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Peter Firth #2
18-05-2011, 04:16 PM
Post: #421
RE: Peter Firth #2
(15-05-2011 03:02 PM)Tea Lady Wrote:  If you have SKY, they are showing "Garden of Redemption" today. It's on channel 149, CBS Drama. It's on again at 7pm tonight.

Is this any good? Does PF have a decent role in it, or is it one of those that you only see him for a few seconds in?

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18-05-2011, 07:17 PM
Post: #422
RE: Peter Firth #2
(18-05-2011 04:16 PM)Silktie Wrote:  
(15-05-2011 03:02 PM)Tea Lady Wrote:  If you have SKY, they are showing "Garden of Redemption" today. It's on channel 149, CBS Drama. It's on again at 7pm tonight.

Is this any good? Does PF have a decent role in it, or is it one of those that you only see him for a few seconds in?

Err, well it's ok. It's probably one of his better "minor" rolls. He actually plays the evil Nazi really well which is a bit scary. Can't say I would watch it again but must have been an interesting part for Peter to play.

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18-05-2011, 08:55 PM
Post: #423
RE: Peter Firth #2
Found this interview with Peter Firth on the net... Im not sure if u have already seen it but in case not i post it here...
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19-05-2011, 06:25 AM
Post: #424
RE: Peter Firth #2
Thanks, richliga. I've seen this interview before but I very much enjoyed reading it again. Mainly because PF's attitude to money is identical to mine! I can't bear an overly serious, anxious or grasping attitude to money so it makes me like PF all the more for his happy (and of course, to me, sensible) approach.
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21-05-2011, 09:33 AM
Post: #425
RE: Peter Firth #2
I was having a trawl through you tube last night and came across "Me and Mrs Jones". I had randomly played a bit of part 10 and was very pleasantly surprised when PF suddenly appeared in a background scene. I hadn't realised he was in it, so I started at part 1 and had a very pleasant evening watching him in Sir Humphrey mode! It was very enjoyable. If anyone is interested, it's shown in ten parts on you tube and is good quality.
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21-05-2011, 10:25 AM
Post: #426
RE: Peter Firth #2
Thanx..... watched that this morning. is it Tv series or a film?
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21-05-2011, 12:28 PM (This post was last modified: 21-05-2011 12:30 PM by DogSoSmall.)
Post: #427
RE: Peter Firth #2
I've no idea. Anyone else? I think it must be quite recent.

It made me laugh in the party scenes the way PF kept appearing in the background talking to a different set of people. I could imagine him getting a kick out of stage-managing that! Smile
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21-05-2011, 12:42 PM
Post: #428
RE: Peter Firth #2
It's a TV movie, from 2002. I got it on DVD awhile ago - I think it's quite easily available. PF's not in it that much, unfortunately, but I thought it quite an enjoyable film nevertheless.

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21-05-2011, 01:50 PM
Post: #429
RE: Peter Firth #2
If you love watching Peter in smart suit and ties, it's a great film Big Grin

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21-05-2011, 09:04 PM (This post was last modified: 21-05-2011 09:13 PM by Forever Secret.)
Post: #430
RE: Peter Firth #2
I just bought White Angel on DVD Wink I have no idea if I'm going to like it, but I've been told Peter is very good in it... Saw some pics from the movie on the PF site, I have to say he looks pretty scary haha Wink His performence in Equus unsettled me too but thats what was so brilliant about it Wink
... *waits patiently*

Annoyed I didn't get to catch "Garden of Redemption" the other day :/
Haha TL *agrees* Peter in a suit, good good Wink

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