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Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
17-10-2011, 07:57 PM (This post was last modified: 17-10-2011 08:00 PM by beatrice4ruth.)
Post: #601
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
(17-10-2011 04:37 PM)loladom Wrote:  So far I have resisted a thought many hold but now I'm really afraid that
Series 10 Spoiler: show
NW's idea of audacious is to kill off Harry. I can't shake the feeling. With the hand holding clip in ep6 between H&R it seems they're setting us up for them to run off into the sunset. Except HArry will have to do one last thing first....and that will be his last thing. Surely they wouldn't give us the ending in the clip? Surely if they run off to Suffolk, that would've been kept under wraps? Can't shake the thought!
Hope I am very very wrong. Alternatively the
Series 10 Spoiler: show
hand holding scene comes before the part he threatens (or takes?) Sacha's life with Ruth watching. Memories of George, seeing Harry so ruthless- perhaps she turns him down after all.

Why would Ruth want to do such a horrible thing? I thought that the anguish from s8 and s9 was over. Kudos can't keep dragging it up over and over.

Never thought I'd say this, but I'll be glad when this is over! Can't take the suspense!

Sorry, Loladom. Somehow my post got tangled with your post.

But I agree with you, I can't wait till Spooks is over. It's just getting too stressful.
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18-10-2011, 12:09 AM
Post: #602
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
(17-10-2011 06:51 PM)Naivety Wrote:  
Series 10.6 Spoiler: show
I discovered due to a very indiscreet tweet today that the returning character is *** ***** who runs some type of private agency. Which got me thinking that the ending would involve Harry and Ruth going into hiding so that they can live together ..........

I like your more positive thoughts.....
Not sure why we all assume it's death and despair for Harry and/or Ruth. Maybe we assume the worst to avoid being disappointed, but it's very stressful.

These are my speculative thoughts for 6:
Series 10 Spoiler: show
1. I thought it was interesting that Harry left the Grid while Ruth was in the US Embassy risking so much. I suspect that Harry was making contact with the returning character. He had already told the CIA to go through normal channels if they wanted him, so he knew it was going to happen and he'd need 'outside' help.

2. Harry now knows that Elena was interrogated at length and 'miraculously' returned. In the trailer for 6, Harry was threatening Sasha -- but I think he was doing so in order to get her to admit to the scheme.

3. Harry and Ruth were on the coast during their 'moment' I think this was then end (just shown out of sequence). Why? Because I want it to be. I simply cannot take the stress of believing an unhappy ending all week. Ruth is proposing to Harry (sort of) and that is worth an ironic laugh...........

Great episode and I'm looking forward to the next!!
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18-10-2011, 12:15 AM (This post was last modified: 18-10-2011 01:10 AM by Betty.)
Post: #603
Ruth RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Has anybody else wondered what Harry was doing while Ruth was stealing the laptop? He said he was going to see about some ideas of his own. The camera kept showing his eyes in the rear view was strange.
Here are my wild and crazy guess for the last lines of episode 6, after Harry has died, saving Ruth and Sasha:

Ruth: I can't, Home Secretary. I'm going to have--

Towers: Life goes on, Ruth. Queen and country. We still need you.

Ruth: You see, I'm going to have a child. It's his. It's Harry's.
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18-10-2011, 02:13 AM
Post: #604
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
This is how I picture those final few moments in episode 6 that all the critics keep referring to:

Series 10 Spoiler: show
Harry dies. Time passes and Ruth retreats to her cottage on the coast to grieve. One morning, she is in her kitchen when she sees a man approaching through her garden. Look, it's Tom Quinn! They greet each other and over a cup of tea he tells her that it is possible to find a satisfying life after MI5, even when one has suffered a terrible personal loss. He tells her that the great joy in life is not having to put oneself in a box any longer. He tells her that the best way she can honor Harry is to live a full life. And with that he leaves and the sun sets on Spooks for good.

This is not what I have hoped for H/R for the last 8 years (!), but it would be a fitting ending.
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18-10-2011, 02:36 AM (This post was last modified: 18-10-2011 01:42 PM by beatrice4ruth.)
Post: #605
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
I am not quite sure about Harry's paternity. Elena could still be lying. It is real strange that 3 people with hazel eyes would have a son with very blue eyes and brown hair. He might be Jim Coaver's or another foreigner's son for all we know. He might even be an orphan. A DNA test would be great to settle the matter.

But, in the end whatever his parentage, he is Ilya's son who has raised from birth. I am surprised that Ilya had not guessed about Sasha's parentage, since he knew that Elena had been unfaithful to him. Perhaps he raised Sasha in such a way that he would hate Harry and harm him and his loved ones. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

I am afraid that I might be right. I have just read Ian Wylie's blog for episode 6. I am very worried about the following

Series 10 Spoiler: show
"The ending was, for me, about as perfect as I could have hoped for. Especially the closing minutes of this ten series Spooks’ journey. As I’ve said in this blog many times, we all see things in different ways – so I know not everyone will agree."

I can see myself not agreeing with him. I hope that in the closing minutes both Harry and Ruth escape death, but I am not so certain now. I can see Harry dying as a hero to redeem his past mistakes. I also hope that Harry and Ruth will not separate, which would not make sense after all the revelations about their feelings.

