Poll: Will Harry and Ruth get together by the end of the show?
I don't think so - a happy ending for them probably isn't in keeping with the show's philosophy.
Please yes - one happy ending won't being back all the others who didn't get one.
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[spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
10-07-2011, 04:46 PM
Post: #201
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
Hahaha! This conversation is getting a little hard to read! Does every speculation about Harry and Ruth now come with a spoiler alert?
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10-07-2011, 04:51 PM
Post: #202
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
Series 10 Spoiler: show
I'm certainly not disputing that Ruth loves Harry, and that he probably knows it. But sometimes love is not enough. All I'm saying is that Harry and Ruth was not engaged in a relationship by the end of the season, so I'm not sure what the article is referring to. It is clear that even though Ruth loves him, it is not enough to overcome her own guilt and Harry's part in George's death up till now.

If they are in a relationship by the start of season 10, I hope it is explained sufficiently. I want to know what changed to make Ruth finally take the leap.

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10-07-2011, 06:42 PM
Post: #203
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
Series 10 Spoiler: show
The article simplifies the complicated love of Harry and Ruth and turns it into a relationship. If indeed there is a real relationship at the beginning of S10, we might never know how it has happened. Spooks has changed directions before between 2 series. In S8 Ruth was still showing her compassionate nature; suddenly in S9 she was dead inside.

Hopefully, Ruth’s tears at the end of S9 indicate that her love for Harry is stronger than her guilt in George’s death. An overkill of anguish, which seems to continue in S10, will drive away the loyal fans of Spooks.
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10-07-2011, 07:27 PM
Post: #204
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
Series series 10 Spoiler: show
I really can't see the writers brushing over the "how" if they get Ruth and Harry together so I can see the writers getting them closer, which is still a relationship. I perhaps see Ruth giving Harry his chance that he so sadly resigned himself to, that Ruth wouldn't give him in series 9. Kudos have hit the right notes so far, and I have every faith they will do so in series 10. If they have any sense they will do what they did at the start of 9.1 and set out the Ruth/Harry stall early on, so the programme can move swiftly on and consign the Ruth/Harry story to the B plot to rumble on nicely.

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10-07-2011, 07:47 PM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2011 09:28 PM by beatrice4ruth.)
Post: #205
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
(10-07-2011 07:27 PM)Tea Lady Wrote:  
Series series 10 Spoiler: show
I really can't see the writers brushing over the "how" if they get Ruth and Harry together so I can see the writers getting them closer, which is still a relationship. I perhaps see Ruth giving Harry his chance that he so sadly resigned himself to, that Ruth wouldn't give him in series 9. Kudos have hit the right notes so far, and I have every faith they will do so in series 10. If they have any sense they will do what they did at the start of 9.1 and set out the Ruth/Harry stall early on, so the programme can move swiftly on and consign the Ruth/Harry story to the B plot to rumble on nicely.
Series series 10 Spoiler: show
If only! sigh...my greatest wish...
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10-07-2011, 08:56 PM
Post: #206
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
Seriously, guys!
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10-07-2011, 10:06 PM
Post: #207
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
Everyone seems to be running away with idea 'relationship'. Given that a realtionship between any two people in its simplest terms is nothing more that 'a connection' you could pick any two people in the department and say they are in a relationship - no one said anything about romance!
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11-07-2011, 06:42 AM
Post: #208
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
Of course. We talk about Harry and Ruth's relationship all the time. It doesn't suddenly mean they're "doing it" (to quote Nicola!).
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11-07-2011, 01:25 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2011 01:26 PM by Forever Secret.)
Post: #209
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
Definatly,relationship doesn't always mean together. (Hehe love the Nicola quote DogSoSmall Big Grin)
In Harry and Ruth's case it is a complicated relationship, more than friends not quite lovers,
The word though does bring a little hope to the hopeless couple haha Tongue

Series S9AndSeries10 Spoiler: show
Since it's already complicated I guess what ever secret it is from Harry's past is enough to make her trust in him more frail, (Could imagine the whole "secret revealed thing" being so she has to make a choice)

After what happened with Albany at the end of S9 it would either bring them closer together or pull them further apart, perhaps when this secret is revealed it will do the same thing.

What interesting is how the article said only about Ruth's relationship with Harry being put at risk.
What about the rest of the team?
Makes me wonder if this secret is a professional or personal one and just how bad it is, how much will affect Ruth on a personal level? If its enough to make her doubt him or put their relationship at risk it has to be something pretty bad Wink

[Image: smallersig-1.jpg]
You and I...We're made of secrets-Ruth Evershed S10
"If it was up to me and Peter they'd have done it loads by now"- Nicola Walker Wink
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11-07-2011, 06:26 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2011 10:14 PM by beatrice4ruth.)
Post: #210
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
Series series 10 Spoiler: show
It was mentioned in a previous review that the secret threatened not only Harry's relationship with Ruth, but also his relationship with those close to him. I suppose his family; with the rumored departure of Tariq (sorry, I cannot remember where I saw this info and therefore I cannot quote the source) on the grid there would be left only Dimitri. If Harry had an affair with a Russian spy and even a child with her, Ruth might forgive him his personal failing. After all, she lived with George, but she never disclosed her true profession to him.

She would draw the line if it was proven that Harry had committed treason (I shudder at that word) during a possible liaison with a foreign agent. Ruth got upset with Harry when she thought that he had given away Albany. She would never forgive him a real betrayal. If Harry somehow betrayed the country, some fans would no longer blame Ruth for her refusal of Harry's marriage proposal.

Or Harry might never forgive Ruth if she no longer trusted him and accused him of treason, even though he was innocent.

I hope that Spooks does not chose either distasteful possibility. Ruth is my favorite character and I love the way she has developed throughout the series. I want do not want the character of Harry as an honorable man to be destroyed. The whole Spooks show would be a sham.

I just want Harry and Ruth to be together after so much suffering. They have already paid the price of being a spy.
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