilter with Dmitri. Although he's having more screen time now we still know practically nothing about him. So could there be something cataclysmic coming up?

Elena is at the bottom of everything.

I'm sure it's going to be a bittersweet ending. Some members of the team will live and some will die.

Best guess is that Ruth and Harry will be "killed" in a bomb or shoot out but then in the final clip we will see them meeting up in Perth, Australia or some other far-flung destination.
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10-10-2011, 12:34 PM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2011 12:34 PM by loladom.)
Post: #569
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
I've changed my mind completely. Most people seem to think Jim Coaver is being set up and I agree. I don't think it's Ilya either.

Series 10 Spoiler: show
It's Sacha. I can't decide if he knows Harry is his father and knows Coaver stopped their extraction, or he wants revenge on Harry or he thinks Coaver is his father...but he put something into the laptop about Coaver and there was a picture of Coaver and the 'shooter' woman together, same shot. He of course could've set up 2 faked assassination attempts on Ilya and Elena. Both attempts failed, in almost clownish ways, meaning they are not intending to actually kill. It's all a set up. A set up of both HArry and Jim. Finally the Russians in the beginning talked about trusting Gavrick. Could easily be Sacha.

Harry has to confront his son....will it be son or country? Finale climax.
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10-10-2011, 04:03 PM
Post: #570
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
After last night's episode, I'm still hanging onto the Elena bandwagon.

(07-10-2011 12:09 PM)beatrice4ruth Wrote:  
Series 10 Spoiler: show
I do not mind the "Elena" arc, even if she might want to get revenge on Harry. In episode 3 Elena was fishing for information about Harry. First Elena told Ruth that Harry loved her and when Ruth did not react, she tried another tactic, the difficulty that Harry had with trust. To me this conversation proves that Elena is up to no good.

I absolutely agree! And then the
Series 10 Spoiler: show
assassination attempt - a trained markswoman who apparently is a deadly killer just happens to miss from an impossibly close distance and then doesn't try to finish the job? Really?

I'm starting to think that Ilya and Elena are in on it together (Elena will betray him, of course) and they're framing Coaver. All you have to do is borrow a car and he's set up. Just seems a little too convenient.

I still need to rewatch 10.4, but when Coaver "bumped" into Ruth coincidentally on the bridge, he mentioned an operation where he "betrayed" Harry. I'm not entirely convinced Ruth knew anything about the op. It doesn't strike me as something Harry would bring up in casual conversation about his past... Was she playing the good spy to collect more information about Coaver or was she really surprised? I really need to watch the whole thing again...

There seem to be a lot of storylines that need to be wrapped up and we only have two episodes left - I can't wait! Smile
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