I wonder whether Sasha is behind the terrorist plane plot. It seems such a modern terrorist attack, organized by a younger generation of Russian intelligence agents. Somehow, Elena, Ilya and Harry are dinosaurs from the Cold War past who might not resort to such a deadly plan.
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18-10-2011, 03:41 AM (This post was last modified: 18-10-2011 03:42 AM by loladom.)
Post: #606
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Right, so I'm going to stop sending myself bonkers and think positively. An alternative to the doom and gloom
Series 10 Spoiler: show
Harry dies idea, how about they make out that Harry dies? His death is faked so he can escape extradition to the US and also get out of MI-5 to retire safely? Let's face it, there'll always be some maverick who thinks he could be of use even in retirement. So his death is faked and maybe even Ruth believes he's gone, only they are reunited in the last few seconds on screen?

Lots of people (me included) assume the 'old face' is part of the plot but the mirror says he makes a 'fleeting' reappearance. What if Harry enlists his help to 'disappear' thereby not implicating any of his staff or Ruth?

Be positive! I'm telling myself.
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18-10-2011, 07:47 AM
Post: #607
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
Having seen IW's blog and photos I am really depressed about the ending now !
Series 10 Spoiler: show
I was hoping that the writers were bluffing us by showing us the photo of Harry and Ruth together, looking over the estuary, as most people wouldn't think the final scene would be shown in previews. I think that this scene will nearly be the ending but the photo of Dimitri, Erin and Calum running with guns along the stretch of coast line leads me to think that they are racing to try to save Harry and Ruth from someone or each other ?! The main threat of the plane seems to have gone because surely Harry and Ruth won't be standing there if not, so the threat will either be a reprisal for this, each other or Tom.

IW's comment that not everyone will like the ending sounds ominous to me. If someone is going to die, and it has been said that not all survive, I hope it is not Harry or Ruth but if it is I hope that both go together, holding hands as they do so.
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18-10-2011, 09:37 AM
Post: #608
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
One thing I don't understand about the laptop information if it belonged to Coaver is if he was a good guy and hadn't betrayed Harry all these years over what happened between him and Elena why would there be a document confirming the real paternity of Sacha on file anywhere? Who would possibly need to know that information? I was under the impression that until Sacha found the laptop only three people (Harry, Elena and Coaver) knew who his father really was. I can't see that sort of information being recorded just in case Sacha needed a transplant or something Smile and his real father needed to be found. I don't think the security services would care that much. It just seemed like a silly thing to have written down anywhere.

(18-10-2011 07:47 AM)harrbd Wrote:  Having seen IW's blog and photos I am really depressed about the ending now !
Series 10 Spoiler: show
I was hoping that the writers were bluffing us by showing us the photo of Harry and Ruth together, looking over the estuary, as most people wouldn't think the final scene would be shown in previews. I think that this scene will nearly be the ending but the photo of Dimitri, Erin and Calum running with guns along the stretch of coast line leads me to think that they are racing to try to save Harry and Ruth from someone or each other ?! The main threat of the plane seems to have gone because surely Harry and Ruth won't be standing there if not, so the threat will either be a reprisal for this, each other or Tom.

IW's comment that not everyone will like the ending sounds ominous to me. If someone is going to die, and it has been said that not all survive, I hope it is not Harry or Ruth but if it is I hope that both go together, holding hands as they do so.

Series 10 Spoiler: show
I'm choosing to believe that the photos of Dmitri etc on the same coastline as H/R is nothing more than them trying to get to them to say goodbye before they leave rather than saving them from something. I'm hoping all this happens at the very end after what seems to be some sort of interrogation between Harry and Elena/Sacha because if it happens before and something 'bad' happens there I don't think Ruth would forgive him to ask the same thing.
The released photos of Tom kind of look like the same setting as the bad guys at the start of episode 1. I have no idea whether he's coming back as a good or bad guy. Would Tom work against us? I'm not entirely convinced he would.
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18-10-2011, 09:44 AM
Post: #609
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
i asked allison graham of the radio times on Twitter if the returning character
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Tom Quinn/ Matthew Macfadyen
would be only fleeting or something more than 5 min and she said i would be disapointed ;(

SPOOKS 2002-2011 - Thanks for the Memory's
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18-10-2011, 10:25 AM (This post was last modified: 18-10-2011 11:34 AM by beatrice4ruth.)
Post: #610
RE: Series 10 Rumours & Speculation
(18-10-2011 03:41 AM)loladom Wrote:  Right, so I'm going to stop sending myself bonkers and think positively. An alternative to the doom and gloom
Series 10 Spoiler: show
Harry dies idea, how about they make out that Harry dies? His death is faked so he can escape extradition to the US and also get out of MI-5 to retire safely? Let's face it, there'll always be some maverick who thinks he could be of use even in retirement. So his death is faked and maybe even Ruth believes he's gone, only they are reunited in the last few seconds on screen?

Lots of people (me included) assume the 'old face' is part of the plot but the mirror says he makes a 'fleeting' reappearance. What if Harry enlists his help to 'disappear' thereby not implicating any of his staff or Ruth?

Be positive! I'm telling myself.

Yes, I like your idea very much. I am getting madder and madder at Kudos for showing us the extreme loneliness of Harry and the frumpy clothes of Ruth whereas Ilya seems to have a happy family life and Elena wears beautiful clothes. It seems so unfair. After all, Ilya has killed and ruined the lives of many people. Don't Harry and Ruth deserve some happiness?

My heart just stopped. In one magazine about PF's favorite moments, the scan is very blurry, published this week, PF said that

Series 10 Spoiler: show
H/R are emotional cripples. It seems they'll never get together. And I'm not sure I'd want them to either"...

I am clinging at the word "it seems". Perhaps there is hope!

Please tell me I misread or misunderstood the headline of the article. Or perhaps PF is teasing us or he does not know yet the ending!
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