Spooks: 2002-2011

Poll: Will Harry and Ruth get together by the end of the show?
I don't think so - a happy ending for them probably isn't in keeping with the show's philosophy.
Please yes - one happy ending won't being back all the others who didn't get one.
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[spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
22-09-2011, 07:54 PM
Post: #291
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
(22-09-2011 04:27 PM)Silktie Wrote:  It amuses me that the man who is so hopeless with Ruth managed to persuade not one, but TWO strong, beautiful and intelligent women to sleep with him back in the day.

What went wrong, Harry old boy? Lost that mojo in the intervening years? Tongue

Or maybe the women did the seducing more than Harry. Big Grin

Ha ha Big Grin Actually though, I do wonder if Elena WAS strong back in the day. Isn't it more likely her experiences made her who she is now? To be tuned by a British spy against your husband, let alone your Country, don't you have to be weak? There has to be something missing in your life. Something important for the spy to manipulate? Maybe it was a honey trap that became more?

Harry's lonely. Ruth isn't there for him like he would like. He's nearing 60. Your confidence with the opposite sex must be pretty low. I didn't see any sign of Harry pining after Ruth again. Elena though is a known quantity and it must be easier for Harry to move towards her now.

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23-09-2011, 06:00 AM
Post: #292
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
(22-09-2011 07:54 PM)Tea Lady Wrote:  Harry's lonely. Ruth isn't there for him like he would like. He's nearing 60. Your confidence with the opposite sex must be pretty low. I didn't see any sign of Harry pining after Ruth again. Elena though is a known quantity and it must be easier for Harry to move towards her now.

To be fair, he had a fair bit on his plate in episode 1, I don't think he had much time to pine after Ruth, what with all the other emotions he had to cope with - the return of a long lost son who promptly points a gun in his face, and Elena being in danger, etc.

There isn't much more Harry can do with regards to Ruth, I don't think. He's probably resigned himself that what will be, will be, and is waiting for her to take a firm decision either way. I'm still rooting for them, though, and hope that Ruth will take a decision towards him and not away from him.

And I'm not sure whether Harry can move towards Elena, even if he would want to? What with Sasha watching their every move, and what's at stake here for the country, it would be a terrible decision operationally speaking on his part. He'll have to think with what's between his ears in this instance.

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23-09-2011, 08:22 AM
Post: #293
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
To be honest I neither saw Harry pining after Elena. What I saw was him being catapulted back into a time he seemed to have buried long ago and this came all crashing down on him again. I'm quite sure he's enough of a realist to know that he can't just go back in time and continue where they left off.

Harry and Ruth however seem to be very comfortable again with each other and Harry seems to have accepted the fact that there's is nothing from his side he can do about that but I still don't think he has given up on her.

Like Silktie said, it would be Ruth's turn now to take the next step towards a relationship and I think both of them know this and judging from their easy interaction they or rather Ruth could be on a good way (I'm still hoping for this).

I won't speculate too much as we do not know how much contact they have had during Harry's absence or what exactly they have talked about and "agreed" upon regarding their relationship (or non-relationship) so I'll just wait for whatever the writers intend to do with it.
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23-09-2011, 09:24 AM
Post: #294
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
I saw Harry reminiscing for the past, not being interested now (except for Elena's/Sacha's safety)

I think I'll just send a silent plea to Ruth using the words of a Lucas is John is a ghost -
'For god's sake be brave, say yes!' I'm still quietly hoping she will get there.
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23-09-2011, 12:05 PM
Post: #295
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
I agree that the ball is in Ruth's court.

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24-09-2011, 06:51 AM
Post: #296
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
(23-09-2011 09:24 AM)loladom Wrote:  I saw Harry reminiscing for the past, not being interested now (except for Elena's/Sacha's safety)

I think I'll just send a silent plea to Ruth using the words of a Lucas is John is a ghost -
'For god's sake be brave, say yes!' I'm still quietly hoping she will get there.

I think she already has. Smile She came to Harry's hearing, did not flinch when described as someone with whom Harry has a "personal relationship", came as his "plus one" to the reception, and most importantly, said "we can unpick it all, together". She's there, IMO.
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24-09-2011, 07:34 AM (This post was last modified: 24-09-2011 06:49 PM by Naivety.)
Post: #297
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
I have just watched 10.1 for the **coughs** fifth time Blush and Ruth's expression has nothing but warmth for Harry during this episode. I would also say that she has no illusions about what he is capable of. She is more concerned about keeping Harry out of the poop where his career is concerned because he has taken so many risks.
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24-09-2011, 08:09 AM
Post: #298
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
I don't think she's quite in his arms yet, but I agree, she's certainly moving in the right direction and the "we'll unpick it together" comment was not insignificant. I think perhaps PF and NW may have bee trying to throw us off the scent. Smile But I do suspect something will make sure it isn't smooth sailing during this season. I'm feeling optimistic still though.
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27-09-2011, 02:22 PM
Post: #299
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
I think that this series Ruth is the one who is trying to move things with Harry to next level but after 10.2 its Harry who has other priorities at the moment and sort of closing out her from his personal life. Keeping it business only. But I think after Ruth's speech about "dependable Ruth" he did look hurt.

I think its just that its never the right moment for these two... *sigh*
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27-09-2011, 02:58 PM (This post was last modified: 27-09-2011 03:13 PM by beatrice4ruth.)
Post: #300
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth: Back With A Vengeance?
At least in this series we cannot accuse Ruth of shutting off Harry. She really looked in love in episode 1.

Even though Harry has a lot on his mind, he should open up to Ruth in a hurry. When she asked her question about Sasha, it was not out of personal curiosity but to limit the damage that this revelation could do on Harry's career. He should have realized that she was trying to help him. He can use his boss privilege on his other agents, but he depends on Ruth to save his career. As usual, it was bad timing for the two, because next Ruth is going to dinner with the HS and she might consider his promotion.

Over the years when Harry treated Ruth badly, he felt bad afterward and later kind of apologized for his boorish behavior. It is strange that Harry acted in the same curt way with Ruth when the team was talking about Catherine in 3.4. He got so defensive and snapped at Ruth (your middle name is "there is something else"; sorry paraphrase). When he left the conference room, he felt guilty and tried to make a nice remark to Ruth. His children really get to Harry.
